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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/04/24 in Posts

  1. What the hell is wrong with people in this group All i read is people complaining everything they do is shit and then they do something good and its post about what its shit or not worth bothering for a few nights a year Get a life
    5 points
  2. Sea World also is lit up for Autism Day! Well done to both parks! 👏
    3 points
  3. @Brad2912 it’s for autism awareness month, so it doesn’t isn’t yuck. If they used this day to day, then maybe, but for raising awareness ‘yuck’ shouldn’t be the word used. But this shows the capability of the lighting package for the ride and I think they could do some really cool stuff if they just mixed red and yellow for this. And good on the park for investing in a lighting package for the ride, something they’ve only ever done for Rivals at the park
    3 points
  4. It’s been lit like this for Autism QLD Day… just drove past and it’s lit up Red and Yellow now. Looks cool with Green Lantern, Rivals all lit up at night! Well done to the AV team, wonder what it will do when the ride is operating?
    3 points
  5. Photos from today: Framework has begun going up for the building that’ll enclose roughly half of Jungle Rush’s layout. Look into the (gutted) inside of Billabong: And, the supports: I don’t know what the status of the turntable at Vekoma’s workshop is, but there are visible tags on the shipment that read ‘Platform Supports’, and that tied with the catwalks, and shape of some support columns, has me guessing these are for it.
    3 points
  6. I think that's the point though now isn't it. I just saw these photos on Facebook and thought to myself "oh well guess the lighting package for Flash is revealed...I'll go see what Parkz thinks" and sure enough exactly what I expected. Instead of a happy response to the fact it has lights, it's some post saying how 'oh it's Movie World clearly this is an awful idea and they are going to make it look terrible.' But no actually, it's for a special occasion and that's cool. You want to see terrible, go look at that bloody awful lighting on the Wave Swinger up the street, truely vomit inducing and that's the permanent scheme they've chosen! The last attraction Village Built was Leviathan and I might be biassed, however worldwide knowledgable people have said it's world class level (not just Village marketing dept). So why would their next thing suddenly assumed to be awful? Because everything is automatically bad because you don't like the CEO right? If Leviathan was lit up Rainbow for a special awareness thing I would think that was awesome. From what I understand the Park are doing all the lighting for Flash themselves in house and if this is the result (along with the sign) then how great! This whole Movie World is Evil and Dreamworld is the land of the gods just has to stop, each has good and bad points when you look at them objectively. Funnily enough the first lights for Wizard of Oz arrived in the country today, I look forward to coming back in a few months and finding out why they are awful too 😛
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. Movie World have shown off the attraction signs lighting package at night. Kudos to the park because this is the best attraction sign they’ve done in a long time RPReplay_Final1713393894.mov
    2 points
  9. When did I ever see village is evil and dreamworld is amazing. MWs aura has faded somewhat no doubt but that doesn’t make me shit can everything they do the lighting on the DW flyer is tacky as hell, and my initial thought after seeing these photos and after what has been a good marketing build up theme wise was “why would MW have made the same mistake”. Not too sure how many times i can apologise. Autism is a cause close to my heart and I feel horrendous for misconstruing a theme choice in honour of it.
    1 point
  10. Then dont say it I actually just passed the park on the highway and each side of the track was lit up in its respective color looking quite good But of course it seems like on here anything that that park does must automatically be shit even when its not finished
    1 point
  11. On Friday next week, it will sadly be the 20th anniversary of Wonderland shutting down. While in the two decades since the closure, the Australian amusement park industry has developed greatly, for many people, especially Sydneysiders, the park remains a fond memory, and the closure is still saddening. The community that has developed around the park is honestly one of the strongest theme park groups, aside from Parkz, in Australia, and I am proud to be part of it. Use this forum to share any fond memories you may have, as well as any facts regarding the park. Additionally, any hopes for future parks in Sydney can also be shared here.
    1 point
  12. I would say bigger question is why was one major ride building turned into maintenance and storage and now another into first aid and rehab center Whats next Roxy theater turned into an executive meeting room
    1 point
  13. Probably need a location more central in the park for that kind of thing, I dunno. Close enough to west and scooby, close enough to Main Street, close enough to Dc. Also the ambo point is valid too the building is right next to a service road. Real question is why does there need to be an arcade in a theme park? This isn’t sega world, and if people want to do that they’d go to Timezone. I never saw anyone in the old arcade ever so why bother making alterations to a building for a new one? Make it a walk through or a proper attraction of some degree, it a complete waste of space that movie world does not have in spades
    1 point
  14. What are you going on about? The only thing related to a toilet is the 💩 you just said.
    1 point
  15. In all honesty, I don't know why parks target openings to occur bang on peak periods. There are inevitably teething issues and the ride's reputation is made or broken in that first peak rush. Open it in the off season, give your operators time to bed down the processes without a 3 hour queue of angry families behind them, and iron out the kinks. Advertise the hell out of it and get soundbytes and reviews from real actual guests, rather than stupid rhetoric from the C Suite for your marketing - anyone planning a last minute trip for the next holidays might see that and decide to go as a result.
    1 point
  16. How about playing the Wizard of Oz show during this years Hooray for Hollywood instead of Marvin?
    1 point
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