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I would like one of B&Ms flawless floorless's, or maybe a standup, yeah a standup would be good but i'd rather an Intamin because they use Zero-g rolls. Too bad they already have an SLC, inverters are way better. In terms of layout, make it a 7 inversion, we deserve it. But even if it were only $ or so inversions then I'd still be happy. Hmmm, maybe I should just build a B&M by itself as part of a cafe by the side of a main road and charge $7.50 a pop. Even that would be great.

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Don't forget that B&M do Exceptional Zero G Rolls on Floorless coasters that are well regarded by just about everyone who rides them. I don't really have a preference as too what I want the park too get, so long as they theme it well) which will be difficult with a coaster since its just about guaranteed that the ride will provide panoramic views of the Tin Sheds (and don't anyone even think about telling me all about what the sheds are really made of, because I simply don't care) which are the studios and rest of the park.

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Yeah, too bad B&M dont use their cool zero-g rolls on their standups. Im more concerned that we get a coaster with lots of inversions and intenisty, our only operating sit down looper has 2 inversions. As for themeing, the low to the ground sections are the part where theming matters most, dont give a stuff for the high up sections, just some nice dense plantings are good enough for me.

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Yeah, B&M certainly make the better looping coasters. I don't know, Intamin's just look too rigid and cookie-cutter. I liken them to an Arrow looper, with the advantages of perfect Swiss engineering. The zero-g roll is a funny element. Not even all B&M's get it perfect, which goes to show that this element is a very precise one for them to execute. Kraken's is by far the quintessential zero-g roll, one of the reasons that this is considered one of the best, if not the best coaster of theirs to date.

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Its because the zero-g's (the airtime) occur at the peak of a hill, so if they make the roll at the top of the peak, a floating sensation through the element can be achived. We wont ever see a flat line on at the end of a ride because B&M dont do barrel rolls.Intamins are OK, but B&Ms can be cookie cutter to,o a lot of them seem to follow the loop, zero-g roll, cobral roll, corkscrew formula, give or take an element. Its about time they started making entirley new elements (such as an incilne loop sea serpent roll) , transfering elemtents form other coasters (the incline loop) or using their lesser featured elements (batwing).

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Just to clear up the zero-g roll question, airtime's not 0Gs, by definition it is negative G-forces. A body, when launched at an angle at a given velocity will follow a certain path under the normal forces of gravity. Use the example of kicking a football to someone in your mind if so far it's not making sense. This path is called the trajectory path and can be calculated using the trajectory equation. From memory, the maximum height of said body can be found using h=sinθv²/2g, I can't remember the one for maximum length, but that's getting me sidetracked. :) This body, for the duration of its time in the air is subjected to 0Gs in the vertical plane. Long story short, to design a hill which produces 0Gs, you simply make it follow the path dictated by the trajectory equation, given the weight of the train, its velocity, and a whole host of other factors that would be there in real life, such as friction. An airtime hill will be a hill smaller than this 0G hill, such that the individuals on the ride would have their bodies want to follow the previously designed hill, but because of the track's shape can't, so they press up against the lapbar (or lack thereof in the case of Holiday World's SRM incident in 2003). Anyway, back to the 0G hill, what B&M did to create the zero-g roll is added a 360º twist to the track, one which revolves around the heartline of the riders (the heartline of the riders is of course changing constantly as dictated by the shape of the original 0G hill). When I said cookie-cutter, I was talking more in terms of how the rides' layouts are actually put together. Intamin loopers tend to be very square in how they're layed out, using a lot of parallel lines and straighness, whereas B&Ms really flow and use lots of curves and twists to make them more than just an expedition to see how many inversions you can knock over in the shortest amount of time and space. I've ridden probably half a dozen or so B&Ms with their similar inversion placements, and I think it works absolutely perfectly. Why mess with perfection? :)

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Just to diverge to another topic in your post quickly - what was the incident that happened at SRM in 2003? As for B&M's; I've ridden a few, & I've definitely found them to be the best steel looper out there (but well thats pretty obvious :)). Every element flows into one another perfectly, but I agree with the point raised that alot of them follow the same line of elements. It would be great to see them mix it up a little more, try out some new things, but I really have no problems with how they're doing things at the moment. That may change after trying out Scream at SFMM tho, all reports I've heard have said its quite rough & not like the usual Beemer. Have you ridden it Richard?

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^at SRM last year a ACE female fell out of Raven the wooden coaster as they were all riding with there lap bars half up for major airtime. As for B&M Ive ridden Medusa which is a Floorless very nice ride I must say but I would like a flyer themed to Superman. But I can say right now work wont be getting any coaster soon but will be getting things just cant say right now.

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Given the amount of B&M talk there is going on, I'd go out on a limb and suggest maybe most people are leaning towards a B&M of some description for their hypothetical coaster for Movie World. I've ridden Scream!, and it definitely is bumpy. As all accounts suggest, it does vibrate almost from start to finish, and seemingly for no reason. It's not at all painful, nor even as rough as say the smoothest Arrow coasters out there, but it is noticeable and I'd say does detract from the whole B&M experience, which really is what it is because of the amazing smoothness of the rides.

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I really don't think we are off the point at all. You asked what we would prefer - we have answered specifically by saying we'd like a coaster by the manufacturer B&M, be it a sit-down or stand-up etc... Besides, isnt that what a forum is for? To discuss topics? I suppose we all could've just answered with "I'd prefer a big sitdown coaster", but then well the thread would be quite boring. :)

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Well what about the Vekoma factor? They have new train designs for their SLCs, Sitdowns and Roller Skaters, so why not? You cant complain of roughness anymore. And they now have a 10 loop LIM coaster (almost 11 inversions, has a 140* overbanked turn) as a premade design, so why not build a good ride without the custom design costs. Id love one. Back for what Rich was saying about Intamins being cookie cutter, I sort of see what you mean, its like its been made in RCT.

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If you look closely Richard,you'll notice that I only have two polls on at the moment,and I really don't see any problem with asking people to express their opinions about something that were supposed to be talking about.Alright,you were pretty much on the topic,but it's a simple question which could be answered simply.This is WHY I set up polls.

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