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Ride Op


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All rides are different, though generally it goes like this: 1. Make sure that Maintenance have already checked the ride and indicated that its working. 2. Do a check to make sure that it is indeed working properly 3. Admit guests, checking for things like height requirements, injuries, and making sure guests are wearing footwear. 4. Make sure guests are seated correctly ("Sir you may want to sit UNDER that restraint. Just a suggestion though" :) ) then check any restraints that need checking. 5. Check that the ride area is clear of guests, entry gates are closed, and dispatch. 6. Watch ride, make sure that everyone is behaving themselves, and that the ride area is staying clear. 7. When ride cycle stops, unload guests. Repeat steps 2 through 7 till you think you'll go insane. 8. Go on a break, or (if its the right time of day) turn off ride, go home. Forget preceding day with a few beers. There's not much too it, which is probably one of the main drawbacks; its not the most mentally stimulating job out there. There are perks to the job (free theme park tickets mostly, plus a few others that local pubs kick in), but for the most part, its a good lifestyle. Its not the sort of job you have to "take home" with you, in that even the most stressful busy day can be left at work and you don't go home stressed. Its also a pretty social sort of job, generally speaking the crews are young and almost always the people are cool to hang out with.

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Unlike Checkout Chicks, Ride Operators actually get to have some fun. I had a great time during my nearly 5 years in the industry. As for careers, I started as and Op and moved up to Senior Op, Supervisor (both rides and waterpark) and trainer. You would be suprised to know that quite a lot of the management of parks have started off at the bottom (as Ride Ops, food a beverage staff, entertainers, etc), and have made their way up through the ranks. Ex-Wonderland CEO, Stephen Galbraith started at Seaworld as a teenager. "The Bus is now leaving for Caree, NSW"

Edited by Bussy
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LOL, maybe there should be a seperate thread about rubber matting. We wash the ones in drive thru at Maccas though every night with a bit of degreaser and a hot water sprayer, i guess our standards are higher :P But getting back to the serious discussion here, is it simply a case of sending a resume whenever you feel like it? On the website they say they do their hiring towards the end of year, but surley they would need people throughout because they are a big company so people are going to be leaving no matter what. Im planning on working at the parks now since Ill be moving to Qld for uni, and i wouldnt mind commuting down in the holidays just for the experience of working in a park. The other thing I wanted to know is competitiveness for jobs as a ride op. Is it a job that gets a lot of applicants or one of those ones nobody wants to do, or is it simply somewhere in the middle?

Edited by Gazza
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Parks will generally do a fairly large intake just before the summer holidays as that the the busiest time for them. As for the rest of the year they will recruit as required. The majority of staff tend to be students as they can work weekends. At the couple of parks I worked out I had to go through a group interview, then a quick one on one then got the job. Generally if you go to the parks website they will have a section about employment and what to do. Or you could give the park a call and ask to speak the Human Resources department. "The Bus is now leaving for Jobara, Victoria"

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Its those black rubber mats, basically its for improving circulation in your feet and providing greater softness underfoot. If you are on cashier/order taker you dont really get to move, so standing on a flat hard floor can be uncomfortable for long periods of time. Im actually thinking of asking for a second mat at the Deli Choices station since that is another once where you have to stay put. No Really, we need a seperate thread for this :P Thanks for that info Bussy. With regard to the student employee thing, do they not really care they are re-training a new batch of people each summer? It sounds good for me though...

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