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POV Footage of Eureka Mountain Mine Ride

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Does anyone have any pov footage of the Eureka Mountain Mine Ride at Dreamworld on the Gold Coast? If so, it would be greatly appreciated if you could send it to me as I have looked everywhere and only found one very shaky video.




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Yeah pretty much given the age of the ride and when it last operated, between your one shaky video and AndrewH's old photos, that's about as good as you're going to get. Video cameras back 20 years ago weren't up to what current devices can do without being extremely bulky and oversized, which is also unlikely to be allowed on by a guest.

I can offer an alternative simulated experience though. 

Dark. Loud. Lift Hill. Noisy. Bright light. dark. bright light. dark. pitch black. sudden drop. scream. loud noises. sudden drop. sharp corners. hard laterals. brake run shoves your rib cage through your spine. the end.

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20 hours ago, Natti_amusements said:

Where’d you find that one video. Even if it’s shaky I’d love to take a look myself.


I found it on YouTube, it had the thunderbolt as its thumbnail and search up something like old dreamworld footage with super 8mm mine ride video.

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