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Albert, you don’t have to read the articles on Roller-coaster.com.au but Richard spends a lot of time and money to put togethers news, photos, videos etc. so I cannot see why you would make a remark like that. It was really unnecessary. News and stuff that gets posted in the forums gets archived and is out of sight very quickly – as opposed to a news articles which will stay on the homepage (and news page) for much longer. My annual pass expires end of September… that sucks. Thanks for the info joz and Richard.

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Albert's really set out to put a bee in a few people's bonnets hasn't he? this from a person who is not in it to start an argument... lol. Thats fantastic to see the date more firmly set than what was quoted a while ago as being "some time this year". December 26 is a date a lot of Australian Amusement attractions use to open their new attractions and exhibits. School breaks dont work because the difference between public and private is always a bit sketchy, and most people spend the few days between the start of the holidays and Christmas at home. Opening it on Boxing Day gets all the christmassy stuff out of the way, it gives the park a full "CLOSED" day to pull out all the stops, theme up areas that are in public access areas. it means they dont have to obstruct walkways, and is much easier to give access to heavy machinery for that elaborate artwork or sculpture at the entrance. you'll be surprised what a park can actually achieve when the gates are closed for a good 36 hours straight. But besides that most people dont really "begin" their holidays until christmas and boxing day, so its a good start. Richard is correct though, in saying not to head for the park straight after opening. you might be one of the first to ride it, but it is going to have a lot of teething problems, and the first 2 weeks or so is when the ride's manufacturer's work with the park maintenance personnel to iron out individual glitches, calibrate it properly, and fix anything that would not have been obvious until such time as you have 100Kg guys loaded into the ride. I do not plan on visiting WBMW to ride SE probably until february '06. I visited Dreamworld to ride The Claw 3 days after its opening, only to find that it was closed for half the day with calibration issues, technicians constantly climbing the tower to check things, the floor wasn't rising right and all the rest. When we actually went to queue up for it, it was a reasonable queue, and the ride went without a hitch, but this is not a glorified flat ride that is being added. we're talking a multi million dollar roller coaster, that should hold standards of all the other "superman" coasters out there, and judging from every other ride in WBMW at the moment, will be heavily themed as well. This is going to be a people magnet on opening day. Lovers of Scooby or Wild West, or even Lethal weapon - December 26 will be the day to go, because for a holiday crowd, the queues of these rides compared to SE will be NOTHING. (incidentally, I think I am the first person to refer to WBMW's new Coaster as "SE" so I reserve the right to claim the prestige for such brainy thinking... lol)

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if they start in aprill, thats pretty much 8mths to build the coaster...that seems along time really. considering were not talking about a huge long coaster here.
The coaster could end up being alot more advanced than we think. This might not be your standard coaster. Superman: Escape Please dont tell me theyre building another launched Superman: The Escape like at SFMM
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Well, since WVTP has made the 14 day super pass permanent, im more confident in going up sooner since it makes it easier to change your plans or re visit other parks if rides arent working. I think it would be smart of MW to conduct soft openings during december to make sure the whole thing works properly in time for December 26th.

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^ I wouldn't count on it! as far as soft opening's go, expect they will run the usual media launches & radio comp give aways within a week before opeing.. No Doubt the staff will have the opp to ride during the Xmas Party as well. Mind you, as one of the original crew that opened Lethal Weapon & Wild West, we were never given the opp to ride early on. Infact I do recall seating radio prize winners on Lethal first before we had our turn.. NOT FAIR!!:) BTW, has anyone leaked out anymore on exactly what type of ride this will be?? I'm starting to think it'll be something similar to Hulk at IOA. Hmm..

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As you know I cant say and wont on any info not known to the public. But what has been comfirm to the press is it will be a accelerator with a top hat. and will be the best themed rocket out there lets just say Disney would be proud of the theming I heard about for superman.

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