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If you ran DW......


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I was just wondering, what would everyone do if they were at the reins of DW? Here is what I would do: -Build a launch tube around TOTs LIM section (Like the tunnels on California Screamin, it would cut noise, make the launch interesting and allow the ride to run in the wet. -Have more ops working on the major rides. -Make TOTs queue line run toward giant drop and move model T lane to near Farmyard Friends, I would then use the land for a new 'Doom' themed area, with a simulator ride added in, maybe call it Bot or something, this would make these rides sort of match together a bit better in their own area. -Use the old Thunderbolt site for a Natural disaster themed area, with a ride for each of the four elements, cyclone covers the element of wind, an intamin spillwater would be added and named something like "ragin' river floods" to cover the element of water, a huss breadance named earthquake would cover the element of stone and a B&M floorless themed to a volcano would cover the element of fire. -Have the park open on Friday and Saturday Nights during summer. -Expand the waterpark and operate it year round, Its in QLD for goodness sake. Well, thats all i can think of for now, what does everyone else think the park should do?

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Okay the people NEED TO KNOW! 1)it has a launch tube for noise reduction okay, and plus it would really degrade the feel of the park to have the entire thing enclosed, you just couldn't see the beautiful pod until it went up the slope, what a wait a waste of money! 2)the ride just doesn't work in the rain, that simple. The type of LSM system uses open live electricity and hence can't work in rain for obvious reasons....... 3)how can the queue line run towards the GD if the station is up the other end? WHAT the...... 4)A doom area in the middle of Gum tree gully and Rivertown. Simple. ABSOLUTELY never happen. you guys don't remember that dreamworld has it's quarantine and animal rescue buildings directly on the other side of the train tracks. How about some deadly Hawks, eagles etc. to get hyped up to the noise outside? 5)okay this one i kind off agree on. But with the way the south-east side of the park is built, you'd be lucky to get another few rides in there without causing some kind of traffic catrastophe to be exact. One big ride such as a B&M will work because it will draw large amounts of crowds quickly into one source, instead of hacing multiple sources spread for more clutter. 6)Yeah have the park open on saturdays always that way school time will not affect profit unlike fridays 7)totally agree, infact, currently all pools are empty and have an inch thick layer os sludge on some deep parts, bad bad...... 8)change the themeing of both GD and TOT TOT-hopefully some of you have been to Infinity on the gold coast and know what kind of "amazingness" goes on there. Simple. because of the dimensions of the queueline of the TOT (the part after you go up the stairs) you have plenty of room to place mirrors on the walls without them breaking or getting mudged, then, becuase of the queue line's height, you can have smoke effects coming from under the main queue line to give the mysterious effect. Then re-activate the two lifts and place plasma screens inside each one and then one again in the exit lift, and now you could make a video for the ride, finally a ride with a plot........ Giant Drop- it could be themed to a transport system that takes you up to a space station, but then have speakers placed inside the pods that tell you that half way up there is a malfunction and that the have to freefall, allllll the way down. It's good also because the colour system and look would give an interestingly streamlined and nice theme to such a needy ride. It would also be good to change the time you wait at the top, because not only would it work with the whole unexpected emergency theme, but would make those queue lines a bit faster. Sorry to do this but i don't want to lose any information so i will post this now and post the rest later on.....

