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Your Ideas for new rides


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of course you havent, those are possible names i dreamed up, not just copies of other rides. Hey, does anyone reckon a white water west water coaster would be good for nick central. It basically a waterslide with modifications so you stay dry, like boats with bottoms and a conveyor belt launching area and a dry exit. I think yosamite sams sierra falls at SFMM or SFHH (cant remember which one) is an example of this.

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Hey, does anyone reckon a white water west water coaster would be good for nick central. It basically a waterslide with modifications so you stay dry, like boats with bottoms and a conveyor belt launching area and a dry exit. I think yosamite sams sierra falls at SFMM or SFHH (cant remember which one) is an example of this.
I know the ride your talking about Gazza, there's one going into Cypress Gardens as well. It was quite a shock to see such a ride exists outside of Roller Coaster Tycoon. As fun as the ride style looks, I don't think it make all that good an addition to Dreamworld. Besides being relatively tacky, and with a questionable capacity, apparently if the rubber dinghies crash, they explode!
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I thought it would be good as there is not really a water ride at DW aimed squarley at kids, it could have a spongebob theme and maybe the slide tubes could be hidden in a building, the slides would be in a pair designed as a racing ride. It would just be a kids ride and would not act as a major ride, mainly just as a fun thing to do that would suit all weather

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Yosemite Sam (which is in the Magic Mountain park, not the water park) is a lot wetter than you'd think. We gave it a look and considered riding. There's no way you can come off the thing even remotely dry. I can't realistically see any additions to Nick Central for a good five or ten years. The great thing about a children's area like this is by the time the kids get sick of or bored with the rides it has on offer, there's a whole new generation of kids along to enjoy it. Just keep it looking nice, do the regular holiday promotions and advertise it on Nickelodeon and they're set. Thrill rides on the other hand cover such a broad age group that they do need to be added regularly to bring in the money.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, so after a lot of thought, I have come up with a few ideas about the 250 million. The one thing that has been known for a while is the "Town Square" concept of the park, so let's put aside about 100 million for that area straight off the bat. This leaves us with approx 150 million to play with. So here is an idea I have come up with after looking at the map and the way that the park could expand in the future, and taking into account the relationship that the park now seems to have with the Paramount parks in the USA. If the park was to install a new water area (Boomerang Bay) on the old Thunderbolt site. This would account for the early work starting on the site now as it would take a long time to create such a area. This would allow the park to remove the old water area and to open the land up for use after the Big Brother contract has finished. It would also update the water area of the park to compete with Wet'n'Wild. In total for the land construction I guess you could allow approw 80 - 100 million. So this still allows for about 50 - 70 million depending on the above total of course. Which would still allow for a new coaster and a couple of thrill rides for the park, maybe a Sally Dark Ride in the old Riverside section of the park behind the Tower of Terror. Remember that this is only my random thoughts and a few prayers also. Any thoughts on my thoughts????

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Well, some news that I have heard around the grape vine is that the actual plans for the new coaster have been one hundred percent confirmed, and the work they are doing on the site now is for the next coaster which will be hopefully launching sometime December 2005. But when we have something extremely good as this, we have to have a downside. Apparently, Big Brother have signed on for another four seasons at Dreamworld. So those dreams of a new wooden coaster etc. get flushed down the toilet for now.

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Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Not More Big Brother. It's not that it's taking up space, it's more like, Big Brother takes up space on the Television. Owell, at least i can watch Foxtel Digital!

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As much as I loath Big Brother (or any reality TV shows for that matter), it is helping Dreamworld no end in attracting the lucrative 10 - 17 year old female market, which I hear is worth quite a bit to the company. Regretably, it doesn't even look like going away any time soon, so we'll just have to deal with the presense of Big Brother in the park a while longer. So long as you can avoid that area of the park, its not too bad anyway. I reckon Thunder has some pretty good sugestions. Moving the water park could prove to make life easier in connecting the park up with the new Town Center (which one would assume is part of the plan if they're still going to be building a hotel), though there are probably other ways around it. The dark ride idea also appeals to me. The park has been somewhat void of 'Family' attractions in recent years. There's very little that the whole family can do together. So long as it isn't one of those mindless "Shoot 'em up" type things then its all good.

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The first time I went to Dreamworld I rode the skylink then walked back to the front of the park. Up along the back there was a fence, and it looked like there was not much behind it. Does anyone know if the land is Dreamworlds? Can they expand the park back there? Because as it is, it appears that all the big rides are in the front half of the park. Since we are stuck with Big Brother for a while yet, why not create some sort of dark-ride/simulator/walk-through themed to Big Brother?

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Since we are stuck with Big Brother for a while yet, why not create some sort of dark-ride/simulator/walk-through themed to Big Brother?
Lol a ride themed to Big Brother? Ooo, a walkthrough with two eyes with overgrown eyebrows looking at you for the whole time. AMAZING. If you want a BB themed ride, go and visit the house and go through that glass viewing thing.
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Scott, just to get back to your question on the $100million for the Town Square, the original plans/suggestions for this area also included about half a dozen small impact rides for familys. If you take into account that the power requirements alone for this area could cost the park around $160 000 to $200 000 dollars for Energex to supply a new sub station if required, then the money goes down in size a little. Add into it the traffic changes required to enter the town square and the outlay to council for this and all plans, then the money goes down again. It is true that 100 million would go along way, but the reason for the figure is only cause I have no idea what is going into the town square, so I went for a large figure to cover the area. The TS may only cost half of that and that would leave 50 million for something that we know nothing about. Hope that explains where I was coming from with that 100 milliion figure. :)

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  • 1 month later...

hows this for an idear a rocket coaster at the thunderbolt site and have it as a ocean theme the ride should go like this, launch, top hat, loop, then go inside a tank full of sea life i mean your not in the tank but the tank is desinged to to have a tube in it which the track would be in while still in the tank a zero-g-roll and some of hills come out do a u-turn back in to the station of couse this can also be a family a thing and familys could go under the water thugh tubes and have also like a rock pools and stuff where they can fell stuff and see stuff. kind of like an aquarium thing so thers my idear hope you like it

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A B&M floorless coaster where thunderbolt was. First of it's kind in Aus. It could have a storm sort of theming to go along with cyclone and wipeout. And it should be a really unique layout like Hydra being built at Dorney park, which has an inversion before the lift hill; grab the world's attention....

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