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MW beating DW?


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I have been wondering, does anyone else think that it could be possible for MW to overtake DW in terms of popularity and as being viewed as a thrill park? IMO I think it could very well happen, in fact, its already happening already, lets look at some comparisons: The loopers: LW v Cyclone: I think LW wins out here, better capacity, more inversions and a more interesting layout and riding position, plus some nice themeing. They both are rough, but MW makes an effort with regular rehabs. Family coasters: Road Runner v Reptar: This one seems to personal opinion for many, but IMO RR wins out with its better themeing and faster speed and more punch than reptar. Wild mouses: SDSC v Eureka: Again, MW wins out, SDSC is much more modern and has better special effects, plus a unique vertical lift and turntable. Most people even go as far to say as this being the best overall package of all Aussie coasters. The launchers: Superman??? v TOT: Nobody can really judge for sure yet, but if current Intamin accelerators are anything to go by, I think MW could win out again, a faster burst of acceleration coupled with a layout with more substance , and better themeing if MWs other rides are anything to go by. TOT may be bigger, but a smaller coaster can still be better than its bigger counterparts. Flumes: WWF v Log Ride: Again, I think MW wins, it is after all the biggest flume in Australia, and has a reverse drop and elaborate themeing that beats DWs ageing log ride. IF MW is serious about beating DW, here is what they could do: Build a river rapids ride, this would bring them into line with DW in this department, it could be built in the Loony Toons village (if space permits, I’m not sure) with an Acme theme like at MW Madrid.(http://www.coasterforce.com/europe/warner_...madrid/acme.php) It would be able to incorporate some of the newer rapid ride technologies to create a better ride than ThRv such as pinball runs, downhill drops, rotators and vertical freefalls, plus a whole bunch of ACME machines squirting water. Build a vertical attraction, obviously it wouldn’t be cost effective to try and beat the height of GD, but they could try another kind of tower attraction that would be novel to the GP, such as a floorless tilting gyro drop like at Movie Park Germany, or a space shot like at MW Madrid. So instead of marketing on the rides height, they could market the other aspects of the ride. The ride could be themed as if you were a stuntman about to do the biggest act of their life, so the pre show could incorporate this. Build some thrill rides, with superhero theme, these could be incorporated with the batman, and the new superman rides. People say that they struggle to get a whole day out of MW, but has anyone really considered that this could be because MW has better capacity than DW, so less of your day is eaten up standing in lines. What does everyone else think? Could MW beat DW? How could MW improve? What other comparisons could you make between their rides and shows?

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People say that they struggle to get a whole day out of MW, but has anyone really considered that this could be because MW has better capacity than DW, so less of your day is eaten up standing in lines. What does everyone else think? Could MW beat DW? How could MW improve? What other comparisons could you make between their rides and shows?
I agree on this one Gazza. Ill use my most recent visit to the gold coast and the times i spent on rides and in queues. In particular ill focus on the core rides at each park. As far as shows, the only show that dreamworld had while i was there was tiger island, and we missed it because we were.... in a queue. Ok, so DW has a magic show, but how long is that gunna last? length of the holidays as far as i know, because im sure they're gunna wanna refocus the studios towards Big Bro for the 2005 season (which is also losing popularity me thinks...). So as far as shows, Movie World has got it. Police Academy, Movie Magic (soon to close - why? to make way for soemthing better), loony tunes revue as well as two street shows (matrix and batman)... MW is winning in shows, as a movie park should. RideWise- To compare water rides - Wild West Falls Vs. Rapids and Log Rides. Wild West Falls was a walk on. we had two boatloads in front of us, and got straight on. there was always a queue, but it was always flowing steadily, you never got bored. there is no queue entertainment system... because it is simply not needed. Rapids and Log - Rapids we waited a good 40 minutes for. loading times were slow, and holding the boat at the dock to take a photo of the boat, rather than snapping it maybe on the "return" conveyor, ate up more time. Log waiting time was a bit better, but it still took us a good 30 minutes to board it. the fact that the boats are low capacity, and that they were only running one loading dock on a ride obviously designed for two, it slowed everything up for what was at best a mediocre ride. Compare the coasters - Cyclone and Lethal - lethal has a queue entertainment system, but i never see it used. it is always a walk-through straight to the queue lines in sight of the track. at most, out of the 4 separate holidays i've taken to WBMW, i've never waited more than 20 minutes to board Lethal Weapon. Cyclone on the other hand... this is a ride designed to duck and weave and twist through buildings, that is smack band in the middle of a vacant block of land, with a poorly designed queue system. I have never waited less than 1 hour to ride cyclone. never. i seriously think MW has it in them to beat DW. if they keep up the pace they have set for 2005 with all their parks, DW could be left behind. their only problem is they have one budget, and 3 parks to work with, soon to be 4...DW has one budget, one park.. the only thing in MW's favour there is that the parks were designed with capacity in mind, and they continue to do so. DW has a bandaid holding a broken arm with their existing attractions, and until recently, have done nothing to correct the problem with either their new rides, or modifications to existing ones..
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Interesting comparisons guys;I've always considered MV to be the better park,maybe not thrill wise but in every other aspect.Lethal Weapon is easily the best full-circuit coaster in Aus-I know it may not be a smooth as Corkscrew or Cyclone but it at least has decent theming and is much more thrilling.You guys did however fail to mention The Claw and Wipeout,two of DW's best and most thrilling rides.Also,what MW is really missing is something where you get wet.Blue Lagoon may not be the best water park but it is still a good place to cool down and Rocky Hollow will have you alot wetter than on Wild West.

