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Disney In Coomera?


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And by the way, I don't think Dreamworld is playing the 'good guy'. Keep in mind that Dreamworld is run by an Australia company that has been operating in that area of the coast for 20 odd years. And Dreamworld aside, MLE holds a pretty big stake in the future development of the Coomera area so they are more than within their rights to make a statement about increased competition within that area. Honestly though, what would expect them to say, "No, Disney should bugger off!" ???
Well that's more or less what WVTP said when Dreamworld announced WhiteWater World. I didn't say that they played the good guy; I said they're playing the good guy card. Compeltely different things. You've implied that I think Dreamworld are the bad guy in this situation, which isn't true. I was commenting on the fact that Dreamworld went with an overly optimistic statement that suggests they'd love nothing more than to have a Disney park in the neighbourhood. Of course Dreamworld are well within their rights to weigh in on such things. No one with any sense would suggest otherwise. If a Disney plan went ahead on the Gold Coast, there will be at least two companies that would object it. I'll give you two hints - I've mentioned them both in this post.
And PS - MLE has based its operations on its own business model, so it would be well aware of what the introduction of a third pary such as Disney would do to the coast.
Judging by Gregg's quote, I'm not so sure they grasp what a party such as Disney would bring. Disney's business model is in a whole different ballpark to any of our parks; it's a strategy that is built entirely around leveraging off the strongest brand in entertainment and creating a product that is so valuable that the customer can't afford not to make the most of it. They have been so successful because they build an experience that starts and ends with Mickey ears. No, there is nothing stopping their guests from visiting other nearby attractions, but they don't make it easy and the cost of doing an all-Disney holiday versus a mixed holiday is just so appealing.
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Well that's more or less what WVTP said when Dreamworld announced WhiteWater World.
That's true, but keep in mind that the rumours of WhiteWater World in the pipeline did and is forcing Wet'n'Wild to continually update their product. And whose to say that a third party wouldn't have a similar effect on the current parks we have?
I didn't say that they played the good guy; I said they're playing the good guy card. Compeltely different things. You've implied that I think Dreamworld are the bad guy in this situation, which isn't true. I was commenting on the fact that Dreamworld went with an overly optimistic statement that suggests they'd love nothing more than to have a Disney park in the neighbourhood. Of course Dreamworld are well within their rights to weigh in on such things. No one with any sense would suggest otherwise.
Yeah but mate, you haven't been the biggest fan of Dreamworld in general for some time now, and I know you have your reasons as many people on these boards do. Whether it be Dreamworld itself or perhaps some of the decisions that have been made by this body. But my point was that don't take that statement literally. You know as good as any that both parks tend to keep their future plans and to an extent current situation well under wraps. Their actual reply to the idea of a Disney park would be very different to this. It is more than natural that they would play the good guy card.
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Of course the statement is just Dreamworld putting a positive spin on it for the media. There's no great insight into how Dreamworld would actually respond to a genuine story about Disney coming here. My point was that by the simplistic nature of the statement -- regardless of how media friendly it was -- it is clear that they had underestimated Disney's ability to not compete, but to create a whole different product that separates itself entirely from competition.

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Well I think that is the key, getting a fair deal with Disney, because the Queensland govt has walked away before when the deal was too expensive for tax payers. So this is not whimsical thinking, this could have already happened. But it has to be a mutually agreeable relationship. Hong Kong is built, Shanghai is in the works, I'd say the next park will be CG Australia (maybe India, but I would say Australia).

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I love this topic! It comes around every so often and then just fizzles out.. Each time it seems to come back with more wind than the last and almost as quickly, it's gone again.. Really who wouldn't want a Disney Downunder?? The Mouse has enough power to drive the turnstiles in Australia better than any current Theme Park here ever could. The Park could have a unique Australiana spin to it not seen at any other - it would be an Imagineers Dream come true to design and build it. Back in the Days of Walt such a gamble might have been a consideration but I think it is something today that would be considered with ridiculous caution. As Richard mentioned there are countless sites around the world being considered for Disney Parks all the time, most of which will never see the light of day. Recently Disney mentioned they have no plans to open any more Parks and they intend to focus on the development of existing ones (Hong Kong, Califonia Adventure). They are however one of the most fickal companies out there and love to keep their newest developments sacred until the right time comes. I would not be at all suprised if Australia is being eyed as a future home for the Mouse. It could be unique and the public clearly want it here. Certainly more than India would anyway..

