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Movie world and wind


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Definitely not Scooby. Lol.

I've been on lethal when it was howling wind, so i'm not sure it would have too much of an issue.

These are only guesses based on experiences, but I would imagine Batwing, like most drop rides will shut down in high wind to protect the cable. Superman I can't really see having a problem with wind and the same for GL... Wild West wouldn't be a problem either.

*Waits for someone like Spotty to point out all the reasons why i'm wrong... ;)

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Well I'm not Spotty but I'd imagine Superman would have issues in high wind. It crests the top hat slowly in normal weather, wouldn't be surprised if strong enough wind could cause a rollback - unless the system auto adjusts the speed of the launch to account for the wind... Spotty?? :)

Edited by Flea
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I always thought Batwing would stay open? What do you mean by "protect the cable" ?

Superman I would have thought would close in high wind, hence the wind thing they have up near the crest of the top hat and as Flea said, it would likely cause rollbacks.

Lethal seems fast enough to get around everything unless there was cyclonic winds.

As for WWF, what if there was an MC Hammer tribute at the park and everyone was wearing parachute pants, some really strong winds come up and catch the pants and everyone gets blown off the ride????

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As far as protecting the cable - I don't know what the go is with the Spaceshot - but typical drops (GD and Space Probe) would shut down in high winds with the catch cars parked at the top of the tower - this kept the cable on the drum, and not extending down the length of the tower to whip around against the tower and potentially cause rub and wear.

Obviously space shot is different as there is no catch car - but given there would still be cables to protect - i'm only guessing that something would need to be done to shield the cable from that kind of rub...

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The rub you speak of is inevitable as on a Spaceshot the cable is always exposed. The cable goes from the vehicle to the top, around a wheel and back down to the bottom where there's another wheel sending it back and attaching it to the bottom of the vehicle essentially creating a loop. There is no drum of cable whatsoever and if there was there would be a hell of a lot of strain on it due to the braking and reversals.

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Batwing closes in high winds (but when I say High Wind...it's got to be pretty damn high to shut batwing down)

Superman does actually have a wind detector and prior to each launch the system weighs the train and takes into account the wind speed the best it can to optimise the launch however in very strong winds the ride will cease operations. I know that the Giant Drop at Dreamworld is capable of operating in winds up to 120kph and dreamworld even had it on their website at one point a few years ago but weather or not they still do operate in winds that strong is a different story.

Basically when they say "High Wind can effect operation" it pretty much means it has to be a pretty big ass storm to shut it down. In the end the final call comes to the park supervisor to cease operations of certain attractions until the adverse weather conditions stop.

Also what Nitromefan said about Batwing's cable is essentially correct and the cable is unable to be protected from the elements like the Intamin Giant Drops using the procedures stated. This is also why at night time the Giant Drop's catch cars are kept at the top of the tower.

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