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WWW: Trip Report


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It's my brother's birthday soon, he's 11, and I said I'd take him to WhiteWater World as his present. So today I took him and it was PACKEDDDDDDDD. Yep, there were people lining up till about 11 o'clock. We thought the entry had been stopped. We got there at about 5 to 9 and it opened at 9. We ran straight to the coin operated lockers, chucked our shat in and went to Super Tubes. "Guys supertubes won't be open for another half an hour they have to heat up the motors blah blah blah cupcake" says the guy. Ohhhhhh ok guy FINE THEN. So we went to the Rip. Well with 2 people, not weighing more than 120 kg the tube doesn't go very fast. We were the first people on it for the day. But it sucked because we slowly went out the tunnel into the bowl and turned around the hole bit and came out it. BORING. Buttttt we still thought it was an awesome ride and planned to go on it sometime later in the day. Next we went to the Temple of Huey and were the first on Cut Snake. Yeah we took the single tubes, they are more fun. Anyway I asked the really cool fat slide attendant if I could go backwards and he made up this story about how he can't send me backwards but he sent me backwards anyway LIKE WTFFF. LOL. Then we went on the other ones. Broken Headz was the best but biiiig lines for that later in the day. Then we saw that Super Tubes was working so we ran to that. Well, we sort of wobbled cos he had a sore ankle. Woos. Anyway we waited about 5 minutes for that and got on. The asian kid in front of us was like "I'm by myself" and we were like GREEEEEEAT. Cos we knew he would have to come with us... :/ Oh well. "OI ASIAN KID, GET IN THE FRONT" I said. So he did it. Anyway Supertubes was actually good, you can feel when the motors kick in and start hurling you up the hill. My favourite part was the water spouts at the top of each hill which drench you. It should be a lot longer though. So then we saw the line for the Green Room had gotten rapidly out of control and we thought "we can do that at Wet'n'Wild", so we went to the b.r.o. No lines yay! It was actually so fun because we had a two person race. When you're on it for the first time just about to start you always get stuck. It's so funny watching fat kids losing their mat. Anyway after you wriggle and push a bit you go down the tube with a 30 cm radius and get all claustrophobic and then come out. It is actually pretty fast, a lot faster than Super 8. Now we had the hang of it we did it again and this time I jumped into the thing and fell off my mat around the first corner. Yep, my knees were red. But it was so funny and worth it. Next we full hit up Pipeline Plunge. It's pretty awesome. In comparison, the bucket is about .5x bigger than the one at Wet'n'Wild, and dumps water every minute instead of every 5 minutes or so. You could not go into Pipeline Plunge without getting drenched. The slides are pretty fun but a bit to narrow for my butt cheeks. But thats ok because I went head first most times. The attendants are much more leniant than the idiots at WnW. We then went to the Green Room and waited about 15 minutes. We had 4 people in the tube and we shot up the wall. It is so much bigger than Wet n Wild's. LIKE SO MUCH BIGGER! But Wet'n'Wild's seemed better for some reason. Maybe it's just the first time thing. But the drop is also a lot steeper. How come I always end up going face first? BORING. It happened on the Rip too. The Cave of Waves is good, it gives you free tubes which is great but gets WAY overcrowded during the day. Do that after the major rides so you can have some time in the pool without getting trampled. We hopped between BRO, Temple of Huey and Pipeline Plunge for the rest of the day. We then braved the huge queue of The Rip for one last time because we loved the ride so much. We were hoping to get on with some randoms and go a bit faster. Luckily enough we found a loner woman so we asked her if she wanted to come on with us. And we went around twice WOOOOOOOO. It was so much better the 2nd time. You go down this pitch black tunnel and it seems really short but its not. Then you go around the walls like sideways and when you get to where you first come out of the tube these water jets in the bottom of the bowl slow you down around for the 2nd time around the bowl. Then you go down the "gurgler" bit and come out the bottom. You get DRENCHED on this ride. DRENCHED. We went to Supertubes again for the last time and then went home. We bought a 2nd day pass and will be going some time next week. My tips for when you go are to get there early and don't stuff around at the lockers, just make sure you have everything ready, sunscreen on and just chuck all your crap in. Do The Rip and Supertubes first, and if you are wanting to go on the Green Room do that 3rd. B.R.O is nothing more than a 5 minute wait even if the queue is full. Temple of Huey's wait is also the same.