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Just because everyone knows that Movie World are building an Intamin Rocket, doesn't mean that Dreamworld aren't retaliating. I have just found out, and as some of you may know who are in on the goss, it's great news that Dreamworld are building something that'll put half of you Movie World lovers in place. But anyway, enough dabbling, onto this topic. I think that just because two rides fall under the same category doesn't necessarily mean they can be compared equally. Did you notice that the Log Ride at dreamworld is only very, very small, whereas WWF is a main attraction? And as for comparing the Tower Of Terror to STR, one's over seven years and three days old, and the other's still being built. Not only that, but the technology in TOT, while still sophisticated indeed, does not match STR different hydraulic technology. Plus, like Richard said earlier on, TOT has done its bit as an investment for now. On the other thand though, that doesn't mean though that nothing will happen to the tower come the next few fiscal years......

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Just because everyone knows that Movie World are building an Intamin Rocket, doesn't mean that Dreamworld aren't retaliating.
Now Now Slick... this is a RUMOR remember??? and remember.... not everyone shares the same opinion of dreamworld that you do. its not a bad thing, or a wrong thing... just different... and theres no need to get your back up over it. let each man (or woman - Clairey etc..) have his (or her) own opinion!
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Slick, you cant just use something being old or small as an excuse for not doing a comparison, its like saying its not fair to say that SW is better than Jamberoo just because its bigger. DW and MW are both in competition with each other, so you cant make up for the fact that something may be better than DW by saying something like that its not equal, at the end of the day its still gonna be better isnt it?

