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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/05/16 in all areas

  1. So I'm in the park right now and the arms are no where to be seen. They must be having some issues
    3 points
  2. Lots of uhh, third party substances in the water at Wipeout today... not closed because of maintenance, just for cleaning... (I'm sure you can join the dots...) The water was green and disgusting by around 4:45pm. I didn't get any photos of it because uhh, why would you want to see it. Tiger Island Plans have been posted over by the old Thunderbolt exit. (Near one of the two DWF donation boxes) There is the entire posted plan... (Includes currently existing back of house and tiger experience areas) Main Entry to Tiger Island will be through the current 'Lair' area; and new Shopping Outlet. Once you've walked in, to the left will be a new toilet block and small F&B outlet (Which I'm sure will be much like the Bengal Teahouse before it) - you then progress into the new tiered seating area, and events space, which is covered. The new 'Tiger Cub Kindy' enclosure looks to be where the nursery used to be. Other 'closer' photos aren't uploading at all. :/
    2 points
  3. Same for me, I've seen rides break down and I've been kicked out of the superman queue after it broke down, but never actually been on a ride during a breakdown.
    2 points
  4. I've still never been on a ride when it has e-stopped or broken down. I've witnessed quite a few from the queue and even just after getting off, but never actually while on a ride. I need to go to parks more.
    2 points
  5. Same here, I want to die on a coaster when I'm really old lol
    1 point
  6. Haha it's exactly the same with me, except with superman (getting a rollback). Although I'd be happy with any breakdown (as long as it's not getting stuck upside down on wipeout or something ?
    1 point
  7. Aw. Wish I was going to the last one! Alas, not possible, at home with kids and no means of transport tonight ? @reanimated35 hope you have fun, enjoy a piece of bacon for me, haha ???
    1 point
  8. Just for the hell of it I'm going to try to make one last visit to carnivale tomorrow night. I forgot to ask, does anyone know if there's anything special on for the finale?
    1 point
  9. Northbound eh? So maybe MW is producing sulfur hexaflouride transformers and shipping them to the port of Brisbane? Also:
    1 point
  10. I'll be honest in another year you will need to remind me again.
    1 point
  11. Glad i've clarified this for the millionth time.
    1 point
  12. Last red rego stickers were dated year 2014... 2015 was purple... No 2016 ones... So this pic is either at least 18 months old or the driver of that vehicle needs to remove the old sticker and not take photos while driving...
    1 point
  13. If they both demolished eureka and the motocoaster and both build something better in their place I think the park would greatly benefit from that Eurekas replacement should be something like mystery mine at dollywood or some type of eurofighter with an indoor dark ride section followed by a few inversions in a compact space
    1 point
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