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Wooden Roller Coasters

Guest Chippy

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Guest Chippy

The loop is a part of the coaster ,haven't you played rct2 its just like that and son of beast is the only working wooden coaster with an inverstion and if I go to the U.S of A I wana go there. :mrgreen:

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To answer your question Bus Man SOB is actualy the World's only looping wooden coaster. It has one inversion which is the one you see in the pic. The loop structure itself is suported by steal but the track itself is still wood. Its a pretty awsome looking coaster I must say!

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Just after I posted my last message in the thread I had a look at the Paramount King's Island website and answered my own question. I got the following information from here The Specs Year Opened 2000 Hourly Capacity 1000 guests Height of First Lift Hill 218 feet Drop on First Lift Hill 214.01 feet - at a 55.7° angle Second Drop 164.11 feet - at a 43.4° angle Third Drop 149.97 feet - at a 37.3° angle Ride Length 3 minutes Track Length 7,032 feet (1.3 miles) Number of trains Three trains, with six cars each, holding a total of 36 riders per train Maximum Speed 78 mph Location Paramount Action Zone™ Manufacturer Paramount's Kings Island I think it is cool that a theme park is actually making their own rides. Chippy no I haven't played RCT2 so I didn't know it was there. "The Bus is now leaving for Thiruchirapalli, India"

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Guest Chippy

Its not the only wooden coaster with a loop its the only operating wooden coaster there are 4 other that are all not operating. Like lis one http://www.totalthrills.com/forums/album_pic.php?pic_id=103

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Guest Chippy

thats the only picture i could find and there gone you know :rolleyes: there names are flip flap railway at Paul Boyton's Sea Lion Park Brooklyn ,Loopingbahn at Prater Park Veiana Austria , Loop The Loop at Ghost Town on the River Louisville Kentucky and Loop The Loop at Sans Souci Chicago Illinois . :mrgreen:

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A few things. As Daniel said, it doesn't need to be done every year. The rides that do have it done yearly tend to be those that tear themselves to shreds, like Cedar Point's Mean Streak (which employs its own dedicated team of carpenters full time). Even just one proper job would be good enough for five or six years. Secondly, the ride tends to be closed for at least a month each year for maintenance. If that's not enough time to get a complete retracking done, then it sounds like you're hiring the wrong tradesmen. Now onto Son of Beast. It's considered quite rough. From what I know, it's not an "enthusiass" thing, but the trains were designed seriously too small. Anyone over like 5'10" gets their legs beaten to death by the slightest bump in the track. They also say that the loop, which is supported by a steel substructure, is the smoothest part of the ride. A normal PTC train for instance gives room for harmless and padded bounce. If you're locked down tight you're just gonna start thumping things hard, that's a fact. To be fair, just about every coaster which has had complaints of being rough over here I've considered smooth. The ride wasn't built by PKI. I don't know why the hell they're crediting themselves. It was a Werner Stengel design, built by RCCA and the trains were custom designed for the ride by Premier Rides.

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Its good to have the info richo and are you a member of the A.C.E and is that where your getting the info from becuse Iam and I could just to them.And rich I have some pics of the world expo park and I tryed to put them on but it says session invalid can you help me. :mrgreen: Hello, nobody's replied on the luna park forum. :(

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I'm not a member, and I probably never will be because of the way the organisation is structured, but that's another matter. I get my information from my head, which I've aquired from a few years of browsing coaster sites, posting and reading forums. If I don't no something, or need to verify something, I'll usually use RCDB. I haven't done that since I left Australia though, because it's too difficult using AOL dialup and a laptop that was bought (second hand) for size and cost. :)

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Sorry but you’re always mentioning enthusiasts.:oops:
Holy crap Chip, you did get the dictionary out for that one didn't you? See how easy it is old son? I'm proud. You even got the right 'you're'. That's one for the books. There's a first for everything. Better than that 'malfunshining' word you came up with the post before. That's a ripper. The word would be MALFUNCTIONING. That's what you were after. I think.... I'd like to hear how you pronounce that word 'malfunshining'. Just like it sounds? We'll check out the Looney Park forums when you prove you've taken the step up. Demonstrate you're trying and we'll be there old son. Boy, I can't wait!! It's going to be a great day.
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I'm convinced d*ckhead is the only thing you can spell at the moment. Find some new material will you? It's passed its used by date old son. When does school go back? What primary school did you go to? Your teachers should be shot. Or are you still there? That might explain some of it. Too many freaks, not enough circuses.

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16 and you have the spelling, punctuation, grammar and diction of a 7 year old... You'd be flat out counting past 10. I pray that you're not going to torture yourself by doing the HSC. Please tell me you're not. Next time you have something to say, shutup. You're fighting a losing battle old son. Give up with whatever dignity you have left.

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