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  1. Ok - so I know Disney isn't ACTUALLY planning it - but it popped up on my news radar and I thought it funny enough to post up here: Disney Venice - News.com.au
  2. Hey guys, Just got back from a month spent travelling around the States. Had an awesome time and even managed to convert my girlfriend into a coaster enthusiast! I'll do one trip report a day because I cant be bothered typing First stop on my journey was Chicago so naturally I headed straight up the highway in my PT Cruiser rental to Six Flags Great America. The park hours were 10am-6pm and was the last weekday of the season (and still summer holidays) so it was pretty packed. We arrived around 1pm because my girlfriend spotted Gurnee Mills Mall so we HAD to do some shopping. Lining up for my ticket a nice lady approached me and offered to get me in for free. I was stoked, instantly saved $50 and all I had to do was pay another $40 for a season pass. Good start to the holiday! First ride I went on was Viper. It was a half hour wait and the ride didn't look that interesting but I was pleasantly surprised with some good airtime. Next up was my first ever 200+ foot coaster and first ever B&M, Raging Bull. The line was huge and I thought I would be waiting for hours but they were running 3 trains so the line moved very quickly and we were on in less than 25 minutes. When the ride finished I realised why people rate B&Ms so highly. Everything is quality- From the seats to the lap bars to the smooth as silk ride. Rode that one more time then went for some lunch. Then it was off to Iron Wolf. The line was huge for that but I decided I would wait because I had never been on a stand-up before. An hour had passed and we were still in line but the station was in sight, then all of a sudden a huge crunching sound. Then the dreaded announcement over the PA. 'Iron Wolf has encountered a technical malfunction and will be closing'. Great, an hour wasted. Vertical Velocity was next then on to American Eagle with only the Blue Side running. After we got off that I realised it was 5pm so had to make some quick decisions. I haven't heard one good report about Dark Knight so didnt bother with that and decided on Superman Ultimate Flight. On the way around had another quick ride on Raging Bull (couldnt get enough of that) as it was walk-on then joined the massive que for Superman. Whilst in line underneath the ride you had to dodge the spit as the train whizzed by. It was about 6pm when just as I was walking up the station stairs another horrible clunking noise came from one of the trains then the ride just grinded to a halt. I couldnt believe my luck! I had to wait for about another 45 minutes for them to fix it but finally got on around 7pm. The pretzel loop was an interesting experience- feeling your stomach pressed against your spine! Overall I was impressed by the park even with the breakdowns but wish I had more time as I missed a few rides. Its a nice clean park and everytime I would pull out the park map someone would rush over and give me directions. Next report... 2 days at Cedar Point staying at the infamous Bon Air section of Hotel Breakers!
  3. The Sydney Morning Herald has just reported that Disney has apparently 'eyed off' the Sydney White Bay site as a potential for a park or something... In true dreamworld_rulz style, here's a cut and paste of the article
  4. Ok well last night my brother and I were on youtube watching some videos of rollercoaster's and than we came a long with the: Disney Everest RollerCoaster than we were watching it and what i just don't get is that in the video it shows u going up the the lift hill thing with the cain than u go throw the mountain for like 2 seconds or somthing than you go up this hill where the track is like all rip up and yeah so thay lock on the brakes than you go rolling backwords throw the mountain but it seems that you go throw the mountain thing longer than you came throw so you like must change tracks because than you watch a video of some big foot guy. And yeah so were do you end up going when you start to roll back. So could some one plz help me with this on how it works?
