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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/16 in all areas

  1. Sea World now wins chairlift removal wars against Dreamworld, 1-0.
    2 points
  2. more pictures, Dreamworld said to someone who was questioning them on Facebook what was happening.. Dreamworld denied the rumour that TTPSN made, so once again TTSPN is making shit up to get traffic to their page.. UPDATE, just got information coming in from an employee that I spoke to... Zombie Evilution is now permanently closed its due to replaced by a Tiger Island expansion for the April Holidays
    2 points
  3. Yep... Would sound so much more authentic if superman was rescuing people from Nerang train station from a tribe of bogans
    2 points
  4. Pity that temporary fencing isn't around eureka.
    2 points
  5. If they were to create a few attractions on that side of the park (on the reclaimed land and where Sea Viper was) they could also open an additional monorail station half way along that side, which would again get people moving and spreading around the park more. Although if they did that I'd like to see them return to a minimum of 2 monorails running at all times, and 3 on busier days, otherwise the wait at any of the stations could be unacceptable.
    1 point
  6. I've long thought that most of the pathways throughout Sea World are far from an ideal layout. As a starting point, I wish they'd open those stupid white low level gates that used to only be closed when the miniature train was coming through. Now there's no train but they're closed all the time, which forces everyone to go through the nearby food court. I realise that's the whole idea (to try to encourage people to spend on food / drinks or the sideshow games), but honestly I think they could do the decent thing and get rid of the gates, and give people a clearer path to walk through the park. Those who want to find food and drinks or sideshow games will have no difficulty doing so! Longer term it would be ideal if they were to create a pathway on the other side of the lake (with a few attractions on that side to draw people across to it). They could do this now with the reclaimed land they have from the lake. Maybe that is the long term plan. That way the park would have a cicular, rather than its current linear layout which would spread the crowds out a lot more evenly and make it feel like a much bigger park to explore. As for the stupid pathway they've created for the Storm coaster. Don't get me started on that but it really couldn't be much worse!
    1 point
  7. I never got to do ZE, but always enjoyed the AvP. It was a good attraction, and as already stated, something people wanted to do have go at. I am pleased that TI is getting a refurbishment. Hopefully it's what was supposed to happen last year, with seating for crowds to make watching the talks easier. It would have been great if DW did use the building for a dark ride, but I'm not complaining. There is are a number of other spaces that could be used for a dark ride.
    1 point
  8. the Today's Grill Sign finally tells you Today's Grill
    1 point
  9. Nice... 3 cubs so would make sense to have them in their own area
    1 point
  10. A major refurbishment hey? Zombie Evilution isn't in a bad condition, so it's obviously not a spruce-up refurb, probably something more along the lines of the attraction actually changing a bit. If Zombie Evilution was to go, that space as well as the stingray space and possibly some of the remaining thunderbolt land could accomodate a fairly decent rollercoaster. Or, a dark ride (wakey wakey push).
    1 point
  11. it'll be better there anyway that's where all the miners are buried who fell down the shaft in wwf. fits right with the theme
    1 point
  12. The Sunlander train was in fact worked by steam locomotives between Innisfail and Cairns in the early days. The other "Lander trains, Inlander, Midlander, Westlander were all worked by steam until quite late in the piece. In mid-1960s the Midlander was worked by diesel to Emerald then a succession of Beyer Garratt, C17 and AC16 engines to its terminus at Winton.
    1 point
  13. I have a real passion for steam locomotives and for me, as well as most people, the removal of the steamers from Dreamworld was a real blow. The replacement diesel is a grotesque caricature of a steam engine, totally devoid of charm - a first cousin of the little rubber-tyred trains you sometimes see pottering around a shopping centre or at some event.. Yes, little kiddies may like it, but they do not know of better things. It is my opinion that the diesel has not lived up to expectations and is causing a deal of concern. We are lucky however that management did not dispose of both engines, and now the Baldwin will see the light of day again. It will be 100 years old next year - and long may it continue. With the change of heart by management now, perhaps they regret giving the Perry away. If both engines were available the train ride could be re-established as the major attraction as it was in the early 1980s.
    1 point
  14. Operating times for the steam engines for many years was 10-5, every 25 minutes - 18 circuits a day. Even on the rare occasions when park opening hours were extended, the train still did its last circuit at 5pm. With the diesel it was operating 10-5 with a 30 minute service - reduced to 15 circuits a day - (and a much reduced speed.)
    1 point
  15. As far as drivers go, Legislation requires a Boiler Licence for the driver. When the decision was made to do away with the steam locos there were 4 licenced drivers at Dreamworld - the only full-time steam drivers in the state. Two were rostered each day - the conductor being one of the drivers, who could drive the train for 2 circuits when the driver had his 50 minute lunch break. He then went on his break when the driver returned. Currently there is only one licenced driver, so that when he has a lunch break the steam engine and train must be stopped for that duration. There is no licensing requirement to drive the replacement diesel and any operator who has received instruction, is able to drive it.
    1 point
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