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Article about the future of Melbournes luna park.


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Zamperla - I would love to see some of the photos you are talking about. I am particularly interested to see what the Tango Train looked like when it was at Darling Harbour. When the 'Love Express' (as it is now known) was at Luna Park in the 80's, where was it located? In a similar spot to where the Tango is now? Any pics you can upload would be much appreciated

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OK here are some photo's. The first 2 are of the original Love Express which was at Luna Park in the early 80's? I never personally saw it there, so I have no idea where specifically it was located within the park, perhaps someone else knows this? The ride was in storage for many years, until O'Neils started travelling it. It has done the last 2 Melbourne Moomba festivals. As you can see, it's attractiveness could be greatly improved, but I believe it's being slowly refurbished to its former glory. The second two photo's show what has now become LPS's "Tango", when it was located in the Wittingslow leased section of Darling Harbour in the early 1990's before it was developed. As you can see from the writing, it was indeed brought out from Germany. Does anyone have any other photo's of the rides at Darling Harbour? They seem to be quite rare.

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Well there you go!! Thanks for that info Goboi and Zamperla!! I was sure that the Tango was originally from the 1980's era LPS.I was not aware that the Tango was from the Darling Harbour amusements run by Wittingslow. I distinctly remember the Love Express and the Octopus from the early 8o's when I visited as a kid. Sorry Zamperla I am not 100% sure on exactly where it was located although I seem to recall that it was up close near the face entrance and quite possibly next to Cinema 180. I remember the rides at Darling Harbour quite well also Zamperla but unfortunately do not have in my possesion any photos. I do recall quite vividly the Python Loop Rollercoaster at the time,thinking I would love to ride that!! Sadly, I never did. Cheers Jobe

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Thanks for the photos Zamperla, they're great! Just to clarify for everyone, I think Zamperla got the descriptions mixed up. The first 2 pics are actually of the Disco Train at Darling Harbour which has now become Luna Park Sydney's Tango Train and the 2nd 2 pics are of the ride which used to reside at LPS in the 80's and is commonly mistaken for the Tango Train. By the way, the 'Love Express' in its current state looks absolutely terrible

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 years later...

Yeah mate please don't go bumping threads for no good reason. People don't need to be told how to use a search engine to find the Luna Park website. Anyhow, you failed at answering my 3 and a half year old query anyway...I originally asked:

just wondering too, does anyone know where I could find a plan/map of LPM.
You just gave a link to the website, not to a plan. But its a moot point anyway, because since then, Google earth was invented, so I could just get it from there. Edited by Gazza
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Who said i was answering your question, it was his statement - look:

Gazza, there used to be one on the LPM website. However I am not sure of that status now.
I know it was over 3 years ago and yea ok im sorry about bumping threads. And I wasnt telling anybody how to use a search engine. All I said was you can google it. Not a step by step ok now type in www.google.com now go to ....... Edited by Movie_World
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What the frig? Get a grip Movie_World, that is from over 3 years ago, and all I was saying (if I can remember correctly) was that there was a map on Luna Parks old website which offered a birds eye view, however at the time of that post, the website was a different to the website I was reffering to, which at the time did not have a park map online. I was answering Gazzas question, not asking my own question.

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I was answering Gazzas question, not asking my own question.
yes your right... sorry i was ment to type "statement" not "Question". The post is now edited. See i was simply pointing out that their is now a website to look at. But i was not pointing out that their is an online map on it. I Acknowledge this is 3 years old...
I know it was over 3 years ago and yea ok im sorry about bumping threads
my Apologies
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