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Everything posted by Gobbledok

  1. This is pretty sad Individual themed uniforms really add something to selling the experience Bad enough they cant have different for each ride but even park to park is the same You cant call yourself World Class with that. At best youre Regional Class
  2. Why isnt it “relevent”? Id say as a park guess I couldnt care less about a cycle time Im only interested in how long my wait is to ride Also I assume you meant Dispatch Interval as Cycle time is the time it takes the train to complete a l Surely as big of a theme park world expert as you knows the difference
  3. Green lantern doesnt use batteries at all It uses super capacitors
  4. I still dont see the hate for this pivot element Nor do I understand why its any worse or more complicated of an element than a flipping switch track If anything seems like it would be simpler mechanically than the flipping track or at least the same but instead of the riders just sitting on a static piece of track they experience an unexpected movement during the switch
  5. Why is it a stupid element? Plenty of coasters have switch tracks that don’t move the train at all and still have good function in the ride. It’ll still add something different to Australia’s line up whilst allowing for a surprise part of the ride. I mean that assumes this is even the element for DWs coaster.
  6. Surely there is a big gap between Its not the same as Atlantis and They are going to Cheap Out Also given it seems to be only this forum thats constructed a narrative that this is a slap dash decision to curb some reduced park capacity surely its entirely possible they have actually planned this for a while and properly.
  7. But why? What reason is there to assume they will cheap out on this addition when they haven’t been on others?
  8. So Village went all out on Leviathan said they will be doing the same for wizard of oz and just deliveree a perfectly nice new marvin ride. But we have low expectations that they will cheap out for surfrider?
  9. If you have a finite number to sell then making it cheaper and selling out quicker doesnt really mean everyone would have it making it pointless
  10. All the chat about theoretical physics is really great but I think anyone only has to remember being on the Giant Drop when Tower of Terror was running to realise it put some pretty large forces into the tower
  11. I would have thought theyd cut all those weird bits of the old track off
  12. It looks much bigger on that old map because it was much bigger
  13. I think red and green lights that change on a major highway is probably not the best idea
  14. I think the fact the park has maintained Monte for so long and is even spending money in it now points to their willingness to keep a difficult ride thats rare. The two launch technologies really provide for very different ride experiences. They wouldnt change it or not just because someone said its really really good. However you said that it would be good if they just changed it. My opinion is that it wouldnt be good
  15. Nah it wouldnt That launch is really really good
  16. No its old mate @Tricoart thats twisting my words into something
  17. I wasn't talking about you, quoted was the opinion that started the conversation you're jumping into. Im really confused. How did you turn my little tongue in cheek comment about it being delayed into some suggestion I said Dreamworld are mismanaging things? I didnt say that. You went on some big tangent that Seaworld is badly run and Dreamworld isnt and Im not sure why or how any of that came from my little comment. Sorry if I triggered a saw point or something where the Seaworld park treated you badly in the past.
  18. Ok they never had a date, and only extended the date as delays that were well dealt with and clearly explained came along. Got it makes total sense now. Youre right, its way different to that other park. I had it in my head that you were just manipulating words around to assemble a story that fitted a reality you were making up. My bad
  19. Wouldnt it cost a lot of money to add videos to that station show anyway? Theyd have to pay people to change the programs and stuff right?
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