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1)it has a launch tube for noise reduction okay, and plus it would really degrade the feel of the park to have the entire thing enclosed, you just couldn't see the beautiful pod until it went up the slope, what a wait a waste of money!
I said in the style of california screamin, and CFs tunnels are transparent so everyone would get to see.
2)the ride just doesn't work in the rain, that simple. The type of LSM system uses open live electricity and hence can't work in rain for obvious reasons.......
Well if the LSMs were covered by the nunnel they wouldnt get wet.
3)how can the queue line run towards the GD if the station is up the other end? WHAT the......
By toward, I meant that there could be a path that runs toward GD, not to GD, the start of the Queue would be near the raliway crossing at the main station of the raliway.
4)A doom area in the middle of Gum tree gully and Rivertown. Simple. ABSOLUTELY never happen. you guys don't remember that dreamworld has it's quarantine and animal rescue buildings directly on the other side of the train tracks. How about some deadly Hawks, eagles etc. to get hyped up to the noise outside?
It would just be the parcel of land that Model T is on. Ill get hold of a map and show what I meant by my ideas.
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The only problem that might come into problem is the time you wait at the top of the tower. The most likely reason why you wait so much at the top (particularly that bloody west engine... ahem anyway) could possibly be due to the height and that the engines have to compensate because of it. Cyclone- well this is where alot of effects could make this ride brilliant. Disney quality. 1)a motor for the cyclone preventer that you circle around so it will rotate and as that will happen, some low level fog could come out where those bits of material are (also CO2) so it gently rolls down the tube as it spins. That would give a very stunning affect with the fins as Co2 is very dense. 2) Get rid of those 2 big damn pipes damnit! 3)remove those monitors and replace it with with some kind of.... disco floor string... err... well you know how they have a set of cubes on the dance floor and they all change clolour? have a string of them around where that bench is andd have them set to one colour so it gives that circulating pattern.... ummm..... i guess i'll do up a pattern later on then so guys know what i mean huh? 4)replace the roof with some shaded pexiglass so you can see out but keeps the queline dim for my next plan. 5)to cover the bottom floor (which is now repainted to a very stale grey) they could have some smoke machines and then have some rotating spotlights (just alot of 2inch lights) so they move randomly through the fog to give that "finding" and "danger" feel. Apart from that area there isn't too much to fix really, actually...... you know how they have those police lights the cirulate? Dreamworld...... GET LIGHTS TO PUT IN YOURS! a rotating disc is pointless if there's nothing for it to reflect! WipeOut- really not tooo much needed, actually, one of the only rides that worked out. Just needs a cleanout because some of those glass windows under the wave have hundreds of spiders! Anything else? for now there isn't, but i better be off, i've got more posting and pestering ride-ops to do. Happy reading!

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Okay just nocited your responces Gazza... Nunnel? not too familiar with that one but too coat the magnets would mean less polarity, more modding to the guages..... it' too late my friends..... Sorry but unless the queue line will conist of an esculator system to move people quickly the space from GD and tot will be too long for a queue line. How's 350 or so metres..... that comes to 4 hours to wait for an Australian ride...... there goes my 73rd ride....... Okay this one i guees i didn't read properly. A doom area might work for the GD area but it's not exactly the best thing for all those tourists visiting or overall. I mean you've got a doom area in the middle of gold rush and assortments. With the oil rig theme you've got some kind of affiliation with the area that it's in. Rickety and old. And i know you're proabably thinking "but you're space idea won't work either then" but if executed well, the building could have a sort of wooden oak contemporary feel outside, enlarge the building, and then you could place the mother load of all themeing. Anyone remember Star tours at disneyland? Richo? More queries i'd be more than happy to answer.

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Put the thing in a tube and theme the outside? Sounds more like fixing the area up rather then degrading the feel of the park. Also, I believe Gazzas making the comment that if you put the launch track in a tunnel you could run it in the rain, since the LIMS would be under cover. Still, this would also leave the problem of emerging from the tunnel at 160 odd km/h going staight into the rain. Still, make it look like an old-time building and you've got a winner by me. I don't really see the need to move model T lane, personally would love to see it stay where it is. Though it is a big site, so one day down the track when DW is stuck with a space problem let it go then. In the mean time, go with your idea of a natural disaster themed area. Link it up to Nick Central near the entrance to Tiger Island and you could go some distance towards releaving the potential bottleneck near Stingray. With the water park, I reckon re-build it on the other side of the train tracks, and run a path to Rocky Hollow so its not stuck out on its own like it currently (and it'd also provide a walkway to the water park while you demolish the old blue lagoon. Then you've got space for another themed land.