  5. I find an interesting topic on oz coaster, sayin that there might be A Disneyland going in Coomera. Look's like extra compettion for Dreamworld. Its from the bulletin, so coming from a newspaper it may not be true!!! I've often heard Disney's going here and Disney's going there, but nothing ever happens. Who knows though maybe this time the papers right, I sure hope so!!! I think its the right location where all the other theme parks are, there's plenty of room and the train station there!!! Fingers Crossed!!! Here's the link http://ozcoaster.net/boards/viewtopic.php?t=502
  6. Hi guys, My first post. Just wondering what was the lastest news on Disney Land comming to AUS? Regards, Craig
  7. Hey guys here a the photos from Disney's Animal Kingdom they were taken last October when i was there with the westcoaster guys and gals. Enjoy http://ozcoaster.net/content/view/50/27/
  8. Disney parks adding Toy Story attraction Saturday Jan 27 11:04 AEDT AP - Walt Disney theme parks are reviving the old carnival midway concept in a new Toy Story 3D attraction, and using celebrities posing as Disney characters in Annie Leibovitz photos to advertise its new prize campaign, executives said Friday. The Leibovitz photographs feature soccer player David Beckham as Prince Phillip from Sleeping Beauty, Scarlett Johansson as Cinderella descending the castle steps, and a swirling teacup scene for three: Beyonce as Alice (in Wonderland), Oliver Platt playing the Mad Hatter and Lyle Lovett portraying the March Hare. Toy Story Mania will open at Orlando's Disney-MGM Studios and Disney's California Adventure in 2008. In it, guests will don 3D glasses and ride eight to a car through different stations featuring new turns on old carnival games. In Disney's rendition, the ring toss and darts will feature characters from Toy Story, and players will toss "virtual" rings, eggs and pies at targets using a toy cannon with a string and lever. The announcements culminated a three-day press event in which Disney trumpeted its Year of a Million Dreams campaign, which awards unsuspecting park guests at random with prizes ranging from sheriff for a day at Frontierland to a night's stay in Cinderella's castle. The Walt Disney hopes the carnival concept will resonate with parents and older guests, while the video game component will draw in kids. Players will be tracked by computers that automatically raise or lower the difficulty level based on skill. Tom Fitzgerald, senior creative executive with Walt Disney Imagineering, said the immersive game would even simulate "wind in your face, water spray, maybe even smell. "I don't know about the eggs," he said. Leibovitz said her photos, taken in December, were the first in a series featuring additional, to-be-named celebrities. Disney intends to use them in magazine ads for its Dreams contest. ©AAP 2007 Here's the link
  9. When I first came across this website I didn't know what it was all about. Well I soon figured it out when I came across concept drawings and finacial graphs for the Walt Disney Company. Here is the link to the website: 2006 WD Co.Annual Report Anyway, the website shows concept art of new lands, rides and even a new themepark!! It also shows what movies were big hits and what movies are planned for 07. Oh, and how well the company has been going, with shows, toys, movies, computer - console games and the Disney channel. The sight also has a lot of BLAH BLAH BLAH that I can't understand, so I suggest you go to the sections: 1. Dreaming Section 2. Letters To The Shareholders 3. The hole of the Key Business section! CoasterBoy6 EDIT: It looks like I'm not the only one who found the site :Themeparkreview pics
  10. This Tuesday January 9, on Discovery Travel & Living (D 646 for Foxtel subscribers): 10.30PM Inside Walt Disney Studios, Paris (with a replay 4 hours later) Queensland viewers should subtract 1 hour from the time, South Australia 30 minutes and WA 2 hours. DT&L's theme park specials are quite good so this should be worth checking out
  11. You can watch the video at YouTube. I just had a bad thought about a video with the cast of Action Man or the Marvel Heros (except Electra), the Flintstones wouldn't have been to bad except for Fred and Barney. "The Bus is now leaving for Mount Minnie, Tasmania"
