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Speculations of MW's new ride

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Fast money has been on an S&S tower for a little bit now, and the location (around SM) is pretty much a given. Wether its inside the ride area or not remains to be seen, but I think you can safely lock in A. Space Shot, without to much concern. Great move as far as I'm concerened, this will be MW's first "flat" ride, which strangly enough is something the park has been lacking for a while. Wether the ride experience matches that of GD is a different story, but no doubt the general public will eat up the whole launch thing. Really, a second new "major" thrill ride in the space of a year should put MW in a good place when it comes to Xmas next year. Its a major change from the old 'add one ride, add another in 4 years later' tactic. Attendance is up since SM, and should continue to rise with the next new ride.

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Off topic: Nah, Gazza. I've been developing websites for several years now (both for myself and corporate entities) and I am very well "learned" about how to structure a website effectively and more specifically how to present content that will perform well in every platform and browser (which includes search engine indexing bots). Google bombing is an ineffective malpractice that will usually result in the particular website being dropped from Google's index. Being an avid Google user, I do not condone this behaviour. If you search for similar items that are on AussieParks.com you will find most of our listings are near or at the top. Back on topic: Couldn't have said it better myself joz. ;)

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There are queues within Movie World that are no longer in use due to one reason or another. My advice would be to look at these areas as they may be used for the new attraction, it would save the park a lot of money and time not having to construct a new entry. Just a thought

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Does anyone know if the construction that is going on between the alley way entrance where Scooby and Lethal are will be used for the new space shot ride that you guys and Oz Coaster are talking about? There was aloooot of construction going on there when we were there last month but nothing really to give away what it was going to be.

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I think Spotty is right (and so he should be with the amount of time he spends at Movie World :)). It's too soon (after Superman has opened) to begin construction on the S&S. I'd say maybe late '06 construction for an early '07 opening. And that's just a complete guess too :P, none of that is fact.

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Hey guys Umm some info on the new Attraction, I heard it was going to open this year for Christmas or some what around it. There in the process of choosing a suitable theme and size of the attraction at the moment. I do know it will be similar to Giant drop but will not have the lift up and also have 4 G's. It’s going to be also placed near Superman and Lethal Weapon. Information is from sources at Movieworld.

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I just found something hidden in Richard's post. :)

Think of this year's addition to Movie World as a ride like The Claw. They're not out to break any records, they're just adding a ride to cater for demand and fill in a few gaps in their current thrill ride lineup.
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^He is, and we should start to see construction by June-July, if info is correct. And from what I have picked up from staff at the park (Not Rabid as he is quite tight lipped about this one), the ride has already been bought and paid for, which would mean that someone knows the specs and has not released them yet. So I guess as always only time will tell......

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If Warner village theme parks did put a thing simular to the giant drop it might be because they want to compete with one of dreamworlds big rides to get back at them from dreamworld opening a water park . wvtp seemed very pi$$ed about them making a waterpark

Edited by aidan
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^He is, and we should start to see construction by June-July, if info is correct. And from what I have picked up from staff at the park (Not Rabid as he is quite tight lipped about this one), the ride has already been bought and paid for, which would mean that someone knows the specs and has not released them yet. So I guess as always only time will tell......
I knew that too thunder, I got told by an employee the other day. Cant say who. I will get as much info as I can guys and keep ypu all informed. :) Personally the Dreamworld water park is a bad idea. 1 because of water lawa always being put down and taken off, and they could have invested there money in better attracations. oh well, im still happy.
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It seems that everyone on these boards knows someone who works at Movie World who is feeding them information (including me :D). I totally agree Richard. Wet 'n' Wild has been an abhorrent under-capacitated park for too long. Those days are gone, it's time for the duopoly to begin.

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