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Thrill with no name


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Interesting stuff. That article confirmed everything we all knew. September opening, Intamin and that it's cheap. Looks like there might be some decent stuff happening over the next few weeks, so it figures that I won't be around to marvel at Dreamworld's latest erection-in-progress as the interesting stuff starts to happen. All I want to say is let's hope that they're pulling a Knott's Berry Farm on us and this is just a filler attraction that will open with little fanfare (they're keeping awfully quiet about it all, whatever they plan on doing), just to keep things rolling until next year or the year after at the latest. This ride will be great fun, you can be sure of that, but it's nothing that anyone should get all worked up about.

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Please re type your post so It makes sense. I dont think you will miss too much, If its being packed into containers now then shipping is still going to take a while. One thing that got me si the fact that they are being made in Germany and Austria, where exactly are Ride Trades' factories? I thought they would be being made somewhere in Switzerland or Lichtenstien.

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Went down to the big DW today, pretty packed, oooooohhhh and guess what? (rhetorical question there...) They now have a really big sign saying ultimate thrill ride coming soon with claw marks (I guess it is going to be called the Claw, go figure.) Unfortunately my photos won't be in for a while (Sunday maybe) but watch this space.

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Ocean Parade is still several metres away, maybe 20 or so, which means it's not really Ocean Parade at all really. And if you saw the sign, you'd understand mate. ("we live in Australia pal!" Simpsons) .....where did that come from? Anyway, there were two options for a name, CLiff Hanger (which was dumped) and The Claw, and judging by the very obvious sign, i'd say it would be the claw, okay?

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Eh, its better then Cliff Hanger in any case. Can't say it takes my fancy, but I can't remember any ride name that we've liked. So far we've mocked every new ride name since Scooby Doo. Seriously, the only name we seem to like is Wipeout. ToT is a name inspired (or taken directly from) Disney's ride, Giant Drop is just unimaginative, Cyclone isn't appropriate for a steel looper, Reef Diver is stupid, Angry Beaver's Spooty Spin doesn't mean anything, Eureka Mountain Mine Ride is too long, Thunder River Rapids Ride implies there is a Lightning River out there somewhere, Rugrats Runaway Reptar is a random collection of words, Model T Lane is actually a road Skylink is misleading since it doesn't really link us to the sky, Captain Sturt Paddlewheeler is named after a guy who should be called Stuart, Tiger Island is clearly not an Island, and Angry Beaver's Spooty Spin still doesn't mean anything. End Rant. Claw? Well, its a pretty crap name, but I can't imagine this one will be that hard to get used too.

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Slick have you taken your special medicine this week? The thing with all those names you mentioned joz is that they at least fit in with the themed area they are in (ok, ToT stuffs up this theory slightly). Claw, from what I can tell, has nothing to do with its surrounds. I'm hoping DW will stay a theme park and not become an amusement park. By the way, I've always liked the name Giant Drop because the 2 words sound good together and it is themed as an oil rig hence the 'drop'. Angry Beaver's Spooty Spin is fun for little kids to say and is perfect for the area it is in. Same with Runaway Reptar. I don't even mind Reef Diver. With that name and its related theming, it shows they went to great lengths to enable the ride to fit in with Ocean Parade. I just wish they'd do the same with all the rides otherwise what is the point?

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Slick have you taken your special medicine this week? The thing with all those names you mentioned joz is that they at least fit in with the themed area they are in (ok, ToT stuffs up this theory slightly). Claw, from what I can tell, has nothing to do with its surrounds. I'm hoping DW will stay a theme park and not become an amusement park. By the way, I've always liked the name Giant Drop because the 2 words sound good together and it is themed as an oil rig hence the 'drop'. It is a fairly clever double entendre. Angry Beaver's Spooty Spin is fun for little kids to say and is perfect for the area it is in. Same with Runaway Reptar. I even quite like Reef Diver. With that name and its related theming, it shows they went to great lengths to enable the ride to fit in with Ocean Parade. I just wish they'd do the same with all the rides otherwise what is the point?

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The best stratergy would be to put a big evil fiberglass lobster at the entrance so It would fit in with ocean parade :D. But maybe it will work if they make it very seprate from ocean parade, the easiest way to do this is face the sign toward central plaza and maybe do gardens that match with central plaza. I still think my Mayday Idea is better than what they came up with. Oh well the ride is still gonna kick.

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