  12. It seems as though that Shanghai will be the next location after Hong Kong to recieve a Disney theme park.
  13. We all know that Disney is looking at Australia... but its probably not going to be a 2 day, Resort Park like in the United States... Source
  14. A 16-year-old British tourist suffered cardiac arrest on Tuesday after riding the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror at Disney World in Florida, a month after a four-year-old boy died after riding another Disney World attraction. Leeanne Deacon of Kibworth, England, was rushed to a hospital and into surgery after getting off the ride and telling her mother she did not feel well, the Orange County Sheriff's Office said. She was listed in a critical condition at Florida Hospital Celebration Health, near Disney World, said hospital spokeswoman Melanie Trivento, who would not divulge the nature of the ailment due to patient confidentiality rules. Sheriff's spokesman Jim Solomons said Leeanne went into cardiac arrest and was resuscitated by rescue workers. He said he did not know the nature of the ailment, which required the attention of a neurosurgeon. "The ride has been closed awaiting more information," Disney World, a unit of the Walt Disney Company said in a statement. "The Orange County Sheriff's Office concluded an initial investigation and found no indication of a ride malfunction." AdvertisementOn the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror at Disney-MGM Studios, riders rise 13 storeys in an elevator and then take a plunge. The ride's website warns that users should be free of high blood pressure, heart, back and neck problems and says expectant mothers should not ride. Homicide investigators looked into the incident and determined the ride appeared to be working correctly, Mr Solomons said. "We're satisfied that at this initial stage ... maybe there was some sort of medical issue," he said. "We're satisfied that they [Disney] did everything right. People come off thrill rides all the time in various states of queasiness." On June 13, Daudi Bamuwamye, 4, of Sellersville, Pennsylvania, died after riding Disney World's Mission:SPACE at Epcot Centre. The $US100 million ($133 million) ride uses centrifugal force to create the sensation of a rocket launch. Reuters
  15. Disneyland employs local character April 28, 2005 Hong Kong: When building the new entrance to Hong Kong Disneyland, Walt Disney executives decided to shift the angle of the front gate by 12 degrees. They did so after consulting a feng shui specialist, who said the change would ensure prosperity for the park. Disney also put a bend in the walkway from the train station to the gate, to make sure the flow of positive energy, or chi, did not slip past the entrance and out to the South China Sea. Heeding the advice of a feng shui consultant is one of many steps executives have taken at the park to reflect the local culture - and make sure they do not repeat some mistakes of the past. The financial stakes are high: international growth is a critical part of Disney's expansion efforts. The World Tourism Organisation expects mainland China to become one of the world's largest tourist destinations in the next 15 years. Plans for Hong Kong Disneyland, Disney's 11th theme park and a replica of the original Disneyland, began in 1999 for the undeveloped island of Lantau, a 30-minute train ride from downtown Hong Kong. Built on Penny's Bay and flanked by mountains, the park is a venture with the Hong Kong Government and the first of the parks that Disney wants to build in China, including one in Shanghai. There are various nods to cultural differences at Hong Kong Disneyland. One of the park's main ballrooms measures 888 square metres, because eight is thought to be a number of fortune, said Wing Chao, the master planner of architecture and design at Walt Disney Imagineering. In Chinese, the number four is considered bad luck, so there are no fourth-floor buttons in the lifts at the Hollywood Hotel or other hotels in the park. Cash registers are close to corners or along walls, where such placement is believed to increase prosperity. It is easy to understand why the company would take such pains. Disneyland Paris got off to a bad start by not offering wine when it opened and offering French food when guests wanted American fare. Though its finances have been restructured it is still $US2 billion ($2.5 billion) in debt. The New York Times
  16. Firstly let me say Japan is an amazing country, the culture, the people, the sights, all of it. Every day offered up varied and great experiences, I highly recommend a visit if you haven't yet been. Anyway, onto why we're all here Rather than write a detailed TR for each day I spent at the Disney parks in Tokyo I thought I'd instead write an overall summary of my experiences... I recently travelled for 3 months around Asia & was lucky enough to spend 3 days at the Tokyo Disney parks, April 11-13. Unfortunately each day was rainy (a couple days the rain was off & on so it wasn't too bad) which was great for the crowds (absolutely zero lines) but it did affect the shows & general atmosphere of the whole place, it was quite lonely at times. I still had an excellent time, but at times it was a little difficult to get into the spirit of things when you're wet/cold. I spent 2 days at Disneyland & 1 day at DisneySea. I was going to parkhop on my last day, but it's a bit of a hike between parks & they make you pay for use of the monorail which is a bit lame, so instead I spent my final day at Disneyland doing things I hadn't done previously on account of the rain. (I'd also totally conquered DisneySea in 1 day so there wasn't really much reason to go back). You have to specify which park you will go to on your first 2 days, you are only allowed to parkhop on your final day which suited me fine but seemed a little odd. Disneyland is a great park, pretty much what you'd expect, nothing all that different to other magic kingdoms, yet still a great park. Their version of Winnie the Pooh is absolutely amazing, so much better than the Anaheim version. My first ride I was blown away (& subsequent re-rides as well). Unfortunately Space Mountain was closed for refurbs when I was there so I was unable to get that credit, but everything else was open. Despite the crowds, Disney still went to great efforts, with parades & fireworks when it wasn't raining - overall an exceptional park! DisneySea is a weird yet awesome park, incredibly themed but a little lacking in content (that will change once TOT & Raging Spirits open). Its hard to believe the detail that's gone into theming the park, at times you really feel you're in another world. If the weather was fine I could've spent alot of time just wandering around enjoying the themeing/atmosphere but since it was raining I had to generally rush from ride to ride which was a bit of a shame. For me the best ride was Journey To The Centre of the Earth - a mixture of dark & thrill ride with a cool amount of air-time in the high speed section. I spent a full 12 hours at the park, with many re-rides & exploration when the weather held off. Overall I had a thoroughly enjoyable 3 days at the Tokyo Disney parks, I would definitely plan a future visit once the 2 new rides at DisneySea open. If you have any questions feel free... I also have hundreds of photos so I will probably post a few up sometime soon if people want to see any?
