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Im sorry but that is really rude, it really puzzles me as to why people go to such lengths to humiliate others and down grade them, Shaun has a right to do what he has a interest in very much like us and i know for a fact when one of our recent poster whitsy was saying rude stuff about us in general talking about Scooby Alex you were one of the ones who kicked up a stink about it, Yet its fine for you to turn around and be rude to someone else and there interest's, first word that comes to my mind would have to be hypocrite. What will be even more funny about this is someone is going to remove these posts just to cover his ass.

Edited by klassen24
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Computers make everyone think they can be rude just because there are no real consiquences to their actions, thats no excuse to be rude to each other, forums are about helping each other out and discussing peoples opinions. Can people try and be civil, let it be.

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Gee, that time machine is really getting a lot of use - I just used it to go back to

Ebay Member since: 25-Jul-02
so i could register (today) and mock him. Nathan, there is a difference in relation to the scooby thread, and that is that it was borderline obscene. The user you mention was making sexual references which were inappropriate. I have not done so. Since the previous discussions, I chose to keep my comments out of public forum, and direct them solely at the person who they were intended. Shaun has chosen to publicly post that information, not me. Considering there is more than one Alex registered here, I could easily have denied being the one to do so, but I see no point. They are my feelings, my comments and I made them - privately. He thinks he is embarassing me? I'm not embarassed. I'm not trying to flog my $2 concept on eBay. I considered this topic over and done with. I made a quick reply in relation to the ebay pricing, which was a topic comment made by someone else. I made no further reference to the project or any previous discussion, and took my own comments privately. I am not engaging in any further conversation on the matter, but if we are going to start pointing the rudeness finger, then there are certain cast members of the entertainment division of WBMW who should review the term hippocrite, and how it applies to them, before using the term on somebody else. Lastly - who is going to remove posts, and whose "ass" are they covering? I have no special privilege on these forums?
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Some information about the eBay auction. Just a note about what is happening since the BITTER nobody Alex, logged into eBay to post a mocking message through the auction. I have corporate backers, from a company who manufactures concrete products, an esteemed Marine Institute, to a Real Estate firm who want to paint the prototype up in their colours. I also have been approached by Popular Science, WIRED magazine, The Associated Press as well others who want exclusive coverage of the project. Having secured the financing, the next BIG PROBLEM was to find a suitable location. As you probably are aware, The Australian Government is very strict on what goes into our waters. (For good reason.) So I needed a location on private land. It didn't matter how much it is sold for, the goal is to build a functioning prototype to then sell to other Marine Institutes, the tourism industry and anyone who has the money. The amount paid for the eBay auction was very well spent. I have had enquiries from the USA, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia and Canada and many of course here in Australia. So, why a feeble minded personality like Alex would go out of his way to register himself on eBay purely to send me a rude auction message is more a reflection on his own sad life more than anything else. I actually feel sorry for people like him. His bitterness at other people's endeavours is symptomatic of a person who begrudges others because he himself is impotent to succeed in life. Shaun Waterford. Here is Alex's message below: Take a look at and laugh at Alex. Dear equisportsaustralia, HAHAQHAHA what a serious researcher you are - you tried flogging it to sea world without doing your research, and now you're selling on Ebay for $15.50. If I bid $50, will you come and install it in my swimming pool? LOL. We're all still taking the piss out of you on parkz.com.au/forums. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha h ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah a hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha h ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah a hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha h ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah a hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha h ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah - djalex_899

Edited by Habitat Waterford
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I'm sorry, but what was the point of moving your post forward and replacing it with this?

Look further on for my reply to Alex regarding the sale of my project location. Would you believe this JOKER logged on to eBay to mock me!!!!!! Read on for a good laugh all at Alex's expense.
What alex did off of these forums is the business of nobody on these forums bar yourself and Alex. I actually find your post on here more rude and Immature than anything Alex has said in this thread. And the personal slurs (from everyone) are just becoming tedious. I'm far from perfect myself, but come on guys (and gals) I think enough is enough, let's let this topic die the death it deserves.
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Yeah well, the fact is, regardless of how close you are to Alex, it wasn't just wrong it was a low act. He took something from this forum, to then go to another forum in which I am pitching the concept, and on that forum referred to this forum. In fact, if you see no problem in that I suggest you are just as despicable as he. The problem with some people is that they feel that by being anonymous, gives them the right to be obnoxious to those they have never met. Also the problem with some forums is that moderators believe they can censor someone because their Mate takes a bit of heat.
Im not close to Alex at all, and im not defending what he did. But was there really a need to bring the arguing back to this forum? Also, I never said, not once that what alex did was right, but you yourself in turn brought the bickering and put downs back here from ebay, where you could have quite easily just ignored/deleted alex's comment, ignored what was being said here, and continued on with pitching your idea to the ones that matter to you. Attacking everyone who replies to what you say on here is simply making you look more and more unprofessional. What happens if your potential clients look back on all of this? Surely thats not presenting a good image for yourself. Edited by Lotl_90
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