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New display name

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Everything posted by New display name

  1. @reanimated35 thank you for clearing that up. We can now move on.
  2. LOL @AlexB did you read everyone? I think 90% of them are regarding traffic at the roundabout and this sort of thing would be conditioned in the council approval anyway. This type of condition is “normal” and after the approval is issued it will be negotiated on who covers the cost or what percent MW will pay. Same thing happened on the new overpass at DW. GCCC sent MW an information request ages ago and MW would have answered the questions by now. Most of the questions people are asking GCCC should have already been answered now. The list goes on but people get the idea.
  3. Pdonline has a lot of searching problems. MCU201600948 is the application number when it works.
  4. @Santa07 Are you lost? @Richard you might need a total re-design of Parkz. There have been cases of people saying they are leaving and they can’t find the exit. Now Santa07 said he will be back and I can’t find him anywhere. Objections for car park up to 95. .
  5. How many improvement notifications is too many? On a side note all these news sites now trying to charge you is crazy and making links annoying.
  6. Does anybody get the feeling that this is as close we ever got to it re-opening now?
  7. I prefer the guessing game. Even when MW reveal the coaster I doubt it will be full of details. It's good to be bad release had us talking for ages. When the info comes, I'm thinking we will get the same type of release.
  8. I think the memorial should be out the front in the form of a garden on the hill. That way if people want to visit they don't have to pay DW to go inside.
  9. You have the shape. (50 cents) Imagine that with signage up the top and all the front walls are constructed from glass. Does it match the existing buildings. NOT A CHANCE!
  10. I don't think it ever re-opened. It just came off maintenance page for one day. Skeet stop stealing photos and being a naughty boy/girl. MW has posted an award for the missing sign. It reads "Locate our deeply beloved sign and spend one night free stuck on the GL"
  11. I don't know. I stole the photo and wanted to add some drama.
  12. I never said they couldn't make use of the land I'm telling you your solutions of damming the water out and making it somebody else's problem is incorrect.
  13. If anybody wants to see skeets head rotate 360 you should ask that question again. For future reference we have a timeline you can put on your fridge.
  14. The question that must be answered is where is this height taken from? To dig a hole under a coaster defeats the purpose of calling it a hyper. Crap DW could dig a deep hole under MDMC and rebrand it as a hyper. (I shouldn't give them ideas). Is there a hyper council that come out and verify all requirements are met?
  15. The word theme park seems to be used to describe everything. I feel better calling it a themed attraction focused on the Asian market. This reminded me when I went to the sheep shearing show at DW and I was the only Aussie in the audience. I almost was the one that needed the translator.
  16. It’s an overflow area. It floods if it looks like rain is coming. Wanda Group have dodged a bullet letting it go. Tom Tate can jump up and down with excitement as much as he wants but the Nerang river is a bitch to design around.
  17. @Tim Dasco That proves I don't even take notice of my own shit.
  18. I thought they were going under it by building a tunnel. Objections up to 47. There could come a point that the project is not viable and it will put in the not going to make a big enough return off original outlay. Adding undercover car parking is also extremely expensive. If this was to happen I would see MW charging you to park there. Another strange fact is the world has gone silent on TopGolf and I could have sworn MW said construction would start this year. Can you check your timetable on this?
  19. Interesting to skeet but what can I say. I am easily interested.
  20. I'm not a town planner so I don't know which way it will go. My local member who is on the planning committee said that this project will be voted on by the council. The town planners will access the application and give their recommendations to council. The town planners will only look at the application from the point of view of the land changing from residential to a car park. The council know the other projects that MW are working on so the hotel & TopGolf will come into consideration when council vote. We know some members from council members have been talking up what is coming to MW.
  21. I think SW will be holding off building anything major until the new Spit masterplan is complete. We know SW is involved with the new casino and the GCCC has deferred its vote for the new hotels down the road until the Queensland government finish the new masterplan for the spit.
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