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nocited your responces
, not familar with that either. Well, to clear up what i meant, here is a badly edited picture: Red = the Doom themed area. Blue = The TOT Queue. Just because a queue area is 350m doesnt mean the whole thing will fill, it could be a "path of danger" where the rides story is told. Prehaps the Doom area cold be more of a city type thing with lots of steel and contcete, GD would be like one of the industries and the TOT launch would be like some sort of futuristic transit system. ( with the emergence into the rain, would it be a problem because it was painful? the pod has a wind screen doesn't it? There would be cool "futuristic meets industial" buildings housing shops etc and the simulator ride (Which is a good idea because DW can sweeten its new attraction opening for every year by saying they also have an all new simulator film. I like the idea of Cyclones floor light things, i know what you mean, but the could just use a projector instead and have a very detailed pattern. The reason for moving model Ts would be to free up the space, and becuase it would probably be more enjoyable riding in a car through quiet bush, prehaps past animals instead of having a noisy ride. I just thougt TOT would look more in place if it were in a themed area that matched nad as i said above the ride would become a design element in itself. BTW, where did Rich say he was going? I'd be very Interested to see what he would do.
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First step is getting the most out of the attractions, getting rid of riverwalk train station and themeing that level crossing. Putting a new (3D?) film in the Imax theater, and flog it off the same way MW & SW flog off their 3D movies. Turning Wipeout's water features back on, adding gysers or water falls to thunder river that sort of thing. Also, I'd buy a second train for Cyclone, have the station redesigned so its more open and easier to see what's going on, bring the front of the queue closer to the station, and reinforce the theme of GD as being an Oil Rig. I'd steer clear of announcements of impending doom as it would just come over as being corny, no matter how well done it was. Tower of Terror, I dunno, just put the thing in a tube and theme the outside? Sounds more like fixing the area up rather then degrading the feel of the park. Also, I believe Gazzas making the comment that if you put the launch track in a tunnel you could run it in the rain, since the LIMS would be under cover. Still, this would also leave the problem of emerging from the tunnel at 160 odd km/h going straight into the rain. Still, make it look like an old-time building on the outside and you've got a winner by me. I don't really see the need to move/get rid of model T lane, personally would love to see it stay where it is. Though it is a big site, so one day down the track when DW is stuck with a space problem let it go then. Until there's there's heaps of land to play with. In the mean time, go with your idea of a natural disaster themed area on the thunderbolt site. Link it up to Nick Central near the entrance to Tiger Island and you could go some distance towards relieving the potential bottleneck near Stingray. With the water park, I reckon rebuild it on the other side of the train tracks, and run a path to Rocky Hollow so its not stuck out on its own like it currently (and it'd also provide a walkway to the water park while you demolish the old blue lagoon). That'd leave space for another themed land or big show stadium. That'd leave the Amphitheatre free for more big brothers (For the record, I hate Big Brother, but its undeniably a huge draw for the park). Opening the park late in the summer (or even blatantly stealing the Saturday Session) is a bit of a gimme really. Plus you could have fireworks which seem to really pack 'em in. Thats where I'd start anyway. We'll get into the on-site hotels and such next time :)

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Now i've always thought that Dreamworld should have an on-site resort, but, unless the was some kind of high capacity train system like Sea World, the whole system would be way too expensive. I think we've heard the rumours that the entrance could be moved by 2010 (which will most probably never happen) but if it does then we would have the shifting of car parks and etc. and then you have a big space for a resort. But the problem with that is your highway. Or you can swap them and have the resort on a swamp. Oh and please note also: the map is absolutely no on scale. The current dreamworld map is so utterly out of scale you would think the park was for midgets only (including myself).

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Okay I won't go on a huge thing about what I'd do for the park now as I'm pretty tired... Just wanted to say a couple things. What I think the park needs more than anything is some prettying up, get the fountains beautiful, the gardens and all that top notch. Really get Main Street back perfect, bit of a Disney thing... You guys seem to want to rip out any of the old stuff and get new thrill rides in... It was a damn shame they ruined Model T with TOT and I'd hate to see more ruined. Keep Imax how it is, maybe just a new film. Keep Model T. Get Rivertown booming again I say, something for the parents and I certainly have font memories as a kid. Get Cap Sturt back to its former glory with the show and all. Do something with the old theatre...just the same damn show would be great enough. Perhaps another attraction, I'm not sure what but in this style (not thrill) in the area would go a long way to 'round' off the park IMO. I really don't know why attraction to put in but am open to sugestion. I really don't like the enclosing of TOT idea... for me half the ride is wipping along past the park and with a tunnel you'd loose that. And I'd say no way to a clear tunnel because we all know DW would never keep it clean.

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Woahhh man that post is sooo true. It's pretty awful to see that you walk down to the GD via main street and you've got patches of dirt where the flowers used to go. Go into the Tower of terror, and you've got every wall tagged beyond belief. Just like Cyclone is a great depository for chewing gum. You only have to take a good hard look around to realise that the park is in ruins at the moment. The only area that looks decent is AWE and that's because everybody goes on the thrill rides, not see the famous/infamous animals. And i would hate to see some of the classics go. It would downgrade Dreamworld immensely if they were to demolish the Model T cars as they are priceless fun, heck, i even went on them today because you get some of the best views of the Dreamworld Tower........ oh wait..... i meant it's errr.... priceless, yeah that's it :) And that's Dreamworld's problem really when you think about it. Large concentration on what's the park's latest and gratest but not concentration on the atmosphere and what kept dreamworld from bankrupcy (technically that was the WipeOut but let's not ruin the teary moment).

