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Sydney Royal Easter Show


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welcome Flip, to the forums. Nothing wrong with your post above there, but just in case you haven't seen them, can I recommend visiting the Community Guidelines for a look-see (under the FAQ section). Again as I said, nothing wrong with your post, but its handy to know the rules before you break them! ;) the video is now available, and paul_hollibone has posted links to the video in several places, or you can also check it out by visiting the site directly at www.defunction.net and following the links. Again, good to have you on board, and enjoy the Roller-Coaster.com.au experience!

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stop complaining, if it annoys you soo much DONT GO!
So true, so I attempt to stay as far away from those games as possible. I love the rides, but hate the games. If there were no games the carnival world would be a much nicer place.
But anyway, having said that, i find nothing more disgusting than a person who cannot be polite to a person who is trying to get you to play a game. A simple "no thanks" is all it takes.
Have you been the the Easter Show recently? I can tell you that it takes a helluva lot more than a simple 'no thankyou' to get them off your back. It wasn't like I started out being an asshole to them, I did start with no thankyou, but it does get to you after a while. People always yelling at you, screaming into a microphone to get you to come and play one if their rigged (or "skill") games, and if you do say no they begin to yell in an even more obnoxious, loud and annoying voice. After being yelled at for over an hour, I ended up just walking right past them whenever I had to pass them, but let me guess...that's rude as well? Surely these people know that people abusing them is part of the job. It's the same as a prime minister accepts that he is going to become a very unpopular person amongst certain groups, it's the same as a garbage man is going to have to accept that people may look down upon them (although most garbos are friendly people), it's the same as some people think of lawyers as vermin, scum of the earth. The carnies should realise that they aren't very popular with people due to their loud and obnoxious ways of drawing crowds into play their "skill" games and for that reason, they should deal with my (and other peoples) rudeness. Having said that, I also have to say that the rude, loud and obnoxious carny is just a stereotype that is unfortunately true to only a select group of carnival folk. There are some that start with "hey buddy wanna win a prize?" and then leave you alone, and there are the others that are plain rude. These people are the ones I have a problem with, and force me to become rude overall.
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I guess, thats happened to me a few times, I just ignore them... or stay as close to the rides as possible, and don't make eye contact.... anyways... scott...... I didn't realise that I had to listen to you, that term that I used was a joke, if you know what that is... I thought the footage of Rainbow was really cool, and the Zippers cages look tacky, but cool.... meh... I don't know anyone who drools over a light pole or gets horny over a Zipper...... do you have issues? maybe moving on chris

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Have you been the the Easter Show recently? I did start with no thankyou, but it does get to you after a while. People always yelling at you, screaming into a microphone to get you to come and play one if their rigged (or "skill") games, and if you do say no they begin to yell in an even more obnoxious, loud and annoying voice. After being yelled at for over an hour, I ended up just walking right past them whenever I had to pass them, but let me guess...that's rude as well?
Honestly, there is no need to be that way. No thankyou, keep walking, no problem. Once you have said no thankyou to the person, if they keep at you, it is ok to ignore them, because you have acknowledged them already. But the problem I am seeing here is that walking past them a number of times has you getting worse as it goes on... Does the 16 year old girl on holidays trying to earn enough money to buy herself her first car deserve to tolerate all of the abuse, foul language and rudeness from you, Jim, because you have just put up with the exact same approach from 40 other people? NO. There is no excuse to be rude to them. "i'm allergic" - i mean come on.... A simple no thanks is all it takes, and you move on. Practice it before you go to the show again "no thanks" or... "no thankyou".
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I'm alergic. Yeah. Right. Never heard that one before. Basically what I do is when they either say hi, or something like that, I say hello back. Then while still walking, they go blah blah blah, and I go no thanks. Or I have no money to spend sorry. If they keep going on, I just ignore them. It is the same for those people that do that World Vision thing at the shopping centres.

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Zipper should go the way that 'X' did at SFMM. Paint it bright yellow and bright pink. That'd look cool! As for comparing Carnies to world vision people, Paul, come on, I really don't think you can or should compare the two. The world vision people are doing this out of the goodness of their heart and trying to help other people, they don't yell, and they're not rude.

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scott...... I didn't realise that I had to listen to you, that term that I used was a joke
How amusing. I agree that the Ekka and and Royal Easter show, ect are made worse by the noise of people yelling and screaming, much like television now is, but I think the main problem is the ride prices, they're rip-offs.
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As for comparing Carnies to world vision people, Paul, come on, I really don't think you can or should compare the two. The world vision people are doing this out of the goodness of their heart and trying to help other people, they don't yell, and they're not rude.
To be honest, most of those shopping centre charity workers are backpacker travellers, and they make a commission on every person they sign up. if they don't sign anyone, they don't make anything. trust me, these people would not be so pushy if they didn't make anything off the deal. They DO yell, and they ARE rude... Personally, i think the carnies are better mannered than the charity shopping centre people.
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