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What would be the next best investment for Aussie World?


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I'm going to link the managers to this thread so they'll see it so come up with some good (albeit sensible) ideas :D Let's say they were to invest another $2-$3 million in the next 5 years, what would you buy the park? Imo, sell off the rock n roll rebel, build another story on top of the building where the rock + roll rebel was make a Scooby Doo-esque Ghost Train. Rock + Roll Rebel, while decent, isn't a drawcard. If you get a decent themed ghost train in there, then that also gives them a lucrative oppurtunity to do Fright Nights at Halloween and will really give them a good attractive dark themed ride that people WILL go to the park to ride time and time again as it will be unique.

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^ You're right but Aussie World needs to do things on a very thin budget since it's a tiny park. A 6-7 million single investment just won't happen in the foreseeable future I'm afraid (wishful thinking). 2-3 million could basically set up a decent ghost train if they were smart about it. They could 2nd hand tracking + carts but make it so it looks new + put in good theming. The thing with ghost trains is you don't have to have the BEST thrills or shiny new track, it just needs to be themed well. So if you get the track on the cheap (let's say 1 mill for just a standard 2 storey 2nd hand ghost train + carts, then you can spend 1 mil making it look amazing).

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Here's my suggestion to AW management - IGNORE THAT SUGGESTION. Whilst I have not been to the park since the Disk'o and the Flume construction began, THE most solid attraction in the park can be found inside that pink building. Sure, Rock N Roll Rebel isn't the best flat ride you've ever seen, but the efforts that they've gone to to make it more than just your run of the mill 'Tango Train' style attraction. In my opinion, it's the best (non recent?) addition to the park. Also, to get rid of one dark ride, that IS popular and fun, to build another isn't a good idea. Look at how many people have complained about the closures of LTRR and BA-TR. Look at how many suggestions people have made for dark rides at MW. The park could definitely use another dark ride, but it shouldn't replace an existing one to do so. Making a ride choice based on the "lucrative opportunity" to host what... 5 night time events a year for hallowe'en is also missing the mark. On that kind of budget, you'll be hard pressed getting much more than your standard travelling "ghost train" made out of sheet metal, banging its arse off every time a car goes through. Besides, the idea is flawed in another way... building the RnRR building up another story isn't possible - the structure isn't designed for it. It'd be cheaper to build a brand new structure TBH. Don't lose RnR Rebel... Something i'd suggest - get a decent size area... say minimum 50x50 metres... maybe 100x50... and have seasonal attractions during holiday periods... just like Luna Park Sydney... this gives something consistently different that will keep people coming back regularly to try out something new and doesn't cost the $2m that has been suggested to accomplish (a fraction of that to have the slabs prepared and powered). Of course, they would need to work out ticketing \ costing to the ride operators... perhaps allow the ride ops to charge a small fee, as well as offer a "higher grade" ticket that grants unlimited rides? Or simply do it the same way LPS does. Thats my management suggestions.

Edited by AlexB
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^ That would give the park an incredibly cheap feel imo and not the route they should go in. Sure, maybe the building isn't right for a Ghost Train BUT a well themed ghost train would be a far bigger hit than R&R which doesnt really bring anyone to the park and wouldn't be a loss at all if it was replaced with a better dark themed ride.

Edited by POP
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The idea is flawed also - building the RnRR building up another story isn't possible - the structure isn't designed for it. It'd be cheaper to build a brand new structure TBH.

My thoughts too. It's not like putting an extra upper floor on a suburban house or raising a Queenslander, ride vehicles and track are going to weigh a lot more than the typical static loads on houses or whatever. AlexB has hit the nail on the head though. You could ring up Ranbuild or Bluescope or whoever and get an off the shelf industrial shed to house the ride system, simple slab on the ground and you're good to go. That's gonna be much cheaper than building at an elevated level and the costs associated with renovating an existing building. Also, no to the suggestion of building a Wipeout/Rampage style ride, because I'd rather have more variety, and it makes more sense to build a ride that differentiates from the competition. As for my suggestions for attractions.....Flying Scooters! This is the exact sort of flat that would suit the park. Everyone seems to rave about how much airtime you get when you 'snap' the cables, and I'd love to be able to experience that here.
Water rides always seem to be well liked....What about a WhiteWater West Spinning Rapids, a number of smaller parks have these as a cheaper alternative to a full sized rapids:
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I don't know you guys, imo they have enough of these type of rides, they need attractions that are going to bring people to the park. Unique stuff now. Instead of spending more money on flats you can visit at the Nambour show, they need uniqueness (flume and redback are steps in the right direction). But then again there is no "right" answer, there is only opinion. And I hope I don't come across as abraissive, if so sorry :P