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you guys are forgetting the fact that disney tends to be extremely secretive about any developments, especially a themepark. They love being tightlipped and generally won't reveal any information.
Yep, don't forget in 2000 the QLD govt got into trouble for even mentioning negotiations. So just cos you don't hear anything, don't mean nothing is happening:

...He said Beattie leaked details of negotiations with Star Land, a company set up to work on attracting Walt Disney Attractions Inc to the state. "Under my government, what was under the coalition a closely guarded secret, has been the talk of the town under Labor," Borbidge told parliament. "They breached confidentiality and gave enormous disrespect to the sensitivities of the Disney organisation."

Out of interest the plan back then was:

...The document showed the Walt Disney Company was given a A$1.4 million loan by the Queensland government to facilitate a Disneyland project in the state's south east. The theme park was due to open in 2003 on 90 hectares of land donated by the government and was expected to attract up to four million visitors a year. The document, tabled in parliament today, also revealed former Premier Rob Borbidge had promised at least A$155 million government assistance to set up the park at Coomera on the Gold Coast. "The Queensland government has indicated its unreserved support for this project," the document said. "The Queensland government has undertaken to ensure that the Gate (stage one of the project) will be completed with no financial risk to the Walt Disney Company."

So if Disney are still interested, well that's a good sign, cos they weren't messing about in the past.

Edited by Ethan
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I have just joined this site to pass on a rumour that I heard yesterday. A family friend that has a son that lives and works in Geelong who has told her that he has heard that Disney have signed a agreement in the past few days to build a Disneyland at Avalon. I am not sure who he heard this from and like the rest of you, I am very sceptical about this... although I would love this to happen. I came to this site to see if anyone else had listed any similar news. Just thought I would share this just in case there is a 1 in a 100 chance that it is true. ;) Personally, I think that Avalon would be a pretty good option for the park if it ever happened. Having Jetstars hub right next door would certainly be a big plus from Disney's point of view, and Melbourne's climate ain't as bad as people think it is.

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If such news was out, it would be all over the news... someone would have leaked it to them.
I agree... a deal like this would be just about impossible to keep off the news radar. That said, I think it is only a rumour or a bad case of chinese whispers. I just thought I would mention the rumour as he actually stated that an agreement was signed this week. No skin off my nose if it's wrong (which I think it is)! :)
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I think the parks will benefit, because if you flew up to the GC, you wouldn't just do Disneyland, you do a few of your fav parks. When I went to Disney in Los Angeles, I still went to Universal and the other parks, I mean Disney is good and all but most ppl still see other stuff.

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Yes, but some people can only afford to visit Melbourne or the Gold Coast. Which one would you choose?
I'm saying that's why it should be built on the Gold Coast. Anyway, it's not being built in Avalon, Disney flew down their once at the request of Lindsay Fox in 2005, didn't like the site and haven't been back since. Lindsay Fox even said it was a dead idea (which the fact he is talking about it evidences anyway given confidentiality clauses stop you saying anything). So it's good, this way you take one flight to the GC (or drive) and do all the parks, rather than flying. It's all hypothetical anyway:P
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^Thing is though, Disney wouldn't care about people who could only afford one or the other. As Richo said, Disney try to market their product as a one stop shop and dont rely upon the presence of other attractions, Disney becomes a destination in their own right. I mean, what was at Orlando pre Disney?

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Well, something that the Gold Coast parks have done well more recently is tap into the local market. I think you would find that in spite of the fact that international appeal would decline, with the growth potential of the Gold Coast maintaining links with the locals could sustain the parks. I couldn't tell you to what extent because it would all be hypothetical... but you get the idea.

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Avalon would be the perfect choice, no housing estates nearby, a airport that could double as international if need be. The park could open as long as they like without noise issues ,try doing a fireworks display everynight at 10.00pm on the Gold Coast and watch the complaints role in ( Movieworld is having compaints over WWW) Not to metion the other four parks are not going to be sitting quielty by and allow Disney to steal there thunder ( really if you had a choice WOULD YOU pick Movie/Dream/Sea world over disney? ) i know i wouldn't. And really saying that if you flew up you would also visit the other parks is moot, it's not either one of them is really world class! They may have to get to world class standards very quickly if Disney do come on line ( i don't see it happening, the only one that may have a chance is Dreamworld ) But as always this is J.M.O.

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