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Total Thrills Wonderland Farewell Meet


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Hey Screammachine I was me of course! LOL No I was Mr. Shortarse with the white shirt that was with Liam when you rocked up... And how good were the dodgems! Just watching those several cycles before us was damn funny stuff... I actualy really still can't believe just how good a day I had at WL! I just have to say once again how good the entire weekend was, will definately have to be done again sometime soon. Gyro Swing opening day anyone??

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Hey Andy_q69. I sometimes ask myself that same question. LOL. I was the one wearing the grey and blue shirt with the white collar and soaked from head to toe (DAMM you Snowy River). And if you were sittin at my table I was the one with the plate full of Potato Bake... Hehehehe
I was on your table. I was the coffee man, I got a hot chocolate and a cappucino, I also had the wrecked hair from SRR grrr. Liek omg fre coffe pl0z! :D ?!!!111oneoneone :D
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Yeah well what can I say, still have no idea why everyone went all weird when I sugested that we introduce ourselves... Strange how we'll all happily come on here and let fly at each other yet go all strange when at last we meet. LOL

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Oh yeah. How good was the free coffee!!! Except the cups all had this mouldy thing down the bottom. I pulled down like ten cups and stacked them on top of each other till I found a clean cup.. The lady was like. "Excuse me what are you doin?", and I'm like "looking for a clean cup!". She looked at me funny and walked away. Screammachine PS**; Cant wait for the Eastershow. I already have my wishlist of showbags!!! Booya!! PS2*; Maybe just as a sugestion. Maybe us locals or other people should meet up at the Eastershow aswell. Me myself will be goin to the Tuesday. Where I can pay 30bucks for unlimitted rides! Go the CLaw!!!

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PS**; Cant wait for the Eastershow. I already have my wishlist of showbags!!! Booya!! PS2*; Maybe just as a sugestion. Maybe us locals or other people should meet up at the Eastershow aswell. Me myself will be goin to the Tuesday. Where I can pay 30bucks for unlimitted rides! Go the CLaw!!!
I'll be in for that if it's possible. :) And The Claw, liek omg it's the best ride there pl0z. But I still want to know what Cliffhanger and Mega Drop is.
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It is quite possible. 'I'm a goer' I've heard before, never, 'I'm Go'. haha. Good on you old mate. I like what you've got to say. Keep up the good posts. Looks like poor old Shifty has fallen off the face of the earth? Where are you boofhead? I mean, bugger, um... Compassion is not religious business, it is human business, it is not luxury, it is essential for our own peace and mental stability, it is essential for human survival. Hugs for all. Don't fly the coup on us Shifty. We need you.

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Hey DJk. I remember everyone now. Well at least we had one thing in common we were all really wet. Me and my friends wanted to have a go at the basketball game. When out of nowhere he appears and starts giving us tips. We were like "ok....We'll be goin this way". And we all ran in fear!! But you get that though. I'v had an even wierder expierence at WBMW Madrid. We were in the Superhero area just lookin around takin it easy. And this old lady that looked like a bum came up to me and started hassling me (she spoke spanish) so I had no idea what she was on about. And then this security guard came out of nowhere and took het away. Now that was pretty random. Maybe the park is built near a loony house and somehow they escaped in MBMW. Now thats a scary thought... Screammachine Screammachine

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