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Everything posted by Ogre

  1. I can understand on quieter days, but not running two trains on the coasters is pretty inexcusable during the holidays and weekends. At one of the recent night events they had Superman running with two trains. The queuing experience was soooo much better, and the operations were significantly faster than normal (definitely not 5 mins). It was a rare taste of what could be if VRTP got their act together. I'm not looking forward to the (presumably) one train ops they'll have on Leviathan!
  2. I think it looks great, though my expectations were pretty low as I'm not a fan of the film. Weird seeing a modern Universal ride with more animatronics then screens! The queue reminds me of a scare maze in its design. Might be one of the best queues out there in terms of theming, at least in recent years. Wouldn't be fun if you're claustrophobic though!
  3. Yup, there's a sign prohibiting Drones in the car park.
  4. Think they'll remove the "Tower of Terror" wording from the Tower?
  5. Interesting! I'll have to try that. I'm surprised you could see it from that height. I don't think theming consistency would stop them from putting him there
  6. Visted the AA area today and spotted a familiar face! Looks like he's still on some of the tower facade.
  7. Seems more of the ToT track is getting removed
  8. I guess we know MW's new attraction this year!
  9. Superman was testing frequently this afternoon, so hopefully looking good for its reopening date!
  10. I don't think they'd have to do much. Legoland parks often have a lot of non-Lego themed architecture and attractions - see the Woodie at Legoland Florida for example.
  11. Could anyone see Merlin swooping in and turning DW into a Legoland? Not sure if they have anything to do with the Lego store, but I've been wondering if the store was their attempt at testing the waters for the Lego brand.
  12. Did you visit during Winter Wonderland? The sign was covered by a Christmas one during the event. Might explain it!
  13. Ah, the Jamboree. I loved that as a kid. I remember being confused why the show somehow turned into Tomb Raider on my next visit!
  14. Thought it might be something like that, especially with SE going into maintenance.
  15. Saw these yesterday at MW on the right of Superman's pathway. Any ideas?
  16. There's a Roadrunner weather vane on one of the buildings in WWF's town scene - only noticed it myself last year. There's a ton of props from the old Harry Potter exhibits still around MW. The large suit of armour at the entrance to Scooby Doo is one of the Wizard Chess Pieces. Aragog the Spider can be found in the Disco Room. All the Spiders in the Scooby Doo store.
  17. Never done a Woodie before, so Leviathan has me the most hyped! I think it will end up being the best of the three too... though Steel Taipan's Spinning Gondola has crazy potential.
  18. Storm Coaster ran at night during Spooky Nights, even when it was dark. I wonder why it might be different for Carnivale? Edit: Oh, it's closed from Feb 1st. That explains it.
  19. That actually looks pretty good! Very World of Colour esc.
  20. That's awesome! Thanks for sharing Looks like some of the launch track is in there too!
  21. Can confirm it was theming for the Giant Drop. There used to be non-skeletal Mammoth head in that area too!
  22. GL was running this evening. Scooby was "interesting". Pretty much all of the effects in the Ghost Train section were down- worst state I've ever seen the ride in since becoming Next Generation. Granted it was one of the last trains of the day, but still...
  23. Finally got to go tonight! Enjoyed it overall, especially the parade - though some of the sections were pretty dark. Could barely see the Batmobile with Batman. Superman Escape was running two trains which was awesome to see, plus the water effect on the stairs was working. Rivals was stuck on the lifthill when I arrived. The train was empty - would have been interesting to watch an evacuation if there was one. 😋
  24. Potato-quality video of Green Lantern testing at White Christmas tonight. green lantern.mp4
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