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Lscia8, Cruiseshipfan and Chop2332's Warner Bros Movie World Recreation


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  • 5 weeks later...

Could some one use this photo http://www.parkz.com...&attach_id=2056 and edit it and list the heights/dimensions of the set please!

Geez mate, be reasonable! Who the hell on parkz is going to have access to the architects elevations where they can take off the height and length dimensions....Yeah, that's right, nobody. Since you are so keen to make this model, how about figuring out this for yourself for a change? You can just go to nearmap, get some aerial images of the set, and then take off approximate dimensions for the width of each building. Then go back to the photo of the set, and then get the height and width of each facade. Obviously due to the fisheye nature of the photo you might have to do some good old fashioned guestimation for the buildings on the edge of the photo. Compare the width of each building on the photo, with the actual dimension off Nearmap. That gives you the scale factor. Then just multiply the height from the photo by the scale factor, and that gives you a good estimation of how tall the facade is in real life. Edited by Gazza
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Gazza, Sorry I never knew that there was a scale/measurement thing on nearmaps. After spending the whole morning working on measurements, cropping photos and modelling I finally have an update. I have built a bit more than whats in the photo however they dont have textures and look fairly ordinary without any textures. However here you are: hsdarena.jpg comments/criticism

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Just putting this out there: There isn't the correct amount of room under the screen yes, but given the limitations of RCT3 is that really a huge deal? In recreations in RCT3 everything has to be sort of stylised to fit in anyway, so as far as I'm concerned a gap slightly smaller than it should be isn't a worry. For me me I think it looks pretty good, but must ask: is the brickwork around the screen 3D or 2D?

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is the brickwork around the screen 3D or 2D?

2D..Its a photo match texture. PS, if you draw an arc and vertical lines around those archways on the thing that holds the flying car up, you can push pull out slightly, offset, then push pull in, and give it some depth.

I have built a bit more than whats in the photo however they dont have textures and look fairly ordinary without any textures

To be honest, there is an easier workflow you could be using. 1) get that big photo, or any other photo that shows the building you want to model...Crop beforehand Have one photo per building, and basically 2) Import the photo. 3) Explode it! This is the key step. 4) Select this exploded photo and group it. 5) Begin editing the group, first go to Edit face and use the perspective edit tool to get rid of any distortion if the photo wasn't taken straight on. 6) Trace around the front face of the building with the line tool on the surface of the photo. 5) Delete off the excess around the outside. 6) Push pull...this is where the magic happens. Because you imported the photo and exploded it, the texture will go all the way through the model rather than just on the surface. 7) Keep drawing on the front face, push pulling windows in, mullions and window frames out etc etc. 8) Close the group. 9) Profit. Edited by Gazza
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