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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/16 in Posts

  1. Not sure if you would call this an April fools joke. But did you know to this very day Titanic's pool still has water in it.
    3 points
  2. I've attached 2 photos, one showing the wagon in question mentioned by Joz, the other the Perry. Taken on the day both items were transferred to Woodford. http://www.atrq.net/?p=543
    3 points
  3. I know I'm missing a joke here but my first thought was 'fox studios backlot closed years ago'
    2 points
  4. If I ran Sea World, I'd quit my job and put Joz in charge.
    2 points
  5. It's been a while since I've been itching to get home after work to play a computer game. (After I broke my MMO addiction last year, that is! )
    1 point
  6. Jokes on you, Ash. It's April, not Apirl ???
    1 point
  7. Yes. 20-odd years ago two trains operated. The carriages running at the present time are the original set from "Day 1" and are exact replicas of the carriages at Disneyland (although running on two foot gauge track instead of three foot.) The van where the conductor rides is known as "The Motz" (Motzarella van) because of its red/white/green paint scheme. It houses an axle-driven air compressor for air-braking through the train and an alternator for the public address system and lighting for night running. The second set of three open carriages - the so-called freight cars - was dispensed with around 20 years ago - one was scrapped, one was donated to Woodford about 8 years ago, and one remains (in poor condition) and resides outside the Trainshed. It has been used on occasions to transport branches from trees trimmed from line-side, to a point where they can be transferred to truck for disposal. Hi, Don't forget to get a good photo of the Perry under repair there.
    1 point
  8. I'll try to remember to get one on Sunday whilst I'm there.
    1 point
  9. There's 3 of the Disney style enclosed carriages these days Joz, and the Pizza cart/ guards van/ wheel chair carriage. There was a set of 3 open carriages which are the freight cars you mentioned. They were used in the days when they ran 2 trains at once. Two of those cars have been scrapped, however the last one was salvaged and donated to Woodford at the same time the Perry was donated. I saw it on Monday at Woodford, however I didn't get a photo as it started to rain so we had to seek shelter, however next time I will make sure I get a photo.
    1 point
  10. Unbeliveable work there @joz and I think your true calling in life could be theme park planning and design. VRTP or Ardent could do worse than hiring someone like you. Only issue I saw was the Serpent's Fury going under the pier would mean that that part of the pier would have to be closed off from the public to prevent people from throwing/dropping things onto the track and car which would be a major safety hazard although installing some clear perspex panels horizontally from the pier over that part of the track enabling people to still see the coaster passing under them would be a decent solution. All in all 2 thumbs up!
    1 point
  11. The idea whilst maybe seems simplistic, is and was a complete and utter screw up failure. The people themselves responsible have told me they would NEVER use this system again, so we definitely don't want to copy them I think an EPCOT style, bring the barges on and suppliment with crap installed on the island is the way to go. As for the rest of it... Awesome, nothing more needs to be said or added
    1 point
  12. An Aussie named Flabaliki is doing a similar thing to Silvarret, but a few steps down the ladder in minute detail but still explains the how, what and why in his work. His work is the Pirate theme with homage to Harry Potter.
    1 point
  13. Very good, especially creating a new area out of nothing with the pier. One thing (and probably the only thing) I'm not keen on is the Castle Defender shooter ride, as I'd think that Sea World would be after something more "nautical" (and then also not really be that keen on a ride where you shoot our aquatic friends). But other than that, really really good and shouldn't break the bank either. Plus, having a pier into the stunt show lagoon would also make the show a bit more daring too if they can pass under the pier.
    1 point
  14. Quite impressive how are you can going to get in control of Sea World or convince them to do it.
    1 point
  15. Holy crap @joz. I wasn't expecting to wake up and see something of this calibre on the forums. Out of curiosity, how long did that take you from concept to execution? It's so well thought out and planned that I'm honestly a little stunned.
    1 point
  16. I doubt Village will buy anything from S&S again. @joz - this is freaking great. This is why I like coming to these forums. It's such a grounded, practical, realistic yet totally awesome idea. I would love to see some more screencaps of the area as a whole and how it fits in etc.
    1 point
  17. THIS is perfect, it reclaims some of what SW has lost, but adds it back with a twist. I've always wanted SW to get a spinning coaster since Gazza posted his design a few years back. Also their new function area would be able to be even bigger with the arcade presumably moving out. You said there's potential for new flat rides. Two flat rides I've always wanted to see at SW is an S&S Screamin' Swing because I've always thought of it more as a Family thrill and would give a good sensation. Plus a drop tower because it would give such a good view of the area, but with a twist, something like Falcon's Fury so it has a point of difference. A nighttime spectacular would be great as well, something like World Of Colour or the Bellagio Fountain. Obviously lowering them during the day for the show is the only obstacle. One thing I've always wondered if anyone can answer this for me, with the reclaimed land in the lake is the potential for a return of the ski show ever possible?
    1 point
  18. Pretty spot on Joz. It's sad that MW gets most of the love - I'd like to see them set up in such a way that regular night time events were a thing - as more people would be able to get there easily - and head to surfers afterwards to keep enjoying the night. Putting aside the expensive factors - what could they realistically achieve in a short period of time - ie: what should they start on first? Should they put the coaster in sans anything else? Or should they build the pier and add to it over time?
    1 point
  19. You know it's bad when you wanna cry cause you want this so much! LOL
    1 point
  20. Would easily visit Sea World more often if they did something like this. Fills two voids in the missing thrill coaster and the dark ride. Also like the wheel idea and would give great views over the park and the local area. Before people complain about two coasters the park (ironically like Dreamworld) is missing a signature thrill coaster and would love to see something like "Serpent's Fury" built. Great for what sounds like a part one and would be interested in seeing what you do for an expansion to Nick or added flat rides.
    1 point
  21. It's probably going to get scrapped, if anything happened to it.
    1 point
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