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Everything posted by aaronm

  1. I don’t have an issue with the locals pass but I think they’d be better off swapping out the postcode restrictions for blackout dates (i.e. school holidays) to help manage crowds during peak periods.
  2. I have always received a response to feedback from VRTP, but it's generally been in the "thanks for the feedback, here are some excuses" format. I doubt they ever actually take anything on board and make changes based on what they hear from park guests.
  3. The party was fun while it lasted but was never guaranteed to last forever. Clearly they want everyone to move over to a One Pass instead, this is a bizarre way of doing it though. The messaging is also weird: "There has been a change in the Debit Success underlying payment and software terms and conditions with Village Roadshow Theme Parks, and as such your terms and conditions will also be amended from 1 July 2023." Is this reasoning supposed to justify the changes? If so I don't see the logic. While customer service has never been VRTP's strength, a better way to shift members over to a pass would have been to tell them the program was ending and offer a discounted new One Pass as an incentive. The lack of Fright Nights inclusion doesn't really bother me, the mazes aren't of a high standard and now that the Ultimate Terror Tour is no more it's an event I don't mind missing out on. Coming from Melbourne, Singapore's Horror Nights is much more attractive (and not all that much more expensive these days).
  4. Even for a kiddie ride, I would have expected more progress if this is still opening in April.
  5. This maintenance window is now longer than the construction period of most new rides. That could be said for SDSC as well I guess, maybe it’s a Queensland thing…
  6. Most Six Flags and Cedar Fair parks have one ride op wearing a microphone headset so they don't have to yell, I guess that solution is too simple for the Aussie parks though!
  7. I don't think the sign is that terrible, all it's missing is Kenny & Belinda themselves.
  8. Last week GL probably would have had my vote. Went to Gumbuya this past weekend to see Project Zero looking fresh, running better than Buzzsaw did, and doing its job as the headline thrill attraction. What was a fairly unloved attraction at Dreamworld has become an absolute crowd pleaser and an excellent addition to the park.
  9. I rode this a few months ago, absolutely ridiculous and fun, drop tower meets spinner, had me giggling like some lunatic the whole time. It’s a crying shame that there’s only one in the world.
  10. WWF for me, though would be even stronger if the ghost town effects were more reliable. Some great sight gags in there when they work. IMO Storm Coaster is let down by the fact that its splashdown is indoors. These rides double as entertainment for onlookers and hiding the finale sort of breaks that. The Plunge is good fun, does it get any love for being Australia's last remaining permanent log flume?
  11. I’ll be interested to hear the rationale behind anyone who picks Motocoaster. LPS Boomerang gets my vote, mainly because coasters that exist are better than those that don’t. Might change my mind come 2026 or whenever the land opens.
  12. When it was all new and working I didn’t feel the screens added much but it wasn’t objectively worse. But for the last couple of years the ride has been running with most of the the next-gen elements in a broken state, the most egregious being the never-synched screens on the lift. Arguably it would have been better to just turn these off.
  13. Wild Mouse outdoes Leviathan in the iconic stakes given its location and history. Scooby Doo is a clear winner though and pre “next generation” arguably the best themed ride in the country.
  14. Steel Taipan is unfairly denigrated for being a (quasi) clone. If it was one of a kind people would be fawning all over it but because you can also ride something similar in Dubai or Rust coaster fans dismiss it as a copy. I love Superman’s theming when it works but for me it’s a lesser megalite and Steel Taipan offers a more exciting experience overall. Both are great coasters but ST’s triple launch and inline twist are the icing on a delicious cake.
  15. It's probably easier to match Disney/Universal on food than attractions, and there always seems to be a market for "instagrammable" food, especially desserts. That said I'm not sure the market is there on the Gold Coast - based on what's most popular at Carnivale and DW's Night Market, park guests seem to much prefer more basic/traditional food offerings over anything else.
  16. Abyss somehow manages to be the world’s roughest Eurofighter, which is saying something in a field full of headbangers. Big Dipper by a mile.
  17. I think $30 is just too much for the experience, it’s too high for an impulse buy so apart from random enthusiasts they will struggle to sell seats. If the row is going out empty on 2 out of every 5 trains they should adjust the pricing. There’s money to be made but not at $30. IMO the spinning car on Tailspin is also overpriced, evidenced by it going out empty most of the time. $10-15 is about right for these upcharges. Rivals had it right early on.
  18. I think the clock has run out on blaming Covid for delays, at least as a believable excuse. Two years of downtime is longer than most major coasters take to construct from scratch, so it’s entirely reasonable to ask what on earth is going on in this instance.
  19. What do people think of the backwards ride? I find DC Rivals' backwards row to be a completely different experience that adds a whole new level of thrill. On Leviathan I thought it was interesting and fun to do once, but probably won't shell out for another go in future. It's not bad just not different enough to stand out.
  20. With the theming teardown, 2.0 "upgrade", Covid closures, and now this, is it possible that by 2025 the ride will have spent less than half of its last decade actually open to guests? I'm also curious what these "state of the art harnesses" will be. It's been almost a decade since Mack built a wild mouse so there aren't any recent examples to draw on. Hopefully we don't end up with the horrible ankle restraints Coast Rider has, that one is basically unrideable for anyone with legs.
  21. Typically I don’t consider relocations as “new” credits, but each to their own. I won’t count Project Zero as new, but that’s just my preference. At the end of the day a credit count only really matters to the person counting. As for the claims that SR will somehow ruin SE’s skyline, it’s less than half the height so I doubt this will be the case.
  22. Without knowing the sort of budget they’re allocating to the relocation my gut feel is this is going to be closer to Green Lantern than Leviathan in terms of theming. I hope I’m wrong though!
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