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Everything posted by westical

  1. I see what you did there. Dear Mods - please change the title so it’s clear it’s unconfirmed, k thx cya
  2. Is Escape from Madagascar actually crappy or are you just bagging it because it’s not a thrill ride?
  3. It’s definitely worth the entry price.
  4. I suspect they got burnt on Hurray due to the lockdowns and won’t look to do something similar until there’s more certainty around attendance.
  5. https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/2021/07/15/adventureland-park-accident-raging-river-ride-failed-earlier-state-report-says-michael-jaramillo/7983886002/ Raft had been repaired earlier in the day due to deflating Raft scraped the bottom of the channel multiple times during the ride after taking on water Cause for flipping still unknown
  6. So the lockdown couldn’t have come at a worse time. Expect cheap merch.
  7. Wait, we're assuming the DreamWorks licence is permanently expiring because they gave away free showbags and some horses were spotted on a truck?
  8. They’re calling it the first annual event too, so it appears to be the new June school holidays thing.
  9. That just leaves… I assume they sighted it when they first saw it.
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