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Everything posted by Baconjack

  1. I do not think there will be enough room in that spot to fit the ride now that we know the exact layout. Where the Ampitheatre and probably Blue Lagoon is being ripped down is where the coaster will be going.
  2. Well that's some really good news. A Blue Fire clone is a great marquee attraction that Dreamworld really needs, and a good coaster for Australia in general really. It'll be a great attraction considering they are investing $16-20 million. I believe DW will axe the Gold Rush theme and build a new area on the site. But again, the results come tomorrow, so we'll possibly see what is the park's future then.
  3. Kids area needs a refurb. Give it all a new coat of paint and some theming updates with the same IP in mind. They havent added all that much in 20 years. It all looks so old now, in desperate need of a refresh.
  4. The new giga for Kings Island just got announced. FYI. The brake run on this coaster is taller than anything at Alton Towers.
  5. JFC dude. Calm the farm. People on this board spent nearly two years speculating what DC Rivals would look like from every detail and awaiting the layout reveal patiently (as long as it was). Things take time. It'll come, and I don't expect the full plan to be dropped immediately either. This master plan will probably take a decade at least to fully pan out and will be completed in stages. But that's what you should come to expect from this industry. I wouldn't be surprised if the announcement of some aspects of this master plan isn't far away considering they are already just starting to prepare for stage one of the project.
  6. I found a video of someone's construction pictures of Cyclone and a couple Thunderbolt demolition pictures while scolling through Youtube this morning. I thought it would be cool to share. His channel has a small amount of DW content but these photos are probably totally new.
  7. There isnt all that much space around the station area, but it could be used to plonk another ride in Dreamworks as that is right next door. New KFP flat perhaps?
  8. Well it's looking as if the writing is on the wall. Well it has been that way for a while so I can't really say I'm surprised. The best way DW can handle this is by announcing a closing date in advance and give the guests the opportunity to get their last rides in. Especially for a ride as iconic as TOT, its the least they could do. Then announce that new flashy coaster they have been planning in the same time frame to distract the guests from TOT's closure. I recall saying at one point TOT's closure could be a PR disaster waiting to happen. Here's hoping DW pulls their socks up and doesn't screw it up. I wonder what might happen to GD as a result of this. Would they be able to rip down TOT while keeping the DW tower standing for GD to operate? Or maybe they'll close that too (*stares in Falcon's Fury conversion*)
  9. the run off pool looks like a WHS disaster waiting to happen. there probably isnt even enough length for guests to exit the green slide safely. Gonna need to be some strict weight restrictions methinks.
  10. Exactly the reason why DW should be buying something with inversions. Neither Superman or Rivals go upside down. Should maybe go for a high inversion count just so DW can claim 'we have a coaster that isn't crap and goes upside down heaps of times which none of our competitors have'. Why not buy a clone of the smiler or takabisha if they want to do it on the cheap. Still prefer Vekoma's Shockwave layout as my top pick for something off the shelf though. Having the public decide what the coaster should be is a fantastic move but i don't see that happening, especially from the folks at Ardent. You'd get maybe the active members of this forum and a few others voting on what the coaster should be. The GP really cant tell the difference between different multi inversion layouts to be honest.
  11. For now I'm going to be taking this with a grain of salt until we either get an announcement or DA's popping up. But let's analyse. $15-20 mil should on paper build a good Vekoma coaster. Or a Gerstlauer Infinity Coaster. An RMC woodie could be on the cards too as that would fit the budget, as is an RMC Raptor. S&S is also a possibility but the Green Lantern problems have probably scared Australian customers from buying their rides. Remember that this amount of money mentioned more than likely includes the shipping costs. It is most likely these four manufacturers are in the equation as it is highly unlikely Dreamworld are paying more than $15 million for a Eurofighter or Thunderbolt clone. IMO it is safe to rule out Mack, Intamin or B&M. Mack is a fairly premium brand these days. Storm cost $20 million to build and that was five years ago. DC Rivals cost $30 million. Even the smaller Mack coasters like Icon and Copperhead Strike were expensive. B&M is even more expensive. You couldn't even buy a Batman clone with $20 million these days. I'd say a hyper is off the table at this stage too. $20 million can't buy you a hyper, if DC Rivals cost $30 million and barely passes what constitutes a hyper, $20 million wont get you anywhere near that. This isn't a bad thing though. Vekoma have been making some solid rides lately and have some compelling layouts. Sure its no DC Rivals but it is probably on Superman's level I'd say. The Zacspins in Europe are apparently good rides from what I've heard. The reason why they have a bad reputation is because when Six Flags bought one they fucked around and modified the ride cars by adding weights to water down the intensity of the ride which resulted in exorbitant roughness. Also I'm fairly certain Intamin don't make these coasters anymore.
  12. The ride involved in the Indian accident was more than likely a Chinese/Indian knock-off pendulum ride. It wasn't one made by a reputable manufacturer as it doesn't look like Intamin, Zamperla or Mondial's offerings. The ride probably was welded crappily hence why the weld failed. The reputable European manufacturers have good enough quality control to check weld quality. Most notably, the ride parts, including the arm that holds the gondola in place, are engineered properly to support a full load of guests. Something the manufacturers in third world countries don't do. Also the culture towards amusement safety, obviously, is probably very different in India compared to what it is here. An important thing to note for the public to note before these two accidents put off chances of riding Goliath or Claw.