  17. Mickey Mouse watch on west Western Sydney could house a new outpost of the Disney empire, with an amusement park and resort modelled on Disneyland. Disney said it was looking at international sites for a theme park, including 30 hectares at Prospect near Blacktown. "We are evaluating different markets around the world as part of our growth strategy," a spokeswoman for the US company said. However, the spokeswoman said that no decision had been made about the site, which the state government released for development as a zoo, water park or amusement park last monday. It was unlikely anything would be considered before September when Disney opened an amusement park in Hong Kong, she said. Last week, the Minister for Western Sydney, Diane Beamer invited expressions on interest in the Prospect site. She said documents had been sent out in answer to the 22 expressions of interest so far. "Expressions of interest closes on March 24 and the department will be assessing them from that date," she said. Ms Beamer had no comment on whether Disney had made one of those 22 requests. Bonnie Malkin I know it doesnt really say anything new but I say where theres smoke.... The journo must have some lead to be following this story through.....
  18. I have seen staff from disney land arrive at wonderland this week looking at the park and see what is left at the park. they are thinking of keeping the bush beast and most of the other rides have gone now , but we dont know where. They have been there all week . they have been taking photos of the site.they had survorys out there as well.They had shirt from disney land on there shirts. i was doing some work for a security compnay out there. so i had to let them in.the place looks like a mess at the moment. i hope we see a better theme park come to sydney. we hope they keep updating the rides and make people happy when they keep it upto date. The rides i have seen so far left at wonderland is - Bush beast - beastie - cable cars - dodgems - tasmaina devil. - river rapids - skyhawk - dodgems i will try to get photos of the park when i am out there this week..i will try to remember to take the camera. Hope disney land or who ever buys it will bring fun back to sydney west people
  19. Do you prefer Disney theme Parks or even other themeparks(Universal,BuschGardens) , or like me a person who prefers traditional amusement parks Knoebels,Dollywood,Kennywood? (on a side note i wonder if Dolly is still with Kenny these days)? After a few years travelling through America and Japan I tend to get in a debate about Disneyland or other Disney parks and how do I find them compared with other Amusement Parks. My answer these days is that Disney Parks are over commercialised and really when you think about it,it is only good for the kids.Yeah Disney is well theme but to me its not real.Point being why go to California Adventure when you can go to Santa Cruz Beachwalk or Rye Playland in Newyork and get the same experience. People say to me Disney parks are some of the most visited parks in the world but i say that doesn't make them any better.A good example would be McDonalds its popular but dosen't make it better than a homecooked meal. The Traditional Parks like Kennywood,Knoebels,Lake compounce even Nagashima Spaland off alot more than DisneyParks in terms of History,Nostalgic and the people are local and not tourists.Even the Amusement rides are alot more Fun. In the end i find traditional and local Amusement parks better because they are more Peresonifying than Disney parks or even other theme parks.
  20. So out of any of Disney's rides what would be your favourite?There are a few at DCA and and DC that I haven't been on,but I think I can still have a say Space Mountain is a great ride but I don't think it's the best.2 inversion isn't that much,and the launch isn't all that thrilling.Indy is also great,and I love the theme,but Big Thunder is probably my favourite.I love the theme,the ride is long,fun,and smooth.But if you included Disney Studios then Rockin' Rollercoaster is esily the best.
  21. I cannot see why this is not possible? Movie World has "Disney level themeing" on Scooby Doo.
  22. Can anyone tell me why Disneyland never seem to add new rides?Do they think they'll mess up the feel of the park like what they did at DCA?Or is it because all the parks have to synchronise and it therfore takes longer to organise a new attraction? Thanks.
  23. Hi all, just a quick note from The North of France where it’s nice and cool.... Well,originaly we were going to go to Parc Asterix only to find on the website that it’s closed during winter which is pretty surprising because it’s a fairly big park,it’s got more coasters then Disneyland and Disney was open.So instead were going to Disney Studios;we were supposed to go yeterday only to wakepup and find that my Grandfather and I were sick,so instead were going tommorrow.Looking forward to it,Rockin Rollercoaster looks great......
