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  1. Well I was thinking but have not been able to have any good ideas to what Dreamworld would theme the new simulator to and if it is a good addition to the park or not since I have never been on one myself. So with that in mind What do you guys think this new simulator will be themed to Will ardent leisure allow for a budget to do it properly Just general thoughts about having a simulator at Dreamworld
  2. A video had emerged on Instagram of a tiger being hit across the head. Radio media such as Nova is already using it for News, https://www.nova919.com.au/news/confronting-video-emerged-handlers-abusing-tiger-dreamworld Video, https://instagram.com/p/BbPGuYSFXpn/
  3. DREAMWORLD’S parent company Ardent has lost its second CEO in six months, with Simon Kelly resigning suddenly just days after the first anniversary of the tragedy on the Thunder River Rapids. Mr Kelly, who was also the group’s Managing Director, announced his resignation in a statement to the ASX this morning. Rest of the article here.. http://www.goldcoastbulletin.com.au/business/dreamworlds-parent-company-ardent-leisure-ceo-simon-kelly-has-resigned-suddenly-after-a-year/news-story/f8cb2a40801e6a81c2fa1b055d810e86
  4. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-09-30/government-could-prosecute-dreamworld-over-thunder-rapids-deaths/9003820 Well this was kind of a given really. That's the good bits, here's the full article:
  5. Hey I was curious if anyone knows what dreamworld studios and the big brother house are being used for currently and whether it is abandoned or if the big brother house was preserved in case channel 9 or channel 10 ever need to make an new series?
  6. It was announced this morning in an interview with Craig Davidsons, that stage 2 for Dreamworlds Corroboree would be completed this year. No details at this stage of what this includes, but I personally hope they upgrade Crocodile enclosures, remove the chairlift station, and maybe this could be the end of vintage cars, or they are improved upon to make them popular like they were back in the day.
  7. I doubt anything will happen due to Dreamworld and Ardent Leisure being in damage control and the amount of money they have probably lost after TRR incident but would a brand new attraction hurt dreamworld at all? If they were to build a new thrill ride I would like to see a B&M dive coaster (unlikely due to B&M's disney like prices) and put it in ocean parade (behind whitewaterworld and tiger island which would ruin the ambience) or blue lagoon . Since Ariadne said that family rides would be good for the park i think that a spinning mouse or a funtime starflyer would be good since they can provide some mild-moderate thrills. At whitewaterworld I would like to see either a proslide tornadowave or a whitewater west anaconda Again these are just ideas I thought of
  8. Was anyone at dreamworld today who knows anything about the fire? All I know is that I was in a slow moving line (suspicious, because it was so quiet there today) for HWSW when an employee came out and said "there's a grass fire at the back of the park, we won't be running for a little while." We got out of line and went to WW instead of waiting for the ride to start up again, but I did notice that the whole of ocean parade smelled like smoke, and corroboree did as well earlier in the morning. Was just interested to see if anyone else was there to see what was happening.
  9. Let's help save tigers this Global Tiger Day at Dreamworld: https://www.everydayhero.com.au/event/globaltigerday/
  10. I visited the park awhile (2015, I think?) and I remember being able to see the old site of the Blue Lagoon while on the train journey. Went there last weekend and couldn't see a thing while on the train. Does anyone know if this is because of all the barricades they've put up post TRR or did they demolish the site prior to the tragedy? Or maybe I'm dreaming and remembering something that was never there just because I love SBNO stuff.
  11. Looks like DW have another new theme song
  12. KIDS' MONTH AT DREAMWORLD 10 July - 6 August This month is all about kids at Dreamworld with a stellar line up of Australia’s best children’s entertainers. Celebrate with the youngest members of the family with a month of live shows and entertainment including Giggle and Hoot, Play School and Bananas in Pyjamas. Let your little one’s imagination play, when they watch their favourite shows live and get the chance to meet the much-loved characters. There will be a range of arts and crafts, story reading, singing and dancing. https://www.dreamworld.com.au/kids There is also, adults at kids prices for general admission throughout the month
  13. On my way home at around 4. I saw the gondola on the western side go up the Giant Drop, stay up there for its usual time, and the drop. I couldn't see if people were riding it, but maybe it has reopened. Can anyone confirm it's reopening?
  14. Dates have been announced for this years Stormtroopers weekend. Great to see it return once again
  15. We know that Dreamworld is opening "The Park" Patisserie & Grill very soon which will likely form the new exit to the park. We know that the new Sumatran tiger enclosure is only weeks away, and we know that Dreamworld needs to add some more new things to aid in their recovery in guest confidence. Everyone has an opinion on what should happen. A lot of people are expecting some big draw-card rides and attractions, some people are expecting more family orientated activities. Some people are expecting a return or removal of the mine ride. And some people are just expecting the entire park to become a fully enclosed dark ride only accessible via a monorail. However, I propose a new theory. Scratch all that. Lets run a new theory. To start with, you guys like fridge calendars, right? MAY 2017 > Open "The Park" JUNE/JULY 2017 > Open Tiger Island extension SEPTEMBER 2017 > Reopen the Log Ride > Reopen the Vintage Cars DECEMBER 2017 > Corroboree stage 2 2018 & Beyond Now, I'm just going to preface this with the fact I went to bed at 0345, woke up at 0700, 0900 and finally got out of bed at 1000. I'm very tired and this will probably contain quite a bit of rambling. Apologies in advance - rereading this, I don't like the flow of it and how it's written, but I'm too tired to make sense of what I mean and fix it sorry. Dreamworld is in the perfect position in my opinion. They, through some tragic circumstances, have been given a chance to reinvent themselves. Sure, it's not going to be an easy task, and I don't mean in any way to disrespect the people involved in the incident, but there wouldn't have been any easier way to close down a large section of the park. I mean, they're not on the scale of Disney where there's still plenty to do otherwise. Dreamworld have been focusing on "Australiana" lately, so why not continue that trend? Asia is a huge market for our parks, and Dreamworld seems to be the main property targeting that market. Are we expecting that to change? What if they re-purposed some areas of the park for new, long lasting "experiences" rather than short-lived attractions like rides and coasters? Movie World hands down has the coaster game in the bag, Dreamworld have to know they can't compete with that, so they can aim for the market the VRTP doesn't seem too keen on right now. On the coaster front though, could we see Gold Rush refreshed to bring back the Mine Ride? I wouldn't be ruling that out yet. If it was to be scrapped completely, I'd like to think they would have just been up front about it by now. All we've seen is things like "we'd love it to come back", "watch this space" etc. If it was a foregone conclusion that it was leaving, I'd expect "the Mine Ride is going to be replaced by a new attraction at a later date" or something similar. But coasters aside. Experiences: VRTP, mainly through Movie World are clearly aiming for "bigger is better". Could we be about to see some new "Australian Experiences"? Could we even see the introduction of international brands and ideas that other parks haven't done before? Could Dreamworld be about to take the step of "better is bigger" in terms of marketing the park as a full day of different experiences for the whole family? Just something to think about anyway. Rides may not be the solution for Dreamworld at the moment. You could get one coaster, or maybe 3 or 4 different "experiences" for the same price.
