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My Trip to Luna Park

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on Friday the 4th June 2004, i hed off with my friends to luna park, we paid $7.50 for a day tripper (unlimited train, bus and ferry faires for 24 hrs) and went to circular Quay had mc donalds for breakfast and caught the ferry at circular quay to milsons point. The day was beautiful and the park was empty, the park still hasnt been finished as they still constructed the water front restaurnats which seem to look really good at the moment. We walked in and noticed schools starting to arrive. We wnteredt inside paid out rides pass which was $35 and started going on the rides. The park seemed really different as all the rides were relocated elsewhere in the park. We had a pretty boring ride on the tumble bug, it would have been better if the ride was like half the sizzler than half the tumble bug, more experience. We went on the rotor which was operated by the same girl who worked on the space probe. We went on all the other rides, but in the morning the wild mouse was closed. The park got really packed by lunch time with school kids everywhere. The wild mouse then opened and we had a good ride on it. It was really fun but no different from the wild mouse you would find at the easter show. The rides seemed pretty good in great condition. The tango train wa sthe longest and most exciting of all rides. We went in coney island (not much has changed there) there were the mechanical machines which only operate at different days and even then they have a price. Coney island was probably one of the best parts of the park, the slides were great, the joy wheel was fun and just the feel inside the building was fun. It wasnt retained so people could get the feel of how it looked like when it first opened. There were all these weired games inside which were almost 60 years old or even older. They were fully operational for 5 cents a game. It was interesting to look at all the old pictures. They also have a video presentation of melbounes luna park and sydneys luna park showing off the rides big dipper 60 years ago. It was very interesting. Other rides included the spider which was he worst ride of its king ive been on and the ranger which has been enhanced. The first spin launches upside down straight away. It was fun. The downfall was that part of the park behind coney island is really bad, i mean the situation of the rides and how it looks is really bad. There is plenty more room to place small ride like the zipper. The park was great all up, the new look buildings look fantastic and the big top is great. The old carousel looks great but situated in a very tight space in the front of the park. The new popcorn hall has some unfinished painted areas to do but still looks great. The whole park is really good for those old people that used to go there 60 years ago. It still gives an old unique feel in the park and at the same time gives a modern view of the park as well. I urge anyboy to go luna park right away. If anybody goes there are a few warnings even is you are a thrill seeker. The rides make you dizzy i mean every ride, do not eat before you go on the rides becasue there is vomit everywhere and the rotor is something to go on once every hour not every second. I got really ill at the end of the day. All the rides do is spin in unique ways or go upside down. The only ride recommened to go on all the time is the wild mouse or the dodgems of the coney island slides. Do not bother going on the simulator, the screen is broken and the movie is in 3D but no 3D glasses are given so all the images are blured. It was the worst ride in the whole park. Overall the park is 9/10 spider: 6/10 ranger:7/10 tango tain:9/10 wild mouse:9/10 ferris wheel:6/10 simulator:3/10 rotor:7/10 ufo:8/10 coney island:9.5/10 tumble bug:6.5/10 dodgems:5/10

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I agree that one of the issues with the rides currently in the park is that they are all spin and spew rides. I wouldn't go on half of them, purely for the sick factor. They also really need to do something about that simulator. I'm sure there are better portable rides out there with a small footprint. You can even see a sign on the back 'Simulator for hire'. Definitely a bit cheap and nasty but that doesn't seem to stop people lining up for it on a busy day. Guess they don't know 'till they've ridden it. And what's with all the school kids you were talking about shifty? Have the schools already started taking kids their for excursions? It always used to shock me how many schools would visit Wonderland. It really is a bit of an excuse for the teachers to do nothing... I mean there can't be that much educational value in an amusement park no matter how much they try and dress it up. How come when I was at school we were never taken on all these bludgey excurions? Oh well, I guess it's good for the park

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there were stax of schools all in mufti clothes there, one school was their for a history assignment on luna park another on physics and the other for science in general. There were 2 or 3 schools definately 2 schools. they were rich schools too all from the sydney city area. you could tell becasue they were up themselves like many sydney people are. the park was packed and then went all mpty all of a sudden.

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When I was at school we went to Wonderland for a maths or physics excursion. It was the bludgiest day (I had a lot of these) of my schooling career. And like most of the school kids that went to Wonderland for a maths or physics excursion one of the first things we did was find a bin to put the worksheet in. Ah those were the days.

they were rich schools too all from the sydney city area. you could tell becasue they were up themselves like many sydney people are. the park was packed and then went all mpty all of a sudden.
Is the reason that you think that they are up themselves Shifty, the fact that they are at least slightly educated unlike yourself? It would of been about 2:30 - 3 O'clock when the kids left and that is because they have to get back to their school at a reasonable time. "The Bus is now leaving for Bludgers Paradise South Australia"
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i realise they left to go back to school i worded that wrong myself, i mean that sydney people from the city think they are more better than the westy people, its really sad how they act in the city, the people are nice in the way that they provide good service and you can ask help from anyone, but the way they go about it makes them out like they are really up themselves and are better then us. i dont like the way they are, the kids are just as worse in the city.

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So the people are nice, and give good service, and you can happily ask for help from anyone without fear of anything happening, yet they're clearly worse. I wouldn't know, but that sounds better to me than the driveby shootings, gang violence and the like occuring "out west" that was mentioned in a thread in the Wonderland forum. Then again, what would I know , I'm just an up-myself Old Boy of Brisbane Grammar School.