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besides, I think its safe to say that ALL of MW's attractions can be considered MAIN attractions... excepting loony tunes village, they have - Blockbuster Flume Ride Blockbuster DarkWild Mouse Ride Blockbuster Coaster Ride Blockbuster Simulator (old but still impressive if you've never been on it) Blockbuster Stunt Show TWO Blockbuster Street Shows Countless street entertainers Now - not counting Nick Central, the same way i didnt count LT village, Mediocre water ride x 2 Mediocre Flat ride x 3 Reasonable flat (wipeout) Blockbuster Flat (claw) Blockbuster record setting free fall and shuttle Old but still good darkwild mouse ride Mediocre 2nd Hand Coaster No permanent show of any kind to speak of little to no street show few street entertainers a recent bandwagon revenue maker introducing sideshow games IMHO, Movie World goes only for the best of the best. they have few attractions, but what they do have is of superb quality. they're not in it to money grub and make as much money as they can (sideshows - see sunway for details), and they pride themselves on the "experience" that one has at their parks. Dreamworld was born similarly to Wonderland. an idea and a vision, and a lot of rides that were readily available, with one big drawcard (Wonderland had Bushbeast, and innumerable flats and 2 water rides, Dreamworld had Thunderbolt, innumerable flats and 2 water rides... sound familiar?). While planning, care, vision, and experienced people in the know designed and constructed Movie World, I see Dreamworld as a bit of a "where do we put this ride? - just stick it over there" kind of design. WBMW can expand in every direction for every part of their park, whereas Dreamworld has limited expansion opportunities, because of geographical (or otherwise man made) obstructions. they have a river as one big barricade for them to expand behind the main body of the park. yes they can build a cacophany of paths, ramps tunnels etc, like at the entrance to giant drop, but it gets annoying and confusing. AWE also restricts growth out to that side. Blue lagoon and big brother prevent expansion to the north. unless the BB house is relocated, they cannot build further towards the house as it would ruin the experience within the house. To the south is tiger island, and the old Thunderbolt site. the TB site can be developed, but Tiger Island is still a big spot on the map, and of course, expanding west is a bit difficult because of parking lots (i know disney has done it, but they had room elsewhere) and of course the main highway. Now before everyone pipes up about the shopping centre development and such, bear in mind that the shopping centre does not require a great amount of connection with the park. for development of in-park attractions, it needs to be readily accessible, with wide open paths to fit many people. this is where the pathways to Big Brother and Blue Lagoon let the park down, the same way that the paths to the Beach, as well as the path to Hanna Barbera Land (past the Zodiac) became chokepoints at wonderland. And while im talking about cacophanies of pathways, and poorly designed paths being chokepoints... what of that little pathway area leading to ToT? im not talking about the path in from Tiger Island, but rather the one accessible after you walk under the track itself, and come down by the charles sturt. yet another example of poor design. anyhow. enough waffling... who else wants a say?

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I reckon everyone who says WWWF is better than DW's Log ride is correct completely. Remember DW built their ride alot earlier than MW. Thats what you expect. Alex your comment about the Paths at MW being better is wrong. Especially when there are street parades. At MW, it's not like you can cut accross the garden bed can you. Because it's all buildings right upto the footpath. To me, that feels more crampt than DW. Think about for a second the Claustophobic people like Claire. And when the parade is on, with a Full House, what about those people who are clasuto? They would go nuts. Even i would.

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Think about for a second the Claustophobic people like Claire. And when the parade is on, with a Full House, what about those people who are clasuto? They would go nuts. Even i would.
If people do go 'nuts' in these situations, how could they possible que for a ride where there are lots of people?
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Alex your comment about the Paths at MW being better is wrong. Especially when there are street parades. At MW, it's not like you can cut accross the garden bed can you. Because it's all buildings right upto the footpath. To me, that feels more crampt than DW.   Think about for a second the Claustophobic people like Claire. And when the parade is on, with a Full House, what about those people who are clasuto? They would go nuts. Even i would.
1) At least movie world HAS street parades. I don't deny that the Main Street shows do clog the park at its epicentre. it DOES need another method of crossing over to the other side, but that is not hard. 2) Persons feeling claustrophobic need to take into account that the parade will be there, and as Adam says, queueing for rides can't be much better than an OPEN AIR street parade. its all about where you choose to stand to watch the show too, and, if it affects you that much, the show times are clearly posted in innumerable places around the park. If you know that sort of thing will affect you, make plans to be elsewhere. queue for multiple rides on wild west, or lethal, or scooby, or the looney tunes river ride..... go into the buffet restaurant to enjoy a quiet peaceful lunch while the parade is on. (we did when we were there last.) the place was about a quarter full, and the experience was still wonderful, because a lot of the characters came into the restaurant. Porky, Tweety, Austin Powers and company, a few others as well. (see... movie world dont forget about you if you're not a thrillseeker unlike another gold coast park i know). Movie world's parades happen a few times a day, and they provide ample notice of the times and places of these parades. but until i see a sign out the front of Dreamworld that says "Due to poor planning of our predecessors, further messed up by our own designs, our inadequate staffing and ride designs, as well as the overall makeup of our park, you may find it difficult to navigate, ride a major attraction more than once, or walk freely through some areas of our park today. Dreamworld apologises for any incompetence." Then I have to say, Movie World has it here.
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navagating around dreamworld is so easy. FIRST off the rank is that the park is a complete circuit..please exclude the blue lagoon here..however the rest of the park is a complete circuit. Not only that, but there are many other places to cut through which also make other circuits around the areas of the park. e.g?...tiger island, can be acessed from the back(gumtree gully) or front (nick central).u can also make a complete circuit aroun the viewing area back around the back to the TOT and back to the front of tiger island again. SO this area is very accessible and easy to navigate, plus viewing platforms to keep ppl of the path now. nick central itself can be gined access to via 3 locations (tiger island, oceanparade, and the fountain at the front. it also has rides in the centre of nick centra so u can do a complete circuit of NICk....very easy to navagate. Now Ocean parade, accessed via two locations, and once again u can make a full circuit of ocean parade thanks to reef diver smack bang in the middle,,,,hhhmmm easy to navigate. Im not going any further around the park because wether u go towards the drop or koal countyr at the back of the park u have at least two ways into every location of the park(excludiding blue lagoon). MOVIE WORLD is a big letter (T) you must back track to police academy T junction to go to the pther parts of the park, and u must go down min street to enter the park and leave, no complete circuit...and i hate when the parade is on, because u cant get bloody anywhere, the street is full and if u wanna go to the loonytunes ride after coming of lethal weapon, good luck to ya! anyhow, i do like movieworld , i have to say this every time so that i dont get aquessed of being dreamworld biassed:P