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It was a damn shame they ruined Model T with TOT and I'd hate to see more ruined.
Thats why they should move it to a quieter area of the park. With Thunder Rivers re theme, maybe they could replace the jungle animals (What are they doing in gold rush anyway?) with some water machinery such as water wheels, big tipping buckets, boilers that randomly leak water out, old style water pumps etc so it matches with gold rush and gives riders a thorough soaking. They could also put in coin operated squirt guns. I like the idea with rivertown, just use the other end to do the stuff. Good Ideas, keep em coming.
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What i'd like to see of dreamworld is the following. 1) Re-theme the Tower of Terror (especially where those portable staircases are). 2) I never knew about the show on the boat was gone, now the ride has no point and has left Gum Tree Gully a deserted town, which they already have one of those (Goldrush). So Bring back the show. 3) Keep the Maintnence up on the whole presentation of the park. I don't care if they are looking at the future about looking at new rides, i would rather them keep the atmosphere alive and well rather than adding new rides if they can't do both. 4) I like the idea of the old Thunderbolt site. 5) Keep Model T Lanes where they are. 6) Open at Night Time in Summer. 7) Add a new train for Cyclone 8) Make some of the thrill rides have a decent story line (TOT, GD, Cyclone) THat's all i can think of.

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The funny thing about the Cyclone themeing is that the large tube in the middle of the queue area is not actually a Cyclone maker, but a cyclone preventer. Because now that they have all the LCD screens and all the overhead voices, you can actually get the sense of what's going on..... well kind of actually......

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For starters, how long is the flat section of the track, if it isnt as long as the final brakes you can forget it, and from that point would it be able to complete the circut. You dont need an MCBR to run two trains anyway since the ride already has sufficent blocks (lift, station, end brakes) The flat section of track is just soemthing Arrow does, its on a few of their coasters. But the problem is there is no where they can store a second train, waht happens on very quiet days, will they be forced to cycle both trains becuase they cant put the other train away, and what happens if one train has a problem? The whole ride would have to shut. You cant run two trains without appropriate storage areas.

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There's a possibility that the Cyclone could run two trains, but that's a big "if". Firstly there's dreamworld and it's money which means their money will be spent on advertising. Secondly there would be to much effort for ride-ops for a raised station of this type which could be up to 20mX40m if there was an upgrade (which you can see in the photo i've taken.) Thirdly, dreamworld already knows that two trains just isn't worth it. Look at the thunderbolt, the two trains only ran thrice and that was within the first decade it was running, big waste of a large amount of loot there. Finally, there is really no requirement for two trains, Dreamworld proved to me when i went twice during the holidays that if you have three ride-ops doing Cyclone, the wait isn't that long. But take a look when it's not holidays though. The whole queue/spindle tpye thingy is only packed with about 40 people on a saturday, like you're gonna need a second train for that many people.

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Yeah, your right slick, it would be too hard to put in a transfer and buy a second train, it would be cheaper to just have more ops to really get the lines moving. BTW what is with Cyclones queue area, is it like an upward spiral like the ramp in a multi-deck carpark? Also, I thought of a story line for that volcano themed floorless coaster: "Mt Ekenni Goala has erupted and the Tiki Village at the bottom of the volcano is under threat, however, knowing a catastophe like this could happen one day, the Village had built an Elevated Emergency Escape Railway (E.E.E.R) so they could get out in the event of an eruption. But the heat of the lava had melted and warped the tracks of the E.E.E.R making evacuation very dangerous. You have been selected to be part of the first party to evacate the village and its up to you to brave the E.E.E.R and see if it can be used to safley get out." The ride would be called somthing like Fireball Frenzy and the Queue would be a meandering trail through the burning village, past destroyed huts, singed trees and craters caused by rocks the volcano had spat out. The queue would reach the boarding area, a thatched building with TVs telling you the story and computers for controling the E.E.E.R The train would leave the stationg, go up a lift and go into a u turn first drop, then you would go through the core of the volcano before emerging into a vertical loop, zero g roll and a cobra roll, then the MCBR would follow before the track would lead into a twisted finale with helixes and interlocking corkscrews before entering the brakes. As you leave the ride a CB radio would paly a recorded message saying the escape was sucessful but they should be prepared for a wild ride. The first section of the ride is farliy "out and back" and linear so it could run up behind tiger island, but the track would be filled with sand to give silent operation.

