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Everything posted by Gazza

  1. What is the vomitron? Is it one of those things that has a few concentric rings that pivot and you get spun around, like the space rings in RCT. BTW has anyone wasted money on the Oxygen Bar that's there?
  2. Good to hear you have headed down south Willsy, contary to Daniel, Melbourne is not too bad. what part of Melbourne you living in?
  3. Sorry, i meant the new rides. you seem quite in the loop when it comes to carnival rides, do you think mega drop will be heading down here? what about that spinning wild mouse? Maybe the reason some of these didnt come was because of the shows new format (less rides, more of the other diversions) and in Splash Canyons case, becasue of water restictions.
  4. Rich, the floorless Ranger ride is called Hangover. (Look at the side of the gondola, you can see the latters H A N G O V E R) I really do hope all these rides come to Melbourne, they all look great. Looking foward to the pics Flea. BTW Huss, did you go to Moomba? If you did, what rides were there?
  5. Gee ASHLEE, you should become a comedian with all your one liners. Id probably say Dreamworld because its a nice big park with lots to do and it more variety than the other parks. Also, it has the best thrill rides and other rides it has are of a good standard.
  6. go for the big modern coaster, Id love to see a big multi looper built here ,not just fairly average double loopers. I think a coaster would work better than flats beacuse people remember coasters better then flats and the fad of coasters takes longer to wear off. Also, I think driving past a big maze of metal will attract more people than a less imposing flat ride.Think of it this way, if a friend is talking about their holiday up to the GC they always seem talk about the TOT, LW etc and how great they were, but nobody ever seems to talk about Reef Diver or Wipeout. I think the only real way a flat will be popular nowdays is if its something like a big Gyro Swing, so its good that DW is getting one. Another reason I would like to see a big coaster built is because it would force other parks to think of bigger things and this would start a coaster war, which is what all of us would love to see.
  7. Sorry, I had heard a while back that it was at Totemland, and I had asummed it had gone off the circut and TL was its permanent home, but I was wrong, It takes time out to go to the Sydney Show. Yet another ride Melbourne didnt get last year :mad:, just where were all the good rides last year? Oh well, at least you guys are having fun
  8. Arent you guys on holidays yet? we have been on since last week. I was wondering why things were so empty during the day despite it being holidays. The Tiapan was not at the Melbourne show last year either, despite it being there in the past, all we got last year was a bit of a dodgy Mad Mouse. BTW why did they take Splash Canyon off the show circut, that was a really fun ride and really wet. The Ranger was a bit uncomfortable when I rode it at the last Shepp Show, I prefer the Hangover, quite comfortable and you cant beat those floorless seats.
  9. I wonder if WBMW will be extra sneaky and stick a 2 on the SDSC sign, that would be the sort of thing they would do.
  10. There were a couple of ads for Shark Bay on the telly last night. It was pretty cool and the area looks great, reminds me of Survivor (like the tribal council area ).
  11. Hey rich, do you have any pics from inside the ride? Oh and about the rides drop at the end, how big is it and what is with that "unique" lift you said about?
  12. Sounds cool. I wish the spinning wild mouse came to Melbourne last year though. Im also hoping Megadrop heads down our way too. Was the cliffhanger the same ride as the one that was posted earlier? Was the tiapan coaster the one with the really long helix and the the first and second drops that go over each other?
  13. They are behind each other, joined together almost like a 2 car coaster train.
  14. I thought for large pumping applications thay used an orger, so you wouldnt need a hydro electric sized thing. Heres a good pic of 1 - http://www.intaminworldwide.com/img/BILDER...RI/RAPIDS_5.jpg On another note, why would we want the same layout built again? with a new oppurtunity they should try something new.
  15. Yeah, It probably wouldnt work, but i didnt even mean a vertical drop in the first place, I just reckon a steeper downhill run so the water flows faster. I think the boats on SRR could handle a 30-40 dergree drop without flipping, Bear River Run at DCA uses the similar boats (more passengers though) and it can handle a big downhill drop. BTW, can you tell me what that spinning cylinder type thing is on the Left side of the course just out of loading area is on SRR.
  16. Wont work eh? - http://www.phantasialand-info.de/view.php?...p?id=32&pic=173 Anyway, what I meant was a course steeper than what SRR is, but not too steep, maybe a grade twice of what SSR is.
  17. I did think of a rail idea, The front boat would have rails on the left side but not on the right, and the rear boat would have rails on the right side but not on the left, on the normal sections there would be a rail on both sides of the channel but on the sections after the split up each route would only have a rail on one one side. On another note, maybe I should head to the rail yards and look at the couplings trains use, I think during shunting they use a click on / click off mechanisim, I know a train buff so maybe he can shed seom light on it for me.
  18. Good idea Dan with the SRR boats, It would be really cool if it had a long lift to the top of a hill, then just a steep and wet downhill run to the end.
  19. Yeah, Malcom is the movie, that was a cool flick, especially the bit at the start where he gets all tram parts and makes that buggy and the bit where he uses the bins to overcome the security guard. The ssytem used would be a click on/click off mechanisim as I said before, like on a tape player whare on press keeps the button down, while another press lifts the button up again, this would be adapted so the boats would be pushed together with a couple of robo arms or something and they would stay together, while another push would disconnect the two boats. That car door type toggle would work too as they would stay together no matter what, which would be good for safety and they would only seperate at the correct point in the ride. Oh and the motorbike looks cool>
  20. Do you think that few of our smaller "Adventure parks" will snag a couple of rides? I could imagine Magic Montain or Jamberoo buying a flat or too, and being second hand (or in some cases 3rd Hand) it would be cheap.
  21. I think what TIM meant was wether space probe could actually come apart, which is what I have been pondering too. Is the tower concrete filled or is it hollow? If the latter is the case then it can definitely be moved eslewhere. Not all rides are transportable though, SRR being one of them
  22. This is one of my newest ideas 'galvin', its a Split-up boat flume, to give you a general idea of what it is, It is a log flume with 6 passenger boats that are really two 3 passsenger boats joined together, the ride starts out like a normal log flume, but park way through, a mechanism spilts the Two 3 passenger boats apart and they go down seperate routes, offering different experinces depending on which part of the boat you are in, then the two courses come together again and the two boats duel against each other for the final part of the ride, before the two courses form back into one and the boats join back together to form the 6 passenger boat again. This ride could have many ways of themeing it, for example, riding on logs through a sawmill, before a ripsaw tears your log into two and both go their seperate ways. Another idea could be exploring through the rainforest in a raft, but a crocodile attacks and bites your raft in two and the party is separated. Yet another idea could be canoeing in a river but some of the members of your crew are abducted by aliens. A ride like this would be interesting because of the feeling of uncertainty the ride creates because you dont know what is happeing to the rest of the riders and because of the deuling part at the end of the ride. The rafts would seperate and reconnect using a click on/click off mechanism seen commonly in everyday life, for example like the pause button on a cassete player. Hydraulic equipment is used to push the boats together and get them apart. Anyway, here is a pic of it..
  23. Sorry, what I meant was when could we expect Total Thrills to close? But you have already answered my question by saying that you are going to upgrade it in 2-3 months, hence it wont be closing for a while but why are you running two webistes about the same thing?
  24. In what sort of time frame can we expect to see Total Thrills to go to the big website beyond?
  25. I remember being in a loo with an LCD door, It was pretty cool seeing the door going from a sort of transperent grey to am opaque silvery color, But i still was not game enough to go! I think the LCD floor will be cool, no doubt many a rider will be flattening themselves to the edge of the cable car when the floor goes. And no the floor doesnt go all wierd when you touch it, it stays the same.
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