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Sydney Royal Easter Show


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Ride Extravaganza is owned by Dave Burton. The guy who is helping me with Defunction content and all that good stuff. He is also the person who is saying Wonderlands Skyhawk wasn't from Magic Mountain. And the one on the Gold Coast is the one from Magic Mountain, and has been kept in storage.

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He is also the person who is saying Wonderlands Skyhawk wasn't from Magic Mountain. And the one on the Gold Coast is the one from Magic Mountain, and has been kept in storage.
He is also an absolute retard, because the people at Fly Coaster have already confirmed that the free fall ride currently SBNO on their property ISWAS the skyhawk from wonderland, and the funny thing is Paul, they confirmed it TO YOU! http://www.parkz.com.au/forums/sh...rland#post11196 So if the one on the gold coast is from magic mountain, and the one on the gold coast is from wonderland, then the one at wonderland must have been from Magic Mountain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Yeah, Hard Rock was fun to ride . not as thrilling as I like my rides to be, (well, for the younger kids tall enough to ride, and elderly brave enough it proabably is a bit thrilling LOL), same as Techno Jump IMO. meh, good fun rides. I can't wait to try out these new faster rides like Twin Flip and Energy Storm! who has been on these? and what did you think? I read Neb's review and he liked the Twin Flip, is it really very fast? - that's how I like 'em! :D Flip The Man

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Yeah, Hard Rock was fun to ride . not as thrilling as I like my rides to be, (well, for the younger kids tall enough to ride, and elderly brave enough it proabably is a bit thrilling LOL), same as Techno Jump IMO. meh, good fun rides. I can't wait to try out these new faster rides like Twin Flip and Energy Storm! who has been on these? and what did you think? I read Neb's review and he liked the Twin Flip, is it really very fast? - that's how I like 'em! :D Flip The Man
twin flip is awsome. not as fast as it looks though. hard to tell if ur upside down though coz u keep on flipping. . :D
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I'd like to say to all you people who are saying carnies i mean showies(australian term) are rude don't go to the show live a boring life. Why don't you go and do the job of workin in a game or operating a ride. People have to call out on the games it is there job to get you to play. Have yous ever thought about the abuse we cop have you thought about our long hours, have you thought about the price of a brand new ride. No you havn't so shut your mouths. The average ride now costs one million dollars but you complain about payin 6 bucks. We are there to make the day better for you so think about what your sayin cause "I'm allergic" Ozshowkid 6th generation in the Amusement industry

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good to see you utilising your account OZSHOWKID. I used to be a games operator at Wonderland Sydney, and as im guessing by your nick and your comments (also your signature) that you are a part of the "greatest show on earth" Personally I am disgusted at the members who have voiced their dislike towards people such as yourself, and have made that opinion obvious. Welcome, and Welcome back to the forums, and let me say that not all of the members of these forums are such narrow minded gits with their heads up their rectal passages... These people are those who think that even the local shows should have the quality and the financial backing of a Disney Theme park, and believe that noone except themselves has a right to earn a living. Allow me to apologise for their behaviour on behalf of those members who are not pigs.

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ozshowkid, I was a ride operator and know exactly what it like to be abused for absolutely now reason. Saying that I still think that carnies (I will never call them "showies") are rude and scary people who appear to have little if any regard for public safety. It may not happen at the Sydney show but I have seen some very disturbing things at shows and temporary ride locations, such as the Bathurst show and the rides at The Entrance. These things, if seen by WorkCover would have had the place shut down immediately and the owners/operators fined. I now avoid places where carnies frequent like the plague but if I do find myself at one of these places and see something that is not right I will call WorkCover and report them. "The Bus is now leaving for Ungarie Showground, NSW"

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There are way too many people with really thin skin in the world.... Personally, carnies don't bother me as I am not one for the carny scene and haven't ever had any involvement with any of them. The wise cracks made by people about carnies are a tradition really. It's like putting sh*t on one of your mates. There's no malice in it and it's all in good fun, has been around forever and will continue way into the future beyond our years. Every occupation in the world has its critics and smart arses want to make comment. Don't feel you're being discriminated against, because that's complete and utter bullsh*t. Every job in the world is criticised by some smart arse somewhere in the world. If you can't cop it, change jobs until someone bags you out there. If it was known who some on this forum worked for and the job they do, they may just never be allowed back... If you're happy with what you're doing, why do you really give a rats arse about what other people think? Good luck Cletis. Keep putting a smile on those kiddy's faces... Just stay away from those farm animals late at night. ;)

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