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Bush Beast Train.


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The family just went down there last summer at the Timeshare Resort just before the bridge. Can't think of the name, but yeah. It looks spanish. Now That place your reffering to is Tun - Za - Fun. It consists of; Mini Golf, Train, Krazy Kars, merry-go-round, and 50's style car Dodgems. The slides are descent and are looked after nicley. I prefer the one on the Mulwala side as it has tree's covering the slides. Really, their almost the same design, but the one on Yarrawonga side is not as good. But we won't be going back their again. Our Bikes which were on the back of our car, where stolen within 5 minutes of arriving their. I have nothing against victoria. It's just Yarrawonga which i hate. On my list of states, victoria would be 2nd on my list of best states in Aus. But First would have to be Qld. No doubt about that.

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I hate to cover old ground but Wonderland is almost dead and almost gone (I say almost because there are still staff there until January). I drove up Wonderland Drive (that's the name of the old driveway now) and say a couple of large dump trucks going into the now fenced off Wonderland site. A little while later they came out full of rubble. What is the point on putting a heritage order on an old and decaying wooden roller coaster? Since the park closed back in April there has been little or no maintenance carried out on the ride, and trust me it needed a bucket load then. How could the ride possible be made fit to operate now? If a heritage order is put on it will just stand there and slowly decay and will be an eyesore.

Now back on topic, I wonder why parks dont buy even a few of WLs kiddie rides, its not as recognisable as say a coaster, and it would be a cheap way of entertaining the kids. If I were running another park here I would snap a couple just to boost things a bit, but I wondnt add them as a substitute for something else.
I can tell you that most of, if not all the kiddie’s rides have been sold or are being sent over the Malaysia so they are not going to waste. About a month after the park closed Dragons Flight, Merry-Go-Round and Baby Bumpers were put in shipping containers and sent over there. I have said it before and I will say it again, Wonderland is closed and it is not coming back in any form. There will be no mini-Wonderland or any incarnation of any type of theme park on that site. "The Bus is now leaving for Gonella, NSW"
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That's Really Good to hear. Also How long would it take for a standard heritage order to go through anyone? I am not familiar with the process.
Years. But the possibility is that they may slap an "interim" order on it, which would effectively stop it being dismantled until the full study was complete. This in turn would put it in the "too hard basket" for the developer and they are more likely to just leave it there and build around it, until one of their clients comes up and says yeal Ill have that spot and that spot and that spot.. and yeah, throw that roller coaster in aswell".. "deal"... ZordMaker
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Because industrial companies are really likely to buy plots of land with a rotting coaster in the middle. :rolleyes: I really think that trying to hold onto Bush Beast would do more harm to the NSW/Sydney theme park industry than anything. Then there's my further question regarding Beastie, which is a far more culturally and historically significant attraction. Funnily enough, I'm also having trouble seeing how Bush Beast is at all eligable for a heritage order based on the Heritage Council of NSW. Below is the simplified criteria. Tell me where it fits in with any of these.

  • an item is important in the course, or pattern, of NSW’s cultural or natural history;
  • an item has strong or special association with the life or works of a person, or group of persons, of importance in NSW’s cultural or natural history;
  • an item is important in demonstrating aesthetic characteristics and/or a high degree of creative or technical achievement in NSW ;
  • an item has strong or special association with a particular community or cultural group in NSW for social, cultural or spiritual reasons;
  • an item has potential to yield information that will contribute to an understanding of NSW’s cultural or natural history;
  • an item possesses uncommon, rare or endangered aspects of NSW’s cultural or natural history;
  • an item is important in demonstrating the principal characteristics of a class of NSW’s cultural or natural places or cultural or natural environments.

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Shifty, you deadshift! We've discussed this in about 764 other threads! They're just being kept in working order. Well they haven't been for years now, but as close to as they can. Them all operating at the same time though is a load of shift. How many maintenance staff do you think they still have there? Turn it up dolt!

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Im sorry i dont have the time to look at other threads as im lazy and i dont have the time to look at things in the past, becasue i have such a busy and tight schedule meanwhile you have the time to keep looking at this crap day in and day out becasue you havent got a life. Now if you dont wantt o answer the question like i asked shut your bloody mouth becasue i can't stand you bother others. If it doesn't concern you which i will never direct my posts to you Daniel ever again shut your mouth.

