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Sydney Royal Easter Show


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I remember riding at last years EasterShow and the year before. Ok now dont laugh but as soon as you reach the top of the hill you turn into this dark room. And some Random grabbed my head. I just remember screamin like a woman and I felt very embarrased. Now c'mon what would any other person doo?? This "man" appears again in the ride creating the universal studios "Jurassic Park T-REX part of the ride" effect just before you drop down. Its a good ride, but you have to ride it at night to add to effect. Dont go on the Ghost Train with Freddy Kruger poppin out of a barrel on the outside. Not unless you want to get boiled inside and get smoked out from the overblown smokey effect. Happy Screaming Screammachine

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Was this bloke that scared you in a black cape with cool lookin makeup on? Cause i work on the roller Ghoster at Sydney show Scarying people. But we only grab your head or jump out at your car, if your scared enough i'll follow the car through the whole ride and randomly jump out. Ozshowkid

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I can't stand ghost trains, they're boring and a complete waste of money, regardless of whichever one it is. I'd much rather use my hard earned cash on something that is geniuinly thrilling, such as the Zipper (first time for me this year :D) or the Claw or this new fangled Energy Storm ride which really does like like a blast. And about the absense of the Ranger, it just won't be the same without a double swinging ship ride around, farewell, my son.

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I hope you get on Zipper this year Neb, all I can say is, don't think you know what its going to be like, cos its nothing like it hehe. Also try the Twin Flip, looks like a nicer version to the Energy Storm. As with Ranger, the main reason it might not have gone this year is due to Moomba, being last week. 2005 Moomba fest didnt see O'Neills waveswinger, that was up at Sydney, so yeah.... cos the two shows were soo close this year, thats a main factor of its absence. chris

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If anyone made it to Moomba, the carnival site was very poor compared to the years when Whittingslow managed it. This year it consisted of a handful of rides - slingshot, double ranger, a ferris wheel, a number of kids rides and the love train. Was very disappointed, as i hadn't been for a number of years and have fond memories of the Alexandra Gardens Carnival of the past. Has anyone got any photo's of the new rides at the Easter Show?

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Ranger will be there, good. The date I'm going has changed, by one day, so I'll be going on the Tuesday, which is, uh, 2 days away! Woo hoo!!! As for the Zipper, it's the first ride I'm riding (me and my friend made sure we'll be going on it this year), so it'll either be a great introduction to the day, or something that will spoil the days proceedings due to incessant vomiting.

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Heres a photo that a member (princess) took on AAF, shes a legend for getting the first online photos of the rides in action! p3170012.jpg and heres rainbow, missing light pole on gondola, missing light pole on the platform, new under gondola lighting, new rays (not sure if they light up, as only gondola lights were on during the rain) p3170023.jpg chris

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I'm sure they're ecstatic you're pinching their bandwidth too Huss. How many times have people got to be told about directly linking an image? Not only once or even twice, but your signature does it as well. I'm sure there's a point in the Community Guidelines about it too. DO NOT DIRECTLY LINK AN IMAGE YOU DOLT!

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Hello All!! Just got back from my trip to Central Coast & then the EasterShow. I'm soooo tired!ZzZzZz Eastershow was good. Same old, Same Old. Cheap showbags with lollies that taste stale and some which have expiry dates dating back too '83.... Hello Ozshowkid. Yes the man had makeup on and a beard I think. He kept following us and scaring the Bejesus out of me like you wouldnt believe! Went on the new rides. Nothing special really, although quite fun.. Going again on Fri. Well it wont cost me a dime to get in so why not! ;) Screammchine

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