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Satellite Images Of Theme Parks


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Hi All, google have just released a great new application called google earth. You can start from space level and zoom right down to street level. Its pretty comprehensive, I thought it would cover mostly US but I live on the gold coast in a suburb only 4 years old and I found my house!! Anyways, I was wondering for anyone who knows where to look, please post the co-ordinates of any US theme parks you can find. I would most love to see six flags magic mountain, great adventure and cedar point if anyone knows where they are. Thanks

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Here's a couple of pics for those who haven't seen the light and downloaded GE yet.... Disneyland and Magic Mountain from the USA and Movie World, WetnWild and Sea World from AUS are attached. Unfortunately the Cedar Point image isnt a fantastic resolution, so you can't really make anything out. The Australian images at least are a few years old - the Big Brother house at Dreamworld looks like its in season 4 or 3 configuration, and Shark Bay isn't built at Sea World. Maybe someone else can hazard a guess at when they were taken?

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clone_tk422, you have posted the exact same message twice on these forums... clone_tk422, you have posted the exact same message twice on these forums... How about you think before you post next time clone_tk422_idiot? Google Earth (or Keyhole) isn't a new application at all, it has been around for some time now. I think you're just assuming it's new as you have only just heard about it (most likely when I pointed it out in this post.) They update the database of satellite images every few years. More often in America and places that aren't constantly covered by clouds... :cool:

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Hi Adam and others that have posted kind words... Obviously as I now know this is not a new application, I was unaware of this as I have only just heard about it as they are advertising it everywhere.. and also I did not see the other posts.. Nice to see some good old aussie hospitality in here maybe if you had a life you wouldnt need to find the time to slam others in forums when they had made an honest mistake.. I am so sorry for the error and it will never happen again But as you can see there are still some other people who replied who hadnt heard of it so for them they are happy now because now they know about it Thanks too for the co-ordinates, actually I did some more research and found a fantastic site which has links to places all around the world and also has the theme parks check it out at http://perljam.net/google-satellite-maps/ Have fun and sorry to waste precious KB's on messages I will be careful next time :)

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How about more Australian parks?   - Luna Park (Melb & Syd) - Wonderland (?)   - Aussieworld - any Royal Shows?
Previously on the old Keyhole program (now known as google earth), I did a search for Wonderland, and the LP's. Luna Parks (pretty much the whole city for Sydney, and st Kilda Part of Melbourne) were covered in cloud at the time of the shoot, and Wonderland, same applies. It's funny how Wonderlands Pixelation only starts at Wonderland. The Raceway and all was very clear, but as soon as you get to Wonderland, oh-no, not there.
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It's actually not covered in cloud, but is rather a lower resolution image. Not all of the Earth is photographed at the same resolution. In the case of Sydney, unfortunately the current CBD and western subrubs images are of a lower resolution than the rest of the city. An example of cloud cover can be seen over the Haweksbury river to the north of Sydney, where Brooklyn is pretty much completley covered.

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Previously on the old Keyhole program (now known as google earth), I did a search for Wonderland, and the LP's. Luna Parks (pretty much the whole city for Sydney, and st Kilda Part of Melbourne) were covered in cloud at the time of the shoot, and Wonderland, same applies. It's funny how Wonderlands Pixelation only starts at Wonderland. The Raceway and all was very clear, but as soon as you get to Wonderland, oh-no, not there.
Its because Wonderland is in the Western Suburbs, if you read on google earth's site, it says some parts arn't covered because they havnt taken high resolution pictures, or as you said cloud cover. I also read on the net that the main CBD of sydney was blurred to stop Terriost threats, im not really sure if this was true, but it is really wierd how it becomes blurry as soon as the CBD starts, and the area around it becomes clear.. But it would make sense if they did restrict the resolution for this reason.
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Because Sydney is a more of a target now i guess, but you got to admit it has been definitaly removed from google earth, if you take a look at it, it looks like someone has drawn a almost perfect circle around the main city buildings an blocked them out.. As soon as the Buildings end, it becomes clear again? their has to be a reason, I dont think there just happeneds to be a cloud in the shape of the CBD hovering above, if it was cloudy when the image was taken, i would think it would cover more area than that.

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Blah, 2003. Might help if I know what year it is. :P It was defiantly - no discussion needed - around the early part of 2003. I know this because Shark Bay construction has started but was at a very primitive state. This places it sometime after March, and sometime before I got back from holiday in October (probably earlier then August though as there still looks to be sizeable sharks in the water park). BTW, I’m guessing they are sharks, because the car park looks empty enough to infer it was probably early morning, and the park was not open. The lack of monorail movement and the Sky gondola’s parked in the middle are also a possible indication of the park being closed. Know your home park kiddies :rolleyes:

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