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Halloween Fright Nights 2010


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Just a quick note on the close time of the queue's - on Friday night I actually waited outside the queue for the psycho 3D maze as it seemed apparent to me that they had killed the queue too early and sure enough at about 10:40 they re-opened the queue as they had filtered through all the people waiting. No doubt they will be able to identify the right time to close the queue's in order to close up shop at 11 as the nights go on, but it was good to see it re-opened on friday when they realised they could run for another 20 minutes. Jay

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Just my quick two bob of what i thought of last nights fright night: -The vibe in the park was good, especially with all the extra actors, and the staff did incredibly well also. -The lighting effects used throughout the park added the final touch, especially in Rio bravo as mentioned before and the entrance had just that more polish. -Freddy's maze was amazing, I got totally disorientated throughout it and we had just as much fun scaring the other members of the group, it was just a shame it was a two hour wait for this maze. -Saw was good, and it felt like there was only the one jigsaw throughout it as well. -It was a shame to see that they had moved all the smoke machines from Scooby, I'm hoping that when Fright nights are over that a couple of extra machines go back in there. I understand that this is a big event and that waits are inevitable, but perhaps some entertainment along the lines would help you forget how long you have been lining up, ( At a stage Saw would have been a 2 1/2 hour wait as the line stretched to the entrance of WWF) it would also be a great idea to have staff wandering along lines selling food and drinks. I would have bought a heap of food had that been an option, because you sure as hell don't want to loose your place in the line.

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You're right, I hope someone from mobiles sees your post and gets people selling in the lines. That's a GREAT idea! I can't say as to why there was none for your ride, but can tell you no smoke is scooby is not because it's smoke machines have been removed for Halloween. Smoke like anything else is technical so sadly there may have been a fault last night. Did you notice the new green laser heads added to the ride though. That have been absent for years and look great!

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Yes tonight's event was indeed a sell out which was great for two reasons. 1)The event is selling really well and is really popular which only spells good things for the future. 2)Attendance was capped at a good number so as to not have the park too crowded whilst maintaining a great atmosphere. Anyone ride Scooby today by any chance? Wow, so awesome.

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The laser room looked the best I've ever seen it, better than when the ride first opened! Tons of haze, heaps of green and full colour lasers, just awesome. I was so impressed. Journey has been open every HFN and even the last show of the night was full and the attraction is still getting applause which is pretty cool.

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I know its off topic from Fright Nights but while we mention Scooby I went the next day after Fright Nights (Sunday) and it the ride was probably the best its ever been in terms of everything working... apart from one small fact unlike the Fright Night there was no smoke whatsoever and I went on at least 4 times and the final drop once it appeared like it was trying as hard as it could to pump out smoke with no real result, it was a shame because I don't know if it was just me but there appeared to be more lasers in there. Oh well just got to be lucky I guess, however it was constantly broken down, wasn't up when the park opened and went down nearly every time I was in line, they weren't long just about 5mins the ride would stop and once they couldn't get a harness down and then they would just keep sending them round, then it wold stop, operators would be on the phone and then a maintenance guy would go into the ride, come out, then they'd keep sending them around and off it would go again. Also in the main room doors to the exits would keep being opened by staff. This whole breaking down often and no smoke in the main room was the same thing that happened last Monday... once again seems to just be luck of the draw because from the sound of things it looked great on Saturday night.

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It is unfortunate (just touching on the Scooby thing) with the break downs. Of course when I say break downs, it's not that something actually breaks, you're nearly always looking at a computer matter stopping the ride. You'll find with all complex rides that ride stoppages are frequent, it's uncommon to find at least one E-ticket attraction that doesn't go down once or twice a day. It may not seem so given much of the ride is very sedate but the ride system alone (ie not the effects) in Scooby is by far the most complex of any ride at the Australian parks. With that complexity comes a huge array of safety systems, and if just one little thing isn't perfect with EVERY system then the ride stops, to ensure everything is safe. That's usually when you see the ride stopped for a period of time, whilst whatever the issue is checked before resuming the operation. It's usually going to be something minor like a car taking half a second longer than average to negotiate part of the ride, but amusement rides take no chances. It kind of is luck of the draw as there are just soooo many variables with these rides that all have to line up perfectly for correct and safe operation.

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I'm glad this is doing well, it just screams to Movieworld, do more of this. I was at Universal Hollywood Halloween Horror Nights earlier in the month and I was chatting to their creative director John Murdy and even he knew about what Movieworld was doing. He jokingly said - what are you doing here, isn't Movieworld good enough for you. I see even Luna Park Sydney is doing something for Halloween this weekend. Maybe next year for Movieworld, I'm so Halloweened out at the moment after Halloween Horror Nights in Orlando and Hollywood, Knott's Scary Farm, and Busch Tampa Howl O Scream.

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He was in the park, some of the people I was with seem to know everyone at Universal. I just wound up chatting to him for a while, he's a nice guy, he was stoked I'd come from Australia to check out HHN. I only wanted to thank him for putting on such a great event but we had plenty to talk about. It was mad at LA HHN this year, it seems to be selling out every night, I went on 1 & 2 October and even that early in the season it was sold out both nights and chockers - thank heavens for Front Of Line Passes, worth every cent. Couldn't say the same for the Express and RIP tour options at Orlando HHN.

Edited by downunder
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Went again for the final night last night, was not very busy and the mazes were pretty much a walk on, seemed to be even more scare actors roaming the streets ect. Best part was I managed to go behind the scenes of Saw and even enter the bathroom :D and have a fairly long chat with Lynton Harris. They have really built a solid foundation for next year, I just hope they do not bring back the "Freak Show", only real negative of the night.

Edited by Jordan M
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