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Adventure World 2015 - 'Mi2' Kraken Tornado slide

Tim Dasco

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Yes, the early bird season pass deal often, but not always, ends at the start of the season.  It can save you a few dollars, so it's worth getting.  AW opens again in three weeks, so if you want to get your season pass delivered by then act soon.  In the meantime, you can use your receipt to gain entry.

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I'd like to congrats Theme Parks WA on reaching 112 likes over one weekend. 


They also found this interesting website:  https://www.facebook.com/creativeworks.com.au/?hc_ref=PAGES_TIMELINE

It has Creative Works' repainting of AW theming, including a certain former pirate ship.

Edited by iwerks
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On 24 August 2016 at 11:01 AM, Mark Shaw said:


Thanks. The strategy will be mostly every 2 years for the foreseabble future. There maybe a back to back year where we dont have big infrastructure costs or perhaps a smaller attraction expansion (DK for example or similar pre-school market). In the next few years we have to spend $1.5m on a new HV ring main to expand our power capacity and following year expanding car parking again which may mean moving maintenance areas and offices. Not cheap.


Just had a thought. When you said moving maintenance areas. What about looking into buying Masters building across the road when they close down? That would save you having to build the building itself. Really would depend on how much masters are selling of for really. Then you have another overflow carpark. But I wonder how much the store would cost.


* Western Power must love receiving your power bill.

Edited by Tim Dasco
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I think a Master's building is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too big for their needs. Hell, I don't even think MW would be able to utilise a space that size appropriately.

Much of the maintenance is done on site with most rides. Those with removable ride vehicles - like coasters - may take the trains off site depending on what sort of maintenance bay the ride has.

Wonderland's maintenance bay itself was probably a little bigger than an aldi, and twice as high.

For AW, it would be like buying a Caterpillar 793F to crack a walnut.

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I realised that once I posted it. Their maintenance buildings and offices I believe are the buildings down the bottom.

Screen Shot 2016-09-08 at 2.31.26 pm.png

The Masters store compared to AW.

Screen Shot 2016-09-08 at 2.31.09 pm.png

The only way I think it could work would be if someone brought it and made it into multiple warehouses and sold each of individually and then AW brought one unit. 

But as AW is a seasonal park I am assuming they need somewhere to store a lot of stuff that gets removed IE ride parts, theming, shade sails, tubes and so on.

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Hopefully they leave just enough room of that building for AW to buy for their maintenance buildings and offices. 


@iwerks with what your saying that would be cool. Maybe AW could then make a deal with whoever does it and they can have 2 day passes one day for AW another day for other stuff to try and make it more than just one day vacation area.

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Yeah, it would have been nice to get something compatible, like the simulation Centre, in there. They're actually moving, but I think in the other direction.  Their expansion plans seem quite interesting.  They were talking about getting VR in the future as well as those huge scaletrix tracks. Currently they have sports simulators and a little 9D cinema. 

Imagine if there was a hotel in the vicinity.  I think the closest is Fremantle at the moment.

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On 8 September 2016 at 6:33 PM, iwerks said:

Yeah, it would have been nice to get something compatible, like the simulation Centre, in there. They're actually moving, but I think in the other direction.  Their expansion plans seem quite interesting.  They were talking about getting VR in the future as well as those huge scaletrix tracks. Currently they have sports simulators and a little 9D cinema. 

Imagine if there was a hotel in the vicinity.  I think the closest is Fremantle at the moment.

Maybe for the mi4 build a dark ride/revenge of the mummy style attraction, masters being a massive building, a bridge would be a good idea to go over the road. Or if bought, move the animals from wildlife experience over and possibly a terrain coaster around the back of aw?....Far into the future maybe mi4 and 5

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I still think they have enough park to use, already.  If they were going to expand and buy more land they should have probably done that in the 1980s when there was nothing there.

I'd still like to see them cover the staples - flume ride/family roller coaster.  Even a basic dark ride or simulator (permanent and not portable) would be good.  Something that gives people an excuse to visit during inclement weather.


AW pit.jpg

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Remember AW do own more land next to Animals kingdom and behind their maintenance shops. They just have not developed the land yet. But if the camp ground ever goes for sale on AW's right side I think that would be good land for them to expand their carpark and make more park space.


@iwerks the original owners of AW probs never knew AW would get to be size it is today. Considering past owners never spent the capital that the current owner is. So perhaps thats why they didn't look for more land originally. But once they expand the park footprint to the left side and they add a few more MI's I am going to assume their maximum capacity will increase.

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Yeah, Michael Edgley, the original developer was more into building things and selling them off.  I don't think expansion would have been on his mind. 

Looks like he's seen better days.


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Imagine the opportunities for expansion if Michael edgely had brought the land Down to where Cockburn ice arena is. The opportunities would be endless and could haven even given aw to be  there with universal attraction wise. But he obviously didn't think it would become what it is when he opened it. Anyways, for what it is, mark and the crew have done a great job on the park giving it many face lifts and made it a household name in Perth. If edgley hadn't sold the park, it would be nothing like it is now and sold to pay for his debt

1 hour ago, iwerks said:Yeah, Michael Edgley, the original developer was more into building things and selling them off.  I don't think expansion would have been on his mind. 


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9 minutes ago, Tim Dasco said:

But I believe he sold it to someone else and then that guy sold it to the current owners.

Yh he sold it to some leisure company with way to many shareholders who then sold it to wa man Steve scicerich who owns it now and has really developed it over the years with mark. And tim are u I. The Joondalup area??

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You could be right.  This from Wikipedia:


Michael Edgley International created and ran the park from its inception to December 1990. 380,000 tonnes of sand were used to reshape the land contours of the industrial dump site into a suitable theme park location.[2] Since 1999, Omni Leisure Operations has been managing the park. In 1999 LeisureWide Property Trust (a 40% owner of Omni Leisure and owned by Macquarie Bank) did not act on their option to buy Adventure World[3] and since 2000 a West Australian, Steve Sicerich, has owned the park.[2]

From Adventure World's own history, this:


In 2000, Adventure World was bought out of receivership by a West Australian born and bred owner who lives only 15 minutes from Adventure World. The new owner saw value in some of the key attractions and the potential to develop Adventure World into a more diverse attraction that caters to the outdoor entertainment and escapist needs of the entire family in the growing technological world. The new owner set about investing in the park through renovation and redevelopment based on this premise and Adventure World saw rapid physical change in the next decade.


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22 minutes ago, iwerks said:

You could be right.  This from Wikipedia:

From Adventure World's own history, this:


Thanks iwerks that's what I meant there was a bit of a blank spot on who owned/operated aw during the 90s. But one things sure, apart from turbo mountain, it was a crap time for aw

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