  13. Dreamworld definitely should be looking at a Steel Curtain-styled ride for the park if they want to spend the money on such a ride. It wouldn't blow DC Rivals out of the water, but it'd be close to doing that I'd say. Village on the other hand, after the Green Lantern troubles, needless to say, will probably never be buying anything from S&S ever again.
  14. Yes. Saves DW money on an operation they have historically not made much money off in the winter anyway. DW should be cutting costs on attractions with unsustainable upkeep costs and operations they don't make a profit from and doing this is IMO a no brainer from a water park whose crowds aren't even noteworthy during summer, let alone winter.
  15. Leviathan is a pretty cool name for a coaster IMO. Can't wait to see what Gravity Group can do with this coaster considering their reputation for fun small woodies. I guess SW have gone with the 'backwards' row after the success of DC Rivals doing the same thing. These renderings infer the Top Spin will be a standard model and not one with an extra axis of rotation like Wipeout. It looks very similar to a Huss suspended top spin - @HussRainbow87 will be happy if it is one. At long last SW are making use of the old Pirate Ship spot and the land reserved for Wild. I'm already too excited to wait 18 months for the woodie.
  16. Looks like some seriously solid much-needed rides at first glance. I wonder who's building the woodie, I'm guessing it will be Gravity Group if its a small woodie like this one.
  17. While the story of the Orphan Rocker is an interesting one, the problem with the coaster is that it would more than likely would have failed had it actually opened. It would have been a world's first attraction, made by a unreputed company who hadn't built a roller coaster before or since. How often do you find successful inhouse built steel roller coasters? Well, needless to say, until the opening of Cannibal at Lagoon in 2015, there weren't any. For very good reason. You look at some of those transitions on the ride and they make you scratch your head look worse than even the worst Arrow/Vekoma loopers. No doubt it would have been an incredibly rough ride. At least the concept of the Orphan Rocker is now rideable, and done properly in the form of the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train.
  18. Probably HKDL or USS are the best parks for little kids. It doesn't take long to get there, English is the primary language used (some shows are in Cantonese though, I learned that the hard way), is typically never busy, easy to get around and gives off the Disney/Universal experience enough while being close to home. Although I'm not exactly sure how a 4 year old would cope with a theme park, or the 7-9 hour flight to get to HK/Singapore. I'm at least a decade off from being a parent but I'd want to say that a child that age typically wouldn't remember doing that. I'd preferably say 6 at minimum, but I'm definitely being somewhat conservative. Somehow I remember things from when I was two but I know my case is an outlier. For this very reason of 'remembering and appreciating' I didn't travel outside of Australia until I was 13-14 years old and my first Disney park was two years after that.
  19. I'd tend to think Vekoma's latest coaster efforts are among the best on the market. They are putting out some really solid rides as of late and I've heard nothing but good reviews from the ones that have been built. Models that Dreamworld should consider are the Top Gun - a launch coaster that has a fairly fast paced Blitz-style layout. The other one is the Bermuda Blitz - a ride that some of you know as the Lech Coaster. Honourable mentions include the Gerstlauer Infinity Coaster and the RMC Raptor. I'd rather see Dreamworld go after something that is unique to them, rather than add another Mack hyper coaster to one-up MW.
  20. If LPS had space then that could work. But as it stands right now it is difficult to fit a coaster in the park's current layout which doesn't involve cramming shit elsewhere. You either put the coaster in Maloney's Corner, use the land up to Lavender Green and move the kids rides, or put it in Tumble Bug's spot where there isn't much space to work with but you have the Big Dipper facade around nearby. Maloney's Corner is the better spot for a coaster. There is so much more land to work with. That area is expanded when you take Lavender Green into account (most likely not going to happen, but a man can dream). If the rumoured Spinning coaster is built, it is more than likely going to be built here. Tumble Bug's plot is AFAIK too small to house the off the shelf Maurer spinning coaster LPS is looking to buy.
  21. It is honestly fair to be cynical about what Dreamworld management says. Management has made nothing but poor decisions for many years now. Adding rides that the park doesn't need, having rides down for over 6 months, and running outdated rides until they shit the bed. The list goes on and on. Anything that's actually good? ABC Kids World opening on time maybe? I had to really scrape the bottom of the barrel for that one. Considering only three months ago they made it clear that adding rides would be a thing of the past, it is easy to doubt what Osborne has said today as little more than PR tip-toeing. This company has been all talk and no action when it comes to having a long term plan for Dreamworld.
  22. AFAIK it is known that LPS has considered getting another coaster, specifically a Maurer Spinning coaster, due to them consulting Pitt & Sherry for reasons related to this, but the Park has so limited room and a fairly strict height limit that there are so little options in what to buy. As much as I'd like to see a coaster the money is better spent acquiring some good flats instead.
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