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Very good idea Gazza, something like that could really work. You could also adapt a plan like that to the current Tower Of terror queue line. Instead of having the entrance (the skull) open, you could have automatic sliding glass doors which have a frosted effect. As you enter they could create the first part of the queue line the same as after the stairs, so you could place smoke effects under the queue line. Then, instead of having those crappy, noise-drewling stairs, they could replace it with a lift, which has a video camera inside, so the ride-op can operate it remotely. Also, to start the story, place a plasma screen or LCD screen on the roof of the lift which displays whatever the heck is going on. Now, replace the walls with mirrors, and under the queuelines, have minispot lights and low level fog to give that eery anke deep feeling. Now up to that point where you get the steel gate, they could place another TV that says furthermore about the story, then the people advance over a whole heap of different optical illusions similar to Infinity (because they're cool) and then head to the two lifts which used to run before Dreamworld ditched in favour for another flight of stair to save on ride-ops. These could also have security cameras in them for remote operation and again plasma screens in them to tell the final part of the story. They could also have a shock effect inside each lift so halfway up they stop and shake is if they are to break. Cool. Whoa! I just came up with and idea for themeing! It could be for some kind of technology exhibition. You enter the first lift, and the guy on the plasma screen goes "welcome to blah blah" so as you queue up you go through all these cool effects you go into the second set of esculators. As you go up there's a sudden rumble in the esculator and the esculator stops. All of the sudden this hasey person appears on the plasma screen and tells you some of the technology has just blown up and you have to immediately proceed to the emergency pod. As you enter the second level everything is broken and stuffed and you enter the ultra steel and sheek pod. The ride-ops play a message on a plasma screen above the pod in the station saying "quickly get in! and follow the standard procedures...." So you leave and you go on the ride and as you enter the station, you have a second set of lights like the three mobile phone shops to give the effect that you have entered another station, you leave the station and enter the final lift and the final plasma screen in the lift says "you guys made, just as well, ohhh wait a second, what's that screeking noise in the lift....." MUAHAHAHAHA and then the tower of terror head appears and the words Tower Of Terror appears in a classy fashion as the the doors enter to the souvenir shop. Hope that made sense, i'm still tired.

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ok thought i might actually have some say with this thread 1. Wipeouts water features were turned off for legitamite reasons imposed by the Gold Coast City Council not by managements request. The depth charges use to much water and with the Gold Coast in a drought effected area they get turned off. as for the water that streams down the wave that was told to be turned off by the council as it was rusting the wave and became a danger to safety if it was kept on 2. Adding more staff in non holiday periods is STUPID, they roster staff as per the program they run and always have the right amount. I was a staff member and rostering to many staff on days when they are not needed is stupid as with the wipeout on some days u might have 4 ride ops on (3 deck hands and a senior op) and you may be begging for riders. One morning there was 3 of us on (2 deckies and an op) and we didnt have anyone come near us from 9am - 10am, deckies get $15 an hour, ops get close to $20 an hour, thats an hour for all of us that could of gone back into dreamworlds pocket 3. Tower of Terror does not run in the rain simply because the car will not get grip, the wheels are similar to roller skates, when it is wet it wont grip and wont go anywhere, ever seen what happens when the rain stops, the ride ops and deckies have to go out onto the track and dry it, not because of live electricity but for grip. 4. With all those lifts you mentioned your leaving it open to more things breaking down, steps dont malfunction so no matter what people can always get in and out of the ride, add in lifts and if one of them breaks you have to shut the ride and then you have people bitching and moaning, lifts on rides SUCK! now im not saying this as most of you who are just theme park fanatics, I have previously worked for dreamworld and KNOW whats its like putting up with guests who are morons and idiotic. What would i do if i ran dreamworld? give me my old job back and kick that supervisors ass who woudlnt keep me on. bastard

