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29/8 Photos


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Thanks for the photo of the Perry Locomotive. It's good to see her (or Him?) back on the rails again after her (yeah, her sound better) maintenance. She looks so **** house though sitting next to the Main Street station (I don't mind the unrealistic colours of Main Streets buildings, at-least it looks nice, but the Stations colours are just ****-house, should have never been painted in those colours). Thanks Again!

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So this is purely an image thread? Isn't that what the image gallery is for? I mean, if there were a story to it, or if the images were illustrating a point or displayed to enhance a post, i'm all for it, but just loads upon loads of images? Please, reanimated - take them to the gallery. Although, I haven't attempted any uploads to the gallery for a while, because I found the grouping and coding to be quite time consuming...

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So this is purely an image thread?
I think 'photo trip report' is the technical term.
Although, I haven't attempted any uploads to the gallery for a while, because I found the grouping and coding to be quite time consuming...
If you are doing multiple photos in a row, and are on a fast internet connection then it shouldn't be a problem. Once you arrive on the photo uploads page, just run down quickly, drop in your tags, think of a caption and a photo title. Then, browse for your photo (If you are doing several photos of the same ride then I found it easiest to have them all in the same folder, numbered) If you are working with a fast connection then it should only take a few seconds to upload. If you are doing several photos, then things become quicker because the only thing you'll need to between each photo is the caption.....The tags stay unless you decide to delete them. I'd recommend having another go... Edited by Gazza
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Of course, I attacked him. Other than narrative, my only comment was "please, take them to the gallery" - I can't see how you could consider that an "attack". Don, you are very quick to come to the defensive whenever I make a comment that is in any way negatively geared. I'm going to say no more, because i'm not going to have another underwater biodome discussion, but all I said was that if we were just going to have photos (images), and no thought provoking commentary (discussion) then it would be better that the photos (images) be put into the image gallery, than on a forum, a place for discussion I am fairly confident that Richard's first reply was along those lines, while doing it in a "public relations" way of reminding him "don't forget" rather than an exasperated plea of "go and post the photos in the image gallery as well, so now my servers are hosting the exact same data twice!"

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Just to clarify, there's no right or wrong place to post photos. Members are most welcome to come info the forums and post their latest photos in a thread like this. In many cases I can see the benefit as, for instance, there's more instant feedback from members in a topic like this than if they were posted to the gallery. Plus we are quite selective with what goes through in the gallery and don't readily accept duplicates or poorer quality images. My earlier post suggesting the gallery was more as a reminder that the feature exists -- and when it comes to high quality photos like the ones posted here, it's a better way to exhibit them because they'll be seen by a wider audience and not disappear off into the depths of forum pages after a while like they do in a forum. We're also happy for members to post photos both in the forums and the gallery.

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