  24. I just got back from a short trip of the Southern California theme parks & thought I would share some TR's with you guys. More to come once I type them out, for now here is day 1. After a wakeup call at 9am it was time to get ready for the first day of fun. Still feeling horribly jetlagged & sick we made the walk to Disney’s California Adventure. Having never been there I thought we would make it the first park of the trip. Upon walking in we decided to check out the Twilight Zone Tower Of Terror (or Hollywood Hotel, whatever the hell they’re calling it). There was only a 10min wait posted so we decided not to use fastpass & got straight in line. I was impressed by the theming in the lobby & boiler room, but the show scenes in the ride, although effective, weren’t that great. The drop sequence made up for that tho. It’s a seriously fun ride, really quite pleasant, with awesome float time; and no lap bars or shoulder restraints, just a seat belt. Why can’t more rides be like this? Next up we headed into the Animation building. As a huge Disney animation fan this was a very interesting attraction for me. Although the retards in upper Disney management *cough*Eisner*cough* have axed all traditionally animated feature film production for now, at least they haven’t gotten rid of this attraction yet. We headed towards Soarin Over California next, an enjoyable movie/simulator thingy where you sit in some funky chairs & swoop around landmarks in California. I didn’t really understand the hype surrounding this ride; it was ok, but nothing special in my opinion. (maybe it was also the fact that I felt sick at the time). We made our way towards Paradise Pier & went on California Screamin next. With only a 5min wait we set off. I had high expectations for this coaster, having heard good reports. It lived up to this – a really great coaster, with nice airtime, smoothness & comfortable restraints. (Being 6 foot 4 many OSTR’s place painful pressure on my shoulders/collar bone). We got off & immediately queued up for another ride, this time waiting 10min for the front row. After a quick Turkey Sandwich from the Pacific Wharf café we headed over towards the Maliboomer, a run of the mill S&S launch tower. It only had a 5min wait time. I don’t quite understand why this is in a Disney park, although its kinda fun, it just doesn’t really belong there. (The whole Paradise Pier area just seems un-Disney to me, but maybe I’m just being a lame Disney-phile). Next up we headed towards Mulholland Madness, a boring steel wild mouse. I wanted the credit, but there’s no way I would bother riding it again, for me there’s nothing interesting or fun about it. After this we went on the Orange Stinger, Jumpin Jellyfish, & the Golden Zephyr. Again none of these rides were anything special, just kiddy rides. (I think they spoilt the Orange Stinger by having it enclosed in the orange, it would’ve been more fun swinging out in the open). So our next destination was A Bug’s Land, the kid’s area themed to A Bug’s Life. I really enjoyed this area; although the attractions are all aimed at kids I still had to ride them =) So I lined up with mostly people under 10 & hit up Flik’s Flyers, Francis’ Ladybug Boogie, Heimlich’s Chew Chew Train, and Tuck & Roll’s Drive Em Buggies (quite possibly the slowest bumper cars in existence). On the way out we walked on to It’s Tough To Be A Bug, an enjoyable 3d movie with some cool special effects (like the seat that jabs your back & hurt my spine, AWESOME!!). Still in the 3d movie mood we headed over to Muppet Vision 3d next, another 3d movie with some special effects. By this time my jetlag was really kicking in so we went for a 2 hour break back at the hotel room. Feeling slightly refreshed after the break we headed back into the park at dinnertime & ate some Nachos from Cocina Cucamonga Mexican Grill (actually not too bad, even if the place has a slightly weird name). With a full stomach we decided to hit up California Screamin again, this time waiting around 30mins in line for the back row (why we didn’t just get a fastpass I’m not sure, I guess my brain still wasn’t quite functioning properly yet). So with the evening upon us we sat down along the parade route & watched the Electrical Parade. I never did get to see this parade while it was at Disneyland so I was excited to see it for the first time. It was thoroughly entertaining & I’ve since decided I want to own and drive one of the spinning tortoises/snails that make farting noises. After the parade was over the park was closing so we headed back to our hotel room where I enjoyed a long sleep & tried to get my body onto local time. The rides we didn’t get on that day would have to wait for another day (we still had 4 days left at the Disneyland resort so we weren’t really in any hurry). Check back for more when I have bothered typing them out
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