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Dreamworld's new attraction - December 2004


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Let me assure you that the new thrill ride's location has been well and truly chosen, surveys done and soil samples taken and foundation plans well and truly finished. This was all done some time last year. The location will be known when construction begins and the park officially announces the ride later this year.

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The Gyro Swing is a Ride Trade product, a division of Intamin (still very much the same company) who build various towers, Ferris Wheels and simulators. kennykoala, there's no need to get all worked up about it. If that's how it's going to be, then it's also worth mentioning that Dreamworld's getting neither a Huss ride nor a Delirium.

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Maybe someone who lives on the gold coast could just go to the shire offices and check the planning apllications, they should tell where the ride will be located. Also, does anyone know how long it takes to put a flat ride together, Im guessing a Month or so, But i may be wrong. That brings me to another question ,Why dont the parks open their new attractions on the first day of the Holidays, Instead of part way through, (Boxing Day) If the ride is there at the start of the holidays it means more visitors, and people planning a trip wouldnt have to hold off till after Christmas to ride the new ride. Oh and about the GD gondola being taken away for refurbishment, It would be cool if thye replaced it with a floorless stand up gondola, Another "new" attraction with a lower price than a whole new ride.

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yeah, i hate how they open rides on boxing day, i live in nsw, south of sydney and i allways go up in decmeber cause the accommadation is allways cheaper but i miss out on the new rides, last time i went there was december 98 and the gaint drop opened on that boxing day, i was so pissed off, it was just sitting there waiting for me to go on it.

Oh and about the GD gondola being taken away for refurbishment
Is that true? cause when i was there they werent in very good condition(looks)
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You didn't miss much that summer, unless six hours plus queues (Giant Drop's initial summer period) are your cup of tea. I really don't know how they managed it - that's attrocious even for Dreamworld - but they did. :) A flat ride takes only a matter of weeks to construct. The reason they open new rides on Boxing Day is because technically it is the start of the new season. Remember that this is only the official opening date. The rides more often than not operate in the days and even weeks leading up to the opening date. Of course I'm not telling you to make travel plans based on the slight chance of getting on a ride before it opens :). If that gets you, try coming mid-year or even off-peak. Not only is the weather nicer, but the crowds are only a fraction of the size, and I don't need to mention that hotels are also cheaper. It would have next to no effect on attendance, summers are pretty well consistently packed anyway. The real increase in attendance from a new ride comes later in the year.

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I don't think anyone really has to prove themselves. If you read over the thread, the every person with their own "ideas" about the ride has clearly stated their source. Most manufacturers won't respond to emails sent enquiring about rides that parks have purchased. It's not their job to answer questions, and for reasons of confidentiality and competition or whatnot, they more than likely won't divulge information.

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I can't tell you what to do with your own time and money, but calling up European companies isn't going to make anything happen quicker or better. As I was was hinting in my last post, most of these companies have confidentiality agreements with all clients - whether they have purchased rides or are "just lookiing". It is unprofessional and in many cases illegal for them to answer questions about clients, just as it is in any industry. If you worked for a company and you got a call from some guy asking about one of your clients - information you're not allowed to release, what would you say? "We can't comment on that..." - probably not, that just opens a whole barrel of further questions. You'll usually get "Please ask the park for this information..." or more likely "We have no knowledge of any new rides for the park." The beauty of it is they can lie to you because they aren't breaking any rules doing so, and it'll get rid of people fast.

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^ Ok Willsy, you are standing by your comments that the ride is not coming to Dreamworld this year, and that is good to see. Just a peice of advice, if/when you are proven to be wrong, be the first to admit it. If you state what you say as fact, then back it up. But I find that it is allways better to state it as a rumor, then you do not have to defend yourself later when the "I told you so's" start to happen. This does not happen all to often, but just keep it in mind for next time. I have had alot of parks and companies tell me one thing in the past only to find out it was a load of rubbish later on, so only believe about a quarter of what you are told. Just some advice.

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^ Ok Willsy, you are standing by your comments that the ride is not coming to Dreamworld this year, and that is good to see.  Just a peice of advice, if/when you are proven to be wrong, be the first to admit it.  If you state what you say as fact, then back it up. But I find that it is allways better to state it as a rumor, then you do not have to defend yourself later when the "I told you so's" start to happen.  This does not happen all to often, but just keep it in mind for next time. I have had alot of parks and companies tell me one thing in the past only to find out it was a load of rubbish later on, so only believe about a quarter of what you are told.  Just some advice.
I will be the first to admit it if its wrong, I am just going on what the company said, Yeah i should not have said it wasnt coming, I could have said it a differnet way,
Belgiam-It will be an Intamin Gyro Swing, confirmed by Intamin at the Euro Amusement Show in Paris about a month ago.
But on the link he posted it doesnt say it is, just say it could be sold so that doesnt mean anything. But if it does come i admit i was wrong. Every one is human and makes mistakes, no one is perfect. cya
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  • 2 months later...

I always thought Wipeout was a complete waste of time and money anyway with Stingray right there doing all the spinning twisting and turning you could ever need. While I'm at it, why'd they bother with Tower of Terror AND Giant Drop? They both move fast on a big pole. Don't even get me started on the Vintage Cars and Thunderbolt. I mean they both ran on wheels and rails, both accelerated and had two-across seating. Thankfully they got rid of Thunderbolt. See what I'm saying? :)

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If you want to know what i think on what they should do with Thunderbolts old area is. 1. Leave the Blue Lagoon where it is. 2. Copy Paramount Parks and add Hanna Barbarra Land 3. Buy all the Hanna Barbarra gear from Wonderland ie: The Flinstones Splashdown, Zodiac, The Rainbow, plus all the other great stuff that would fit in well their & re theme it to it's near original state 4. and Build some new rides to go with it. Now it seems that that would fit in there really well.

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