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Great report, thanks for sharing it with us. I'm surprised to hear that you were told you aren't allowed to go backwards on TOH as on both visits have been allowed to. Maybe he was just kidding with you. Pipeline Plunge is the surprise attraction really, it's way more fun than I expected though you end up with heaps of water up your nose :P

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Great report, thanks. You sure do like using the word fat to describe larger people, eh?

Great report, thanks for sharing it with us. I'm surprised to hear that you were told you aren't allowed to go backwards on TOH as on both visits have been allowed to. Maybe he was just kidding with you.
Wasn't the attendant joking? that's what I thought when I read his post. "we cant send you backwards" but he does anyway? the attendant on tornado said that to my friend and sent her backwards while he was laughing as she screamed down the tunnel.
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When I went to dreamworld on friday, we went on the cyclone, and then when we were coming out, you have a good view of white water world right, like full on close up, there was hardly anyone there, the lines looked pretty short, especially on the temple of huey one. I think the hydro coaster thing looked like it had the longest line.

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you have a good view of white water world right, like full on close up, there was hardly anyone there, the lines looked pretty short
I have heard so many conflicting opinions now about WhiteWater World's attendance levels. Some say it has been extremely busy while others say it is empty. I don't like hearing that the park isn't busy because if the general public doesn't support this park along with the others we will all lose out in the long run. New leisure facilities need to be successful or else companies won't continue to invest in them. If something doesn't do well it scares off any potential investors which in the long run equals less new rides and less new parks for all Aussies. Let's hope ALL the parks come out of this peak season with lots of dollars in the bank
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I've heard from people in the past week or so, that Weekdays have been nearly dead, I.E 10 Min waits for Super Tubes, I went down there on Saturday to pick up my Aqua Max Pass with a friend, and we left at mid day as it was too busy, and we can come back another day. So it all depends on the day really.

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When I went to dreamworld on friday, we went on the cyclone, and then when we were coming out, you have a good view of white water world right, like full on close up, there was hardly anyone there, the lines looked pretty short, especially on the temple of huey one. I think the hydro coaster thing looked like it had the longest line.
The lines were big. You probably went on it before they got big, at about 11. Also Huey is at the back of the park. Nobody goes there unless they are going on the slides. The park was packed. I was there. You were on a ride.
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Wow excellent pics myk. Nice to see the park in action. And the proof is right there that the park was busy, certainly on that day anyway. Just look at the queues for the Supertubes and Green Room! Looks like fun - I am a big fan of all the colours which fit in well with Dreamworld. I think those shade structures especially really help to liven the park up

Edited by GoGoBoy
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Well I went to WnW last night and we walked past Bucaneer Bay. You can tell it's made by the same people but Pipeline Plunge is almost double the size of Bucaneer Bay. The ground is also foamy cork stuff at WWW whilst the ground is painted concrete at WnW.

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Great pictures! :) Has anyone got any pictures of the Cyclone/Temple Of Huey? I really wanta see how they've done this. Is there fences around Cyclone?
Look in the construction updates Richard has been putting up for months, They show the temple of huey. Edited by aidan
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  • 1 month later...

Ok, went to WWW the other day, so will post a real quick trip report. I will start by stating in response to your question, there are fences around the track. It is kind of similar to Superman Escape - you can walk under the track, but it really just passes around you. Now for some report and opinions: Well, I will say now that WWW is awsome, in my opinion anyway. Managed to go on the Green Room a couple of times and it was great. Surprisingly, I found it much more enjoyable then Tornado at WnW. This might be because A: You don't have to carry the tube up the stairs, and B: The initial tunnel takes a little extra turn. It is really just an awsome and fun ride. Whoever thought it up has got an incredibly creative mind. Supertubes Hydrocoaster is a really good attraction, but was working on and off most of the day, so only managed to ride it once. The Bro I felt was great. One thing I will say is that each time you go on it, try and get in a different tube, each of them are different. As for The Rip, oustanding! I would love to see one day a combination ride have the bowl from the rip drop into a giant funnel like on Tornado/Green Room. Would be great! Nick area: Great to just go and get wet. Cave of Waves is the same, good to float around and have some fun on a tube. Temple of Huey: A couple of fun rides in there, but really isn't as exciting as some of the other attractions on offer. And finally, I do believe that it is quite small, but for its size it packs a real punch! Fortunately for MLE, there is room to expand the park, which I think they will do in the foreseeable future. Cheers

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