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I can't believe the crap the teachers get away with passing as learning. Is there a set number of excursions teachers have to take kids on per year? Or are they just allowed to head out whenever they like and avoid a day in the classroom? Sounds to me like the teachers get their kicks out of going to these parks. I always thought they'd be devastated when Wonderland closed but I guess LPS has become a good replacement for them. I am very bitter and twisted about this as when I was at school we would only go on maybe 1 or 2 per year from what I remember (and never to an amusement park). I guess you just can't keep teachers in the classroom anymore what with all the strikes and trips to fun parks ;)

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It's not really a matter of being cheap when the students pay for it anyway Shifty. Maybe the teachers at your school are more interested in teaching. Then again, if you're anything to go by I wouldn't think so. Anyone would think you have been on an excursion every day of the week for the last 10 years.... :eek:

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In our school if we go on an excursion we pay part of it and the school pays for the rest, really its free bus fares for us whilst the school pays and we pay most of the excursion costs and the school covers for the rest which is all well and truly good but we dont go on as much excursions in this case as other schools do, i have no problem with paying the full amount, and i do learn a lot i dont really like taking interest in what i learn but then again most kids hate school. But with excursions in our school they are very particular with where we go, it really relates to what we are learning which is good but our school is more related to the academic side of things. My first excursion this year is for italian and we are going to leichardt (mini italy) at Norton street in the piazza. It should be good, this excursion is more to get used to italian culture.

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We went on the rotor which was operated by the same girl who worked on the space probe.
That narrows it down Shifty.... Why wouldn't you just walk over the bridge you lazy bastard? It only takes 15 mins.... Lazy bugger Shifty. :P Sounds like you had a good day anyway mate, and I'm glad you enjoyed the stimulator... I mean simulator.. sorry. Your report was alright for a dolt ;)
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thanks anyway i did walk over the bridge on the way back becasue the ferry was a half an hour wait, i didnt the first time becasue the ferry was already at the dock just as soon as we got off the train, so why walk? it was nice to walk on the way back because it was sunset, but so many freaks and gay people everywhere, gese its sick. Its like miriam in sydney or something.

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EXCUSE ME SHIFTY?? WTF man, you sit and rave about how people in the city are stuck up and then you say

but so many freaks and gay people everywhere, gese its sick.
That just clearly shows that you think that YOU are above these people and how uneducated you really are! Why is a gay person a freak? Your warped views on society are a cack mate. There are good and bad people everywhere. You have your undesirable people in the city just as much as you have your gangs, drug dealers and just general turds out west. Its a bit sad actualy that these days I'd feel more comfortable in the middle of the city on a thursday night than I would in Liverpool Westfields... One thing I've found about so called "Stuck Up People" they tend not to go around stealing from, raping and shooting each other... something to think about for you there.
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All are equal in the turds department. They're just latte drinking turds over there. In defence of Shifty, I don't think he was referring to gay people being freaks. You're not safe wherever you go, but I think that most people will feel the same and would rather walk around the city than Liverpool Westfields at night. Who cares anyway to be honest? I think you've got a little confused Rappa. I'm the one that says they're latte drinking idiots. :)

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Hey Shifty I'd delete that post if I was you. Could be considered very offensive. What do you have against gay people? How do you know there aren't any gay people or north shore people on these forums for that matter? Any tiny little shred I had of respect for you (there really wasn't much to begin with) is now gone. By the way I do live on the North Shore and have never had a latte in my life. I don't drink any kind of coffee. I'd be glad to join you for a VB in one of your dirty western suburbs pubs any day thanks Dan ;)

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No worries mate. You're one of a kind over there... Muffin then???? :P Shifty, be careful what you're saying mate. I know it was probably innocent enough and you thought nothing of it, but you're an idiot, so watch it. Shifty is quite clearly in love with Jamie Oliver though GoBoi, so I'm sure he meant nothing in his references.

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All I was saying is that Shifty wasn't saying gay people are freaks. You're right, the 'it's sick' comment isn't needed on this forum though. It's not really something to voice your opinion on Shift to people you don't know. You don't know anyone on here and who you may offend, so from now on just keep your opinion on sensitive issues to yourself brother. Anyway, how about those Yankees...

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yous are all here complaining to me about not making offensive comments about others, have any of you realised what commenst you have made to others, there are stax of comments many have said about me, i know i am what 12 years younger or more than most of you, doesn't give reason for any of you to carry on and ridicule others especially me in this case, yes i did tease gays in a way, and non i have nothing against them, but i used them as an example because i am a person who rarely goes to the city and its the first time ive seen gays everywhere, not the second the first, i apologise if i have offended people, freaks are people i think that are like punks, goths, people with bizarre hair styles ect, not gays.

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Shifty, there's a difference with the other offensive comments that have been, and are made on this forum. No one's complaining to you. They're complaining about you. Pull your head in old son. You'll learn brother. Shifty you said you did tease gays in a way. I've got news for you. You're not allowed mate. It's not how it works mate. I said it before, I know you thought it was an innocent comment, but just be careful mate.

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But people here have only made tongue in cheek comments to you, nothing serious or to be offensive. You have just written off every people who lives in the city as you say to be stuck up. I never said you called Gay people freaks, you were putting them in the same category though...

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First off... Very good Trip Report Shifty! ;) What you said about the spin and spew is VERY correct. I saw two chicks spew when they got off the UFO. My head didnt feel to good afterwards though... And hey I live on the Northern Beaches too!! :D GoBoi

By the way I do live on the North Shore and have never had a latte in my life.
Well the people on the Northern Beaches are known to be snobby! I dont deny that. I think the whole coffee remark is quite true. There is about a Zillion coffee shops. But what annoys me are those New Age Parents that are like " Oh yes, Can I have a Flat White with soy milk please? Steamed, not poured. And can my little sweety here get a Babychino. Same milk for her too." I say that cause i'v worked in a cafe'. But in all, I prefer tea too coffee. Screammachine
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