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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/10/16 in Posts

  1. Just in case anyone is interested, this is what Pandamonium looks like without the arms on it:
    2 points
  2. It certainly is not a kiddies ride. A kiddies ride is Big Red Car, Tweety Cages etc. It's a moderate family ride imo.. if if was at DW it would certainly be in the 'BIG 17 Thrill Rides'
    2 points
  3. Thanks the @themagician and @Jamberoo Fan for the clarification.
    1 point
  4. Regardless of the 'intention' of the VR question, I voted NO VR because in all honesty - any and every roller coaster in the world could probably be converted to VR if you wanted to so that vote would be a gimme. I instead voted based on my opinion that they should NEVER put VR on this coaster.
    1 point
  5. Thing is, nobody here has suggested it would be a blockbuster knockout. I'm pretty sure Rappa or Joz or someone said very early on they'd seen something about it and for us it would be underwhelming. It wasn't meant to be a blockbuster - it was meant to fill a much bemoaned gap in the MW lineup for the 'middle of the road' market. MW needs more flats, more high capacity rides, with efficient load systems and enjoyable but not extreme experiences. DD delivers precisely that on all counts.
    1 point
  6. ↑ let me put it another way. I certainly felt out of place on the ride with all the 10yo kids around me. The only other non 10 year olds were a couple at least 60 years old. They had an absolute ball btw :-) Kiddies. Family. Thrill. Whichever word you want to use, it was hells fun, but very underwhelming in relation to the build up to construction/opening. It's just my opinion. Still fun, still escapism, wonderful new addition, it's just like.... a new generation Ferris Wheel?
    1 point
  7. There are already full circuit roller coasters over 400-feet. We have 2 strata coasters which are TTD and KK. So for it to be the worlds tallest it would need to be a high strata or a polar coaster. (500+ feet)
    1 point
  8. Ok, back to topic. I thought DD was fun and looks great, looked alot bigger in pics, but I found it a little underwhelming. Still lots of fun, but I've classed it as a 'kiddies ride'. The themed area is top class, absolutely great work throughout the whole area which should win awards. Let the ride go twice as long, twice as fast and I'd move in! ;-) It's also great the area has been revamped and to see the old graveyard up beside WWF is also a good thing. Well down MovieWorld! It was great for the excitement to build up prior to the opening thanks to all the wonderful contributors to this site. Your blood is worth bottling!
    1 point
  9. Hi, I'm the flash, and I'll be running for MWs New coaster
    1 point
  10. @Ryande16 I drove past it this afternoon, and turned into MW and drove past the site slowly and there wasn't anything major to take photos of. There were a few more footings, some more materials, but thats it. But as @AlexB, if there is something worth saying about, or taking photos of, don't worry, we will if possible and will post them.
    1 point
  11. @Ryande16 patience... when someone gets down there, and notices something new, they'll take pictures and post them. Nobody is sitting there at their computer going "Should I post these pics I took? Naw... nobody has asked for them yet". Things to remember: there tends to be more updates during school holidays as people have more time to spend at the parks. @Theme Park Girl doesn't work the same hours anymore, so updates from her will be less frequent. (I'm sure she'll still live there as much as possible!) During October, many people go mainly to attend fright nights, and most don't spend the whole day there. Arriving at 4pm or later, its harder to get shots of the area out front as traffic is fairly busy with day visitors leaving and night visitors coming. In the main, the big attraction on the forums right now is Fright Nights. Once its over focus will change back to the coaster There are only so many photos of footings, dirt, concrete pumpers and guys wearing hi-vis that you can post before it gets repetitive. Even if they'd put new footers out closer to AOS\WnW, the photos wouldn't look much different. An aerial photo would be worthy of an update - but sadly Nearmap doesn't update that regularly, and most people don't fly over the park. On that note - if anyone is loaded and decides to take a Sea World heli-tour on the big run out to movie world - take an aerial shot!!! #PatienceIsTheKey
    1 point
  12. I'm interested to know how you know they're enthusiasts. You didn't say what makes you know other than they were "wearing something". What exactly were they wearing that gave it away? You now seem to be hinting that you know them as you don't want to name and shame them. The fact remains that we don't have any proof of anything.
    1 point
  13. Cheers guys. And I checked @Tim Dasco and the last update was on June 30
    1 point
  14. Is this what you were after @joz (The original image was 25MB, so I have had to reduce the quality down to be able to upload it) MW Map.zip
    1 point
  15. 0 points
  16. DW have finally decided to theme their rides to Churros
    0 points
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