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Showing content with the highest reputation on 15/09/16 in all areas

  1. In my opinion, I don't think that will happen until they build new rides/attractions behind SDSC. Whilst it would provide a new observation area for AA, there is currently nothing else of interest behind SDSC for guests to visit. Until rides/attractions are built, it would be an empty & quiet path. I found LW's Chinatown alley to be an empty/quiet path too - if you were not interested in riding/observing the roller coaster or even visiting LW's shop, you were unlikely to walk down that alley particularly with it's long length - you can't even see the queue entrance from the Chinatown entrance. That's why they probably relocated the entrance to near SE as it is visible from the park entrance, you can see the queue entrance immediately, it's in a very open space & a very interesting site to wander around with so many thrill rides/rollercoasters operating. ^Whilst the theming is great, in my opinion, it isn't an exciting place to walk down Anyway, it is sad to see the Chinatown entrance finally go but better now than never. This is just an idea of mine - not speculation - but I think it would be good if they blocked off the Chinatown alley at it's northern end with the former Chinatown entrance being converted to a Main Street theme (maybe a shop or roaming character photo opportunity site?). The southern end of the Chinatown alley is re-themed to Park Row/Crime Alley while the northern end is connected through to Gotham City Cafe, which has it's Gotham City Hall facade pushed back against the SE sound stages and the entire site renovated so it also acts as a 2nd (or maybe even the) major entrance to AA. This makes the entire area from Gotham City Cafe to AA entirely Batman-themed. I don't know well the storyline of AA so can't say for sure if the storyline can be implemented down the alley through to Gotham City Cafe but even if it doesn't follow the storyline, my idea would allow for consistent Batman theming at a minimum.
    2 points
  2. Golden ticket awards were announced... Fury finally took over Millennium Force which I guess is fair. Massive bias towards B&M as the list goes down though. Some other weird choices in there too, have a look yourself. This made me laugh however: Mitch Hawker needs to do a poll again...
    1 point
  3. ^Yeah it is @Theme Park Girl. She didn't a new forum to ask the question, then posted in this one too.
    1 point
  4. 1-1.5hr per maze. About the same per ride. If you're doing it once only, get a fast pass.
    1 point
  5. They can do. I went to Fright Nights on Oct 31st last year, and waited with my friends for well over an hour each to enter each maze. Didn't get time to do rides since they finished by 9.30pm. Honestly I think you're better off investing in the Ultimate Terror Tour if you want to do as many rides and mazes as possible, as it includes fast track rides and mazes, amongst various other goodies ? And it's better value than the individual versions. Otherwise I'd be very prepared to wait lengthy times for mazes and rides by default. ETA: Here's a photo I took of the queue for Wolf Creek 2 last year, and this was about 20 minutes in. The line zig zagged from one end of the show stage to the other about 8 times, then snaked all the way back past Boot Hill. So yeah.... very lengthy wait.
    1 point
  6. I'd say about an hour wait per ride and maze give or take. I highly suggest to get the fast past for the mazes if you want to do all of them or better yet do the Ultimate terror tour experience. I did that last year and it is 100% worth it.
    1 point
  7. The Parkz Update: : Doomsday Destoyer adds DC Comics elements ahead of opening More characters – both villains and heroes – appear at DC Comics Super-Villains Unleashed, while an iconic but long-disused part of Warner Bros. Movie World looks to be gone for good. Click here to continue reading
    1 point
  8. Yeah I did. Really good interview and very insightful
    1 point
  9. Hi just saw this image, is it fake or real? idk
    -1 points
  10. oh true haha would've have been a bad maze anyway
    -1 points
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