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Forum limits the number of YT videos in a post..... So, also, I reckon a few Heege rides would be great for the park too, since they are small enough to support them without getting excessive queues. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSrknbfnH8I

And, sorry to triple post, but the only way to get around the restriction.....The hillside could host an alpine coaster, which would be a safer alternative to the luge that used to be there.
Edited by Gazza
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^ That would give the park an incredibly cheap feel imo and not the route they should go in.

Wheres difference to their current business model, except that the rides wouldn't be installed permanently? EVERY attraction in that park is, to the best of my knowledge a travelling attraction... from wildmouse, to RNRR, Mozzie Musta to Dodgems. The park is nothing but travelling attractions in a permanent home. What's wrong with a couple more that change seasonally? I don't think that would make it any "cheaper"

Unique stuff now. Instead of spending more money on flats you can visit at the Nambour show, they need uniqueness

They tried that by installing a Disko... what happened? oh yeah - a major theme park with millions to blow one-upped them and stole their thunder.

But then again there is no "right" answer, there is only opinion. And I hope I don't come across as abraissive, if so sorry :P

not abrasive, but remember everything here is just opinion... and everyone is entitled to their own.
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Oh Like this all of a sudden AW has been talked about quite a bit... I personally rate this park above the GC parks. Sure they don't have the shows like MW OR DW but it just has some sort of charm to it. In regards to a new ride/s. I personally think that building a ghost train style ride just for the fact they could promote a Halloween night wouldn't work too well. Perhaps just move away from the "family style" rides and throw in a well themed topspin. But that is just my two cents.

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Oh Like this all of a sudden AW has been talked about quite a bit... I personally rate this park above the GC parks. Sure they don't have the shows like MW OR DW but it just has some sort of charm to it. In regards to a new ride/s. I personally think that building a ghost train style ride just for the fact they could promote a Halloween night wouldn't work too well. Perhaps just move away from the "family style" rides and throw in a well themed topspin. But that is just my two cents.

I agree with you. What I love about AW is that you can go there without taking out a mortgage and no have to wait in any lines. I do agree though, they need to head more in the direction of thrill rides. They've got plenty of kids rides + now with the flume (another family ride), they need to continue aiming toward the teenage/young adult market. That way you have a whole family day out.
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Given the park's abundance of naturally sloping land off to the rear and left (behind the Wild Mouse and new Giant Slide), I feel that some good old fashioned body slides would be a great addition to the park. There's no need for any fancy bowl slides or aqua loops, just 3 or 4 slides of varying intensity to include all ages, and you've instantly added a good couple of hours to the average stay at the park (weather permitting), rounding it out into almost a full day park.

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Given the park's abundance of naturally sloping land off to the rear and left (behind the Wild Mouse and new Giant Slide), I feel that some good old fashioned body slides would be a great addition to the park. There's no need for any fancy bowl slides or aqua loops, just 3 or 4 slides of varying intensity to include all ages, and you've instantly added a good couple of hours to the average stay at the park (weather permitting), rounding it out into almost a full day park.

I have always thought waterslides (similar to The Beach at Wonderland) would do wonders for that park. A beach/surfboard theme would fit in well too since that's quite Aussie/

With all this chat about AW I think it is time I paid it a visit... You have peaked my interests.

Go when the flume opens though in Dec, just imo. PS How much would it cost for 4 slides (say they were 2nd hand and repainted) + a beach area similar to Wonderland? It couldnt be above 3 million surely? Or am I being optimistic?
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What I love about AW is that it's one of those 'side of the highway' type places, it's not your typical themepark so I'd like to see a continuation of those kind of rides/attractions. E.g. Go carts, some kind of toboggan ride, haunted house e.t.c... I dunno how big the draw card would be but that's what I'd like to see happen.

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^ They used to have a Toboggan type ride call The Luge. You sat in carts and went down the hill raceway. Was a LOT of fun and used to be the main reason people went to Aussie World at all. But I think it was quite dangerous and had insurance issues. If you rode the chair swing/ferris wheel you would've seen the track up to the back of the park. I don't think Go Karts are a good idea though since the Big Kart Track down the road would be too hard to beat (I love that place :D)

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