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Planet Coaster


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Speaking of, it should be on steam either today or tomorrow. If you want to buy now is your absolute last chance before release later this year. 


scratch that, steam keys have been distributed. Looks like you're out of time to buy Alpha. 

Edited by reanimated35
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Oops - I was wrong sorry, it may have been delayed 2 days or I might have got my info mixed up. 

The EARLY BIRD ALPHA EDITION will be removed from the Frontier Store on Thursday 25th August 2016. PLAY NOW!

Steam keys have been distributed but it's not on steam just yet. You can still buy. 

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So I made my first attempt ever at making a coaster properly in PC. 

Now, the supports are wrong, but that could be fixed later. A lot of the banking is too sharp, but the main thing is I didn't bother attempting block brakes at the moment as I was still getting used to the controls. 

In saying that, I didn't think it was too bad for a first go. 

(The slight stutter is due to the windows game recorder thing not being that great)



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I am loving this new alpha. The buildings and blueprints system is great, the water looks fantastic, and the new coasters are awesome.

The coaster editor isn't as perfect as I'd hoped for, but I do love the banking offset feature that lets you bank to the heartline. With a lot of fiddling for hours you can make a really nice coaster, just wish it was that bit easier to tinker with any of the track vertices like in nolimits rather than just the large pieces you've placed.

The path system has always been horrendous. I'm getting worried that it'll still be like it is on release. The cities skylines road system does not translate well to theme park pathways. We should really just have a system that allows guests to walk anywhere but they are cordoned off by scenery items. (So if you place a fence they won't walk through) just like in a real park. perhaps there could be a way to stop them from walking into certain sections of the park too.

Anyway, I think it's getting a bit too late for any dramatic changes to happen to the path system. I fear that we'll be stuck with it on release.

Edited by AllegroCrab
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I've had a creativity block after finally getting my upgrade built (i7 6600, 16gb ram). I've considered an Aussie park recreation but that's pretty massive a project.

I might try a "blueprints only" park next, it looks like Sdanwolf has that already in work. I don't want to do a medieval or pirate park, though. Some good western stuff coming out on the workshop.

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  • 1 month later...

I kinda forgot about Planet Coaster and decided to check up on how the game is progressing. Wow....the game is looking incredibly solid! You'll be able to 'rollercoaster people bowl'. You can do this in RCT2/3 for a bit of a laugh. And now you can do it in PC. The marketing video for it is amazing haha


Edited by Luke
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Not going to lie, I've already bought it, delighted they're adding in transport rides.  Looking forward to what else they put into it, everything looks pretty sweet so far.  The only thing that from playing it so far the gameplay is a bit lacking compared to the original RCT, but not holding it against it since it's only an alpha so far.

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5 hours ago, joz said:

the gameplay is a bit lacking compared to the original RCT, but not holding it against it since it's only an alpha so far.

You've said it yourself. :)

They want to make sure that the creation tools all work really well before they really buckle down on the gameplay.

They've stressed a load of times in live streams that they really want it not only to be great for creating your own worlds, but for it to also be a really balanced and in-depth theme park management experience. The micro-management you are used to will no doubt be in full swing come full release.

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