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navagating around dreamworld is so easy. FIRST off the rank is that the park is a complete circuit..please exclude the blue lagoon here..however the rest of the park is a complete circuit.   Not only that, but there are many other places to cut through which also make other circuits around the areas of the park. e.g?...tiger island, can be acessed from the back(gumtree gully) or front (nick central).u can also make a complete circuit aroun the viewing area back around the back to the TOT and back to the front of tiger island again. SO this area is very accessible and easy to navigate, plus viewing platforms to keep ppl of the path now. nick central itself can be gined access to via 3 locations (tiger island, oceanparade, and the fountain at the front. it also has rides in the centre of nick centra so u can do a complete circuit of NICk....very easy to navagate. Now Ocean parade, accessed via two locations, and once again u can make a full circuit of ocean parade thanks to reef diver smack bang in the middle,,,,hhhmmm easy to navigate.   U have at least two ways into every location of the park     MOVIE WORLD is a big letter (T)
Ok - Yes, Movie World is a Big Letter T. No denial here. What I was saying is that at Movie World, the paths are very wide. All of the "streets" could fit 4 cars parked side by side. there is a massive walkway (wide and long) heading to Wild West. Another massive walkway to Looney Tunes Village. And its not wide, but the path to Lethal weapon is pretty large as well. Movie World is not a circuit, but who said a theme park had to be a circuit to work well? and who said a circuit in a park DOES work well? IMHO, Dreamworld's design does NOT work well. You illustrate some very good points about dreamworld, BUT they are only good in theory. Because everything is a circuit, you have people coming from every possible direction. Dreamworld doesnt have one way signs, or lanes clearly marked, so in the narrow laneways (tiger island exit to ToT, Exit from GD, walkway past the claw, pathway to cyclone) it is very difficult to walk through, its like being in a crowded marketplace, not a spacious theme park. Comparing the two, I believe Movie World's design is better. You are on the Main Street T junction. where do you want to go? Kids Rides? turn right. when you're done, come back. Water Ride? turn left, follow path to end. when you're done, come back. Lethal weapon? go back a bit, turn left, when you're done, come back, Scooby? turn left, walk straight. when you're done, follow the same path you did from Wild West, and come back.Batman? go back to the entrance. when you're done, come back. Movie World's design is similar (but not the same) to the Disneyland Design. Disneyland was designed like the spokes of a wheel. Everything converged on a central point. when you are at the central point, you can get anywhere you want to go. Kenny, you said you have to track back to police academy to get anywhere. True, but its a better reference point. Disneyland has the spoked wheel down pat. they also have links in between the adjoining worlds along the spokes. Movie World doesnt have this, although there are some attempts. In the Lethal Walkway, there is a way to get to Scooby, without coming back to main street. Wild West has a cut around near the hogwarts express through the police academy queue area to get to main street. I do not deny that movie world needs a few extra paths to allow people through when the main street shows are on. But I think their design system works much better than Dreamworld.
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I use to like Dreamworld alot but after going to the U.S. and seeing actual themed parks and rides, it feels like it's missing something. I haven't been to Warner Bros. Movie World yet, but it looks like it definately fits the criteria of what I love about theme parks. With Superman I think Movie World is definately going to be the better park depending on what you want from a theme park.

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