  16. For those out of the loop, there's been a lot of controversy online recently from certain groups claiming that the living conditions for the animals at Sea World specifically are, for the lack of a better word, terrible. I'm a strong believer in swaying discussion not by belittling or being petty, but rather by presenting great information in an entertaining way. To do this we're looking for as much information, data and anything else you can provide that will help us build a solid catalogue of facts to steer the conversation towards logic and reason. That's why we're turning to the community. Let's band together and with your help, start finding all the news clippings, online posts, random citations, research papers, data points, content sources & info we can to hopefully dispel some of the most common misconceptions (like that dolphins live shorter lives at Sea World or that they live in tanks, both of which is not true.) Do you know of a research paper about dolphins in captivity? Post it here. Got a great piece you know of that covers what Dreamworld are doing with Tiger Island? We'd love that link too. Help continue to support our parks by supporting us in our endeavours to create content that'll help us all remove the stigma that surrounds the places we love to visit the most.
  17. Sorry @YLFATEEKS you snooze (or have lunch), you lose. So, what is everyone's desires and thoughts on a replacement for the Gold Rush area of Dreamworld? What stays, what goes, what changes, what gets added?
  18. It was 2008, a fine sunny day at Dreamworld. After waiting in line for over 15 minutes, we hopped on the TOT (this was the one where you would ride forwards as it was 2008) Harnesses were checked and we were ready to go. BOOM! The ride launches. I was 13 at the time and immediately noticed that the ride was going really slow... the launch was around 1/4 the power as a regular cycle. "Mum, I think it's broken" "It'll speed up any minute" The ride continues to slow. The ride stopped in an outdoor part of the track, around 20M before the hill. I was a bit scared, wondering whether it will start working again or whether we would need to be rescued. Around 5 minutes later, two people, a man and a woman climb the ladder up to the track. We are told to remain seated and stay calm. The lady told me it'll be ok, and both of the staff comforted the passengers. Our harnesses released around 2 minutes after that, from the front to the back we had to climb down a staircase. A small crowd was there watching. The ride stayed closed for the rest of the day. We are going back to dreamworld in June, but sadly won't be able to ride this amazing ride again as it will be under maintenance. Anyway, that's just my story. Does anyone else have stories like this?
  19. The below extract taken from 'The Australian' newspaper: 26/04/17 9:52am: Ardent Leisure has announced the appointment of a new chief executive after high-profile leader Deborah Thomas stepped down to undertake a new role as chief operating officer and chief customer officer. Ms Thomas’ surprise move comes two years after she claimed the CEO role and will see former Nine Entertainment finance chief Simon Kelly assume the top job at Ardent from July 1. Full article can be read from the following link: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/companies/ardent-leisure-ceo-deborah-thomas-to-be-replaced-by-simon-kelly/news-story/04c8190e8c8dcf0896745cb543afedde A part of me is surprised by this announcement, though then another part of me is not. Going forward, it will be interesting to see how the installment of a new CEO will shape Dreamworld in the future.
  20. 35 days for $35 is back. Sale ends this Monday, 1 May and gives unlimited entry to Dreamworld until 5 June 2017. Tickets available here: http://bit.ly/DW35for35
  21. Dreamworld's new advert for their ' Pure Imagination' campaign is out. And I must say, personally I think this is a great advert and campaign and really allows them to show off all aspects of the park in a really nice way. "Welcome home to Dreamworld; A world created to inspire wonder, where learning has no finish line and where anything is possible when powered by dreams and imagination."
  22. Worth noting Cub Kindy currently has temporary fencing around the enclosure
  23. Does anyone know what time it takes for the carriage/gondola on the Giant Drop to deccelerate?
  24. Hi there! I haven't visited the gold coast since 2010, and I'm thinking about returning for a trip later this year in December. Could somebody please offer a quick summary of the current state of the parks there? I'm specifically interested in Dreamworld/White Water World, Warner Bros. Movie World, Sea World and Wet n Wild. Those are the parks I'm most familiar with, but I'm sure there's way more worth visiting on/around the coast. So if you could offer what your experiences have been like recently, it would be very much appreciated. What's the best? What's the worst? Looking into other forum posts, and the recent news articles - I've got the feeling Village Roadshow Parks isn't doing so hot lately. But maybe I'm mistaken on that, what do you think? Thank you for your time.
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