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TNT/Project Zero - Reviews & Reactions


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From the looks of it, I LOVE how Gumbuya World are making the look of the coasters better than the others in Victoria, IMO it is Gold Coast standard. It may not be as good as Leviathan but they are definitely the best themed coasters in Victoria by a big margain. I could even say TNT has better theming than DC Rivals (DCR is just a white shed).

I am very glad Gumbuya got Buzzsaw and can see it lasting for many years, as none of the other Maurer Skyloop XT 150's have closed yet. It is the second scariest coaster in the country, as it is the second fastest and tallest coaster in the country (105 km/h and 46m, only beaten by DCR) and the only coaster to reach 5G. TNT will most likely be more popular (lots will be too scared to go on PZ) so I will most likely get Express Q and use it for both coasters.

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12 minutes ago, seatfiller said:

I reckon Project Zero isn't as rough as it was. It was by no means as smooth as TNT but that's expected as it's not new. I think the final brake is significantly better than it was though, not as loud or jolty. Very excited Victorian to have these coasters in our backyard!

i was going to say from the videos i’ve seen the ride does sound a bit smoother and less clanky.

i never rode Buzzsaw (the GP side of me was terrified of it) but it does look like it’ll be a great fit at Gumbuya World, it’s gone from a filler to a headliner.

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I really like the theming! I just love good original themes! IP’s do nothing for me but original ideas or just cool looking themes make me happy. I really wish movieworld at least bothered to have a 3D sign for DCR. For Australia’s “best” it’s only got its stats going for it. No theming/cool signage. We got a small clip running on a TV in a shed though..  btw how far away in gumbuya from LPM.   The rides look awesome.

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2 hours ago, TBoy said:

From the looks of it, I LOVE how Gumbuya World are making the look of the coasters better than the others in Victoria, IMO it is Gold Coast standard. It may not be as good as Leviathan but they are definitely the best themed coasters in Victoria by a big margain. I could even say TNT has better theming than DC Rivals (DCR is just a white shed).

I definitely agree, it is Gold Coast standard and miles ahead of what we got for DC Rivals. I forgot to mention in my previous post just how smooth TNT is. It’s smooth as butter and the lack of over the shoulder restraints allows for a very free and pleasant ride experience. I also need to give massive kudos to the park staff today. Everyone was incredibly friendly, helpful and professional. While we were waiting in the hot sun for the ride to open, one staff member handed out complimentary bottles of water to everyone in the queue, a very nice gesture from the park that was very much appreciated. Great job Gumbya! 

7 minutes ago, REGIE said:

btw how far away in gumbuya from LPM.   The rides look awesome.

About 50 mins (depending on traffic).  

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19 minutes ago, REGIE said:

Where’s the best place to sit on PZ?

By the looks of it if you sit in the front row you go upside down (on the second lift where there is a rollback) but if you sit in the other rows you stay vertical. So I would be in the front row.

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1 hour ago, Rivals said:

on Gumbuya’s Instagram they’ve posted a video of Project Zero’s cycle, it looks like the breaking isn’t as bad as it does another cycle before breaking, meaning it doesn’t have as much speed entering the breaks.

That is very good compared to the other Maurer Skyloop XT 150s, as it seems Gumbuya have two backward cycles, not one like Buzzsaw etc. Basically it seems like PZ runs like Buzzsaw until where it braked, instead it does another backward drop and forward drop to the brakes. Makes it look more intense than Buzzsaw.

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14 minutes ago, REGIE said:

That’s great. I really wish more rides on the Gold Coast had that. Storm, SE and GL could really use one.

I think in Australia, the only coasters with a single rider queue are DC Rivals, Steel Taipan and now TNT and Project Zero IIRC. So basically only 4 coasters have it surprisingly. 

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10 hours ago, Rivals said:

on Gumbuya’s Instagram they’ve posted a video of Project Zero’s cycle, it looks like the breaking isn’t as bad as it does another cycle before breaking, meaning it doesn’t have as much speed entering the breaks.


i’ve seen another video where the ride is just like Buzzsaw and does actually stops when it goes back up the tower, im guessing there was an issue which caused it to do that in that video?


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30 minutes ago, Rivals said:

i’ve seen another video where the ride is just like Buzzsaw and does actually stops when it goes back up the tower, im guessing there was an issue which caused it to do that in that video?

Or maybe that could be the normal cycle? @Noll_57 did Project Zero have two backward drops or was it just like Buzzsaw?

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