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Just to point out Nighty you're not even at college yet so you're not busy yet. You've got a lot more free time than most people on these forums but for some reason we still manage to stay in touch with whats going on. Just grow up (Sorry to everyone to go off topic but this really bugs me to death when people complain that they're busy when they obviously aren't. This especiall goes for little punks!! Try my life for just 1 week and then come back and say if you're lifes busy, I work 4 jobs and attend uni full time)

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Shifty, You've got me old son. The tears! The tears! They're just flowing! Will I ever recover? Your insults will be a little more convincing, well not really, if you could spell and your grammar was up to the year 4 standard. You have no idea what I do in 'real life', nor how busy I am and quite frankly it's got absolutely nothing to do with you anyway. I'm not going to bother you anymore. Carry on chaps. :)

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I'll join you on those thoughts Kostya! I haven't had a business hour minute off in a few weeks now and am working 7 days a week of usualy at least 12 hours. I don't come in here crappin on about how busy I am...poor little sod, must have got a bit too much homework this week ay ;-p

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I went past Wonderland last week and for some reason i saw the guysers on the snowy river rampage go off and when we went passed the highway both the space probe and the demon were operating. Why is that?
It's ok Shifty I know what happened. I think it went like this: Shifty: In the back of the car. "I’m so bored" "Oh wait there's Wonderland" "Oh how I wish it was still open" "Hang on a minute. I just say the 'geysers' go off on Snowy, Ohh there goes Demon up the lift, Ohhhh Space Probe just dropped" Female voice: "Shifty, Shifty wake up" Shifty: "What? What? Where am I? Female voice: "It's Ok son you've just had a dream" "You need to get up and go and have a shower while I change you're sheets" Shifty: "Why?" Shifty's Mum: "You had a 'special' dream son"
Im sorry i dont have the time to look at other threads as im lazy and i dont have the time to look at things in the past, becasue i have such a busy and tight schedule meanwhile you have the time to keep looking at this crap day in and day out becasue you havent got a life. Now if you dont wantt o answer the question like i asked shut your bloody mouth becasue i can't stand you bother others. If it doesn't concern you which i will never direct my posts to you Daniel ever again shut your mouth.
You must be joking. You haven't even finished school yet and you have a 'tight schedule'. Just wait until you have finished studying and get a real job then you will know what a 'tight schedule' is. Just think about this if you don't believe me. Your Mum and Dad both work. When they get home they have to feed you and any siblings you have. They have to take you to any extra activities you do, such as sport, music etc. They then get home and have other things to do. Not to mention anything they do for you in the morning. 'Tight schedule', grow up a bit then tell us what that is. "The Bus is now leaving for Turkey Dreaming, Northern Territory"
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sorry but your immature sex comments are not very ammusing, and yes i do have a busy lifestyle, im currently studying for my end of year exams and my trial school certificate then my real school certificate, i have a part time job at mcdonalds working long shifts on weekends and a few nights during the week, im currently applying at different places for a chefs course at either tafe or other schools going throuhg interviews and crap like that. And my social life is caotic, i go out all the time and i dont tennis as activities my parents are never home so i cook for my other 4 brothers and sisters and manage to go to school 5 days a week. If you say that you have a big career or buisness job i think i speak for all those who go to school that attending school 35-40 hours a week is a very large job with assignments homeowrk school tasks and tests. So please dont go off over one silly comment that was made, big deal i cbf reading the rest of the forums not my problem.

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HAHAHA 35 - 40 hours a week LMAO Yes mate, real hectic that school certificate...be careful not to colour the circles outside the line :-p Dude get over it, I just did a 90 hour week last week and got home 20 mins ago and have to be back at work in 5 hours, what's your complaint?? For those who see the news you would have seen my handywork in the form of the David Jones fashion launch held tonight in sydney... Gotta hate all those models LOL

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  • 5 weeks later...
But the possibility is that they may slap an "interim" order on it, which would effectively stop it being dismantled until the full study was complete.
Hows that 'interim heritage order' going Zordy? I hate to double post but seeing as it has been over a month since the last post I'm sure no one will care. "The Bus is now leaving for New Norcia Heritage Trail, Western Australia"
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