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If there are legitimate reasons for not turning the fountains on (and I was talking about the ones down the wave, the other ones don't bother me too much) then fair enough. I think TOT in the rain is a bit of a non issue, wasn't designed too, and no modification is going to make it happen. I disagree on one point though, that is staffing level. Your right that more then 2 on Wipeout is too many in the off season, but what's wrong with 2 on Cyclone even in the off season? One can be getting the people while the other watches the ride (I'm guessing that someone watching the ride is required). It'd save so much time with loading and unloading. I stand by getting a second train for Cyclone. Not only does it give the ride the (IMO) extra capacity it so badly needs, it would also mean that you could avoid down time by swapping trains when one developed a problem, and give the park more time then just the annual maintenance to check the trains out. Now I think about it, I'm as good as certain someone said the ride was designed for two trains but Luna Park didn't need the extra capacity (and hence there are no transfer tracks) though the option for a second train still exists. Most definitely agreed on your 4th point though. Cutting those elevators cuts the number of ops needed, power usage and maintenance cost. As well as that it makes it much quicker to get on the ride on a quiet day. I also can't see the point in going all out in themeing a ride like ToT. I mean, you can theme the queue as much as you like, but when you go on the ride, the theme goes out the window and your just on a ride, so what's the point? Some ride are best just themed for the benefit of those watching (Giant Drop for example). The themeing on Wild West and Scooby Doo works well because the whole ride is themed, not just the queue house. The themeing on Lethal Weapon is less effective, because as soon as your on the ride you forget all about the theme, story and just concentrate on how cool the roller coaster is.

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G’day BIGMAL. As a current employee I would also like to kick that Supervisors butt. 1. Years ago the Wipeout had 6 water jets. These were fired at operator discretion. These were removed due to corrosion issues, as well as guest complaints emanating from getting wet. Boo Hoo. 2. I agree, adding more staff in non holiday periods is STUPID, and staff numbers are mostly right. I am sure that extra staff could be placed on rides, but at what cost to consumers? Think about it the next time you are in the checkout line at the supermarket. Ask yourself: Why am I waiting while 50% of the checkouts are closed. Ask yourself the same at the bank too. The issue I have frequently discussed with Supervisors is that certain rides need additional staff on certain days, and certain times. For example, Cyclone from opening until mid afternoon would be a far more efficient ride, in non-holiday periods. I have researched this, based on ride data kept on each ride in the park, and I can assure you that I know what I am talking about. (I began working at DW prior to the Wipeout). It's all about finding a balance for customer service and cost. sometimes it may seem that the balance is not right, but try to think outside theat 1 day... budgets are done for longer periods. I have to disagree on the point that Operators receive close to $20 an hour. Almost all Operators at this level are full or part-time employees, who receive lower rates than the casuals. 3. TOT uses LIM (linear induction motors), but the suggested reason that the ride does not operate in wet weather because of the relationship between moisture and electricity is simply dumb. There are 3 broad reasons for not operating the TOT during rain. These are: traction, rider comfort (at that speed rain feels like needles), and drainage. Safe traction does not occur with a wet track. The sliding of the wheels leads to the development of flat spots on the wheel – bad when the track is dry, just imagine the unbalanced ride going 160kph! Rider comfort – imagine the crybabies! Drainage – the TOT car does not have drainage, and any water trapped inside the car floor would lead to rust. In regard to covering the track with a 300 metre tunnel… are you joking? What an eyesore. Even with a full tunnel, the car would still trail water back over the LIM’s after the vertical portion of the ride, thus making this suggestion a waste of money and ondeed thread space. Nice try. 4. Lifts on rides, no thanks. There seems to be a large focus on this website on pushing numbers through. I’m sorry, but I have never thought of guests as cattle. What ever happened to a bit of customer service? Did you ever notice that the people operating the rides are actually real? Sticking cameras in lifts would only give the vandals something else to break, thereby costing the park, and in turn our visitors more $. 5. On the issue of gum and tagging raised elsewhere in this thread: have you ever seen someone do that? Ever done it yourself? Don’t. I hear plenty of people whine on this site about waiting in queues, you want more staff, another rollercoaster, blah, blah, blah. Every time someone has to peel away gum, or remove tags (people my age call it graffiti) it costs money. I would much rather see my employer spending that money on the improvements you all desire so much. If you ever see someone doing that crap, tell a staff member. Hopefully I'll be that staff member. Pandora's box is open!

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No you're actually right. LIM is just the overall term really for this type of rollercoaster induction. It really is LSM, which stands for Linear Synchronis Magnet technology. If anyone has seen Thrill Rides 2003 part 1, you'd completely understand, and for those of you that haven't, you can download it at www.coasterforce.com . Linear Induction Motors is really more like Hulk at IOA for example. Using friction wheels (and over 100 motors also :) ) The train gets directly pushed up the ramp, whereas LSM harnesses the propulsion system of magents. If anyone wants a in depth review of what exactly every single bit of the TOT does (including the two desks) please just ask.

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