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Thunderbolt's Judgement Day?


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They've updated their ride shutdowns page once again:

After 20 years of service and 9 million passengers the Thunderbolt is now closed to make way for new attractions! Details will be released over the coming year.
They've got a few things in store for the next 12 months, but as I've already said, there is NO thrill ride / Thunderbolt replacement until after this period.
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Being one of the most (possibly the biggest) DreamWorld freak ever, i have to say that having the ThunderBolt fully dismantled is a big horror to see such a historic piece of DW go and i for one are a bit peeved off over the fact that it will be replaced with "crap, flat" rides. To me, this is a disgrace because: A)their park inversion count goes down from 4 to 2 B)Without the TB, There's gonna be alot more people on the TOT and Cyclone particually during this new "crap ride" comes along C)there's only going to be 4 rollercoasters As my bro's GF working in the crane and manufacturing industry, i will give her a call tonight to free up any more info. PS: i have just checked the DW website and in the thrill ride section, there is no more ThunderBolt more to come

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A) What does the number of inversions prove? B) There may be slightly longer queues for other rides in the meantime, but last time I checked, there wasn't exactly an emphasis on capacity for rides at Dreamworld. C) That's really the only downside of this. Where did the idea that it's being replaced with a flat ride come from? When Dreamworld's management acknowledge that a ride is "rough" or "painful", then you know that it's a bit more than picky enthusiasts who want rides that parallel a BMW for smoothness. There's serious issues with the ride. It doesn't occur to some that a year from now, we'll be watching construction progress on something that'll really have you all truly excited.

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^agree with rich post anyway IF its a flat ride. I will go out on a limb right now and say it will be better then Cyclone. If you need proof just look at Dreamworlds current thrills and they go in this order (1) giant drop (2) TOT (3) wipeout (flatride) (4)cyclone so never say bad things about flat rides as from my local and worldwide trips I can tell you now there are some great flat thrills out there.

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I don't know how you can call that a flame slick, it was a pretty fair enough post, and I tend to agree with Richard. I quite like inversions, but the collective number of inversions found in the park doesn't phase me. BTW, what's the go with saying the parks getting "Crap Flats"? Yes Thunderbolt was a piece of history, but lets face it: The ride was rusty and, painful to ride. I don't know about anyone else, but I am baffled as to how Dreamworld can be condemned for getting rid of a ride that was constantly the source of complaint, especially when the closure is purely to introduce new attractions into the park.

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Absolutely agree with you joz. While it is sad to see a ride that has been around for 20 years be finally put to rest, at least Dreamworld is replacing it with something else. We have other parks in Australia (I'm sure I don't need to name names) which happily remove and close rides without replacing them. Dreamworld's decision, imo, was the right one. The sheer cost which would be involved in planning, removing and constructing a rehabbed Thunderbolt would simply not be worth it... A new coaster could probably be constructed for a similar price. And, in terms of flats, I can't imagine anything nicer for that spot than something like a Huss Giant Frisbee in the view from Central Plaza towards Ocean Parade. I think two coasters makes that area look much too crowded anyway.....

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  • 1 month later...
I don't think it'll be missed though.  I mean, its not as if it was enjoyable listening to the coaster screech around the corners.  The ride sounded like a shopping trolley crashing into one of those trolley returns.  It looked nice, but I for one won't miss the pain.  Anyone who does has serious problems.
Hi guys! I have been looking around the site for the last few days and thought it was about time I joined up and started joining in the discussions :D I agree with joz ... last time I was at Dreamworld and went on the Thunderbolt I had a headache as soon as I got off and I won't miss it ... but in it's defense I don't remember it being that rought when I was younger ... maybe because I was smaller and could fit in the train ... I'm over 6' now. :) One thing I will miss though is seeing it from the road as you drive past. You knew that you were passing Dreamworld when you saw that. I used to live in Brisbane but now live in Sydney and as ironic (or whatever) I know work for Macquarie. Only found that out last time I was up there last year that we had a financial interest in the park. We haven't heard anything internally about what they might be doing or anything so can't tell you anything there. I will be going up to the Gold Coast on the 17th and will be doing all the parks ... am really looking forward to it. Was going to miss MovieWorld ... but a friend of mine lives in Brisbane and has never been so we decided to go ... now I'm starting to ramble on :) I'm at work at the moment ... and because it's a public holiday there isn't much to do. Well I guess I should stop rambling and post this thing :) PS: You are doing my dream holiday ... have always wanted to do the theme parks in the US ... hopefully one day!! :D
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G'day SydRider. Welcome along and feel free to contribute in the forums as much as you wish! You're indeed correct that it probably was smoother when you were younger, and it's nothing to do with the ride's age or maintenance. Rather, as you suggested, it's body size. The restraints are so horribly designed that the taller you are, the more they'd clamp you down to enjoy each and every huge imperfection in the trackwork. I remember riding when I was younger, and I know it was to some extent more rideable, because the restraints didn't necessarily hold you down as much, because you're significantly lower than the axis point of the harness, so it's pressing horizontally on you, rather than vertically on your shoulders as with when you're taller. I guess the ride was really designed for an average Japanese physique, which is considerably smaller than your average European.

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One thing I will miss though is seeing it from the road as you drive past.  You knew that you were passing Dreamworld when you saw that. I will be going up to the Gold Coast on the 17th and will be doing all the parks ... am really looking forward to it.  Was going to miss MovieWorld ... but a friend of mine lives in Brisbane and has never been so we decided to go ...   PS: You are doing my dream holiday ... have always wanted to do the theme parks in the US ... hopefully one day!!   :D
Welcome to Total Thrills Syd Rider! I agree on that first point, and thats one thing I will give Thunderbolt, it was good eye candy, really made an impact while driving past the park. I tend to agree about it not being as rough in the past. I guess it just didn't age that well (or, more correctly, wasn't maintained very well :shock: ) How long are you staying on the Gold Coast for? I don't get back from holiday until the 26th of October (and even then I don't start working straight away). Must admit, this whole holiday thing is so difficult, sleeping in every morning, drinking everynight, going to great parks, (which I think is now 2 in total after 5 weels :? ).
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Hey Joz ... I will only be there for 4 day's ... got 2 day's in lieu for working one weekend ... so will be returning on the 21st to Sydney ... wish it was longer though ... really love the GC ... almost moved there when I left home but decided to go to Brisbane instead ... then moved to Sydney ... but we won't go into why I did that!! :|

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  • 1 month later...

I remember when the Thunderbolt was first opened. The excitement was intense.. and then I found out I was too small to go on it. Man, was I annoyed! I remember the excitement of the first time I went on it, and my ears were bashed into the sides of the seat... We used to go to Dreamworld nearly every year, and it was definitely something I looked forward to with a passion. The Thunderbolt is one of my childhood memories, and I shall miss the old heap of rust. JB

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Thunderbolt was also my first major coaster............ Sticking up for the flats, my last trip to DW the ride that was the most fun was defenitly the Wipeout. The Wipeout proves that simple flats can fit into a park reall well and I think that new flats in the area would really add to the fun of ocean parade. Now I think about, when the Cyclone was built that really sealed the fait of the Thunderbolt. As someone else said the area was way 2 small for 2 coasters, if they were planning on keeping the bolt you think it would of been logical to build your 2nd coaster away from the 1st. The Thunderbolt getting replaced (that's how i look at it) really will be a good thing for the park as it will open up so much valuable space that really will controbute to the park well. It is sad though.... Shaun

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