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Thunderbolt's Judgement Day?


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Ok, I'm not normally one to comment on the content of a different website, but Australian Amusement Fanatics has one piece of info that is just to juicy not to go for. Read under August 10, and you'll see Breaking News - The Thunderbolt at Dreamworld took its final journey on Friday 8 August 2003, to make way for a new attraction opening in December 2003. (Quote from AAF). Interestingly, Dreamworld's website still lists the ride as operating, and Macquarie have announced no new major capital expenditure for this year. Anyone able to confirm this news as true or false?

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:o:o:o:o:o:o When I first read that I felt this shiver go down my back. Could it be true? I was shocked when I read it as well! Well then, what could this new attraction be if it is true? :o BTW, The Dreamworld site doesn't update its stuff that regularly. E.G - They still list ToT as 'tallest and fastest' rollercoaster in the world. lol
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I believe everything except for the 'new attraction for december 2003' bit. It just seems a bit too extreme for man to deconstruct a ride and build another one in it's place in a mere four months. I wouldn't expect something big in it's place if the ride is going to be open in December. None-the-less, I hated the ride, it was crap.. so joy.

I like the Thunderbolt. Yes, a lot of you may think I'm mad but minus the noise, roughness, and lapbars, it will be a pretty decent ride.
It still has all those features, so do you like the ride or not? :P ~Flea
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Since this rumour has became a true one (thank you lord), would anyone be willing to be the photographer (someone with a digital camera and a Dreamworld AP) for the Thunderbolt deconstruction? It would be a real shame if no one got photographs of this "historic" event, so I'm hoping that someone will be willing to take up the job. I don't see why everyone is getting so upset over a really bad coaster, a new coaster is imminent! What's the bet that the Dreamworld reps are on the phone to Vekoma as we speak? :rolleyes: ~Flea

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Personally, I don't think we'll be seeing a new coaster on this site....At least not this year..... I could be wrong.... From the Dreamworld website: "The Thunderbolt is now retired to pave the way for new attractions. " I think we'll first see an expansion, possibly of Ocean Parade. Wasn't there meant to be a new plaza area being built on that site?

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And just when I thought Dreamworld could do nothing right :shock: :D There was a bit of talk that the area of that side of the park was going to be expanded, with 'low impact' attractions (Apparently to keep favour with the parks neighbours and to help the approval process). So rather then building a big new coaster, I get the feeling this had more to do with freeing the land up.

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Well, call me the bringer of good news... I hope. This has actually gotten me very excited. It seems that Dreamworld, in addition to a good relationship with Nickelodeon, they've also boosted their relationship with Paramount, which makes sense due to the closeness of Paramount and Nick. There's a Tomb Raider show coming (though not necessarily a show, just a non-ride attraction). This is due within the next fiscal year. Now, the good stuff. A "Teen Market Thrill Ride" is slated for the 2005 fiscal year. For what it's worth, it also sounds like they're getting a "real" petting zoo for this year - more than just a makeshift fence where animals are brought in daily. Sounds to me like Thunderbolt's immediate replacement (for the coming Christmas) is something very Crofty, and the real stuff comes next year. Let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet. As I've said in the past, there is no planned significant capital expenditure for this current year. No matter how much they desire, it would technically be illegal for them to surprise us with an unannounced attraction because of the way the stock market works.

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I'm shocked! It was always going to happen but now it has happened I don't know what to say! Just out of the blue they stoped it on us. I wonder what they are going to do with the scrap parts? I would love to get a hold of some of it. I bet ya any money that this new 'Teen Market Thrill Ride' will be one of those pendulem type rides that all ride companys make, like a giant swinging ship but much bigger, with a much bigger swing and diffrn't gondalas. Shaun

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I'll stop by the park and pick up some photos either tomorrow or the day after. It is a big shock, but I must say, it was a good move on the part of the park. The ride had what can only be described as a piss-poor capacity, was a pain to ride, and towards the end, was made almost entirely out of rust. Just a thought, do you think this has made Dreamworlds public liability insurance much cheaper?

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Well I must say its sad to see the old girl go. What will the atmosphere in Oceam Parade be like now without the screeches of every underbanked turn? I do think it is a bit sad, a refurb would have been nicer IMO. What I would like to see (although I very much doubt it will happen) is dreamworld leave the double loops in place after the dismantling of the ride. They are a characteristic piece of scenery on the dreamworld landscape and with a nice new coat of paint would still be very attractive. What do you all think? As far as a show that's not the worst thing that could happen...it IS for Wonderland but dreamworld is a bit lacking. Provided its done well and not in a tent come theatre with low production values and cheap special FX it could be a great thing for the park. An attraction that pulls a thousand or more people off the midway for an hour or so is good for crowd management. Now if you read between the lines it doesn't have to mean the new attraction is taking the land that Thunderbolt used does it? Hopefully we'll see a new major ride come to the space next year... A new coaster of course would be great but given they already have a couple may not be the case, but as the park already has a few flats, and water rides the chances are probably as good as any! I would say if they do floorless or stand-up is what it would be as they have everything else and rocket would be too similar to TOT. Perhaps the race is on between the World in the South and the World in the North over who gets the first coaster. Happy digging everyone.

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I agree, a show, done well, could definately be a real draw card. Paramount Parks (I forget which one/s) in the states are getting Tomb Raider action/stunt shows this season, so perhaps that is what Dreamworld has on the cards for this Christmas. When I contacted the park over the weekend I was given told "Thunderbolt has been closed down to make way for new attractions. We'll be releasing information over the next year".... Judging from that, it won't just be one announcement for the former site. Perhaps the show this Christmas, and the thrill market ride announced next year? Personally, as sad as it is to see a coaster go, I'm all for theme park progress, and, personally, it was getting to be quite the eyesore..... Rusting white paint just doesn't make a theme park look very well maintained....

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Yeah, I'd like the bit of the Thunderbolt that didn't have any rust on it :shock: I tend to agree that a good (note that the show must be good) show would do the park well. Both SW and MW have shows that can fit literally 1000's of people, and that helps experientially with crowd control. Its no mistake that at SW, the first major show is right down the far end and the last major show is close to the exit. At the moment, Dreamworld only has the Imax theatre, a couple of kids shows on Nick Central and some wildlife displays, which, while being good in their own right (although "Thrillride - Science of Fun!" is getting kinda old) don't attract the sort of crowds that can take the pressure off the rides. I'm am however, going to stop short of saying that they should do things like a tombraider stunt show. I really think that Dreamworld should work on its own theme, its own show, based on the area of the park its in, and movies should not be a part of the parks scenery. That's my opinion anyway.

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i thought if i heared correctly that they were dismantling the whole ride keeping the first drop and the 2 loops, totally fixing the ride and making it more exciting, the first drop is a bit sad, its not steep or snything and it doesnt pick up a lot of speed. IMO they should get ride of the whole ride and do like an inverted version with two 21m loopsto actually keep there record of having the first 21 m loops in the southern hemisphere.

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