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New Parks overseas and how it may affect us


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hey all, the forums have been a little quiet of late so I thought I'd get a new topic going that I hope will be of interest to most of you and raise some good discussion Being a park lover, one can't help but get excited for the countless major developments currently in the works around the theme park worlds - largely thanks to Disney and Universal. Arguably the biggest project for 2010 is set to officially open a hop, skip and a jump away in Singapore. With it's compact layout and massive attraction compliment, coupled with a unique resorts precinct and other world class attractions, it's an entire vacation destination and almost like an inspiration from Walt Disney World and more specifically a hybrid of the Universal Studios resort parks in Florida. Not as funny as it sounds when you consider Universal was Singapore government's 2nd choice after their failed attempt at drawing the mouse to the East about a decade back. Perhaps Universal makes for a better fit anyway? Instead of Singapore and countless other potential destinations of course Disney decided to set up camp in Hongkas. And after a very shaky start, the mouse was finally convinced by the people that rides and the Disney wow factor are far more appealing than souvenir shopping and a photo taken with Goofy By the time the heavily anticipated Mystic Manor and Grizzly coaster open at Hong Kong Disney, Universal sentosa will already have it's Transformers ride and perhaps be turning to their next venture. Meanwhile, construction of Shanghai Disneyland will be in full swing when a short distance away the world's 1st Paramount studios theme park will throw open it's doors in Korea. If this were not enough Universal hit back with their own plans for a third movie based resort in Asia. It just gets sillier; About 18 months back Warner Bros execs decided that anything they can do.. and TA-DA!! - plans for a 4 billion buck WB's theme park were hatched Seriously I'm not complaining but just how many Movie Theme Parks does one small country need?? Apparently three.. Now finally to my point. With all of this development in Asia how do you think our Parks will respond? No doubt we will see a significant decline in International visitors to MW & DW in the years to come - why would someone from Korea, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong or China want to visit our Parks when their own are the best there is? Will our parks have to market themselves differently in such a changing climate? I think so.. SW is perhaps an exception because of it's uniqueness and themes. DW too in many ways because it has always had a strong presence in the domestic and local markets. Its a formula that's long been a favourite to the average aussie, perhaps because that's all most of us know? I believe we are already seeing a shift at MW and the demographic it's now targeting today. Like DW the big focus is now on attracting locals instead. VIP passes, Batwing & HWSD - not anything that drives international visitors here. What shits me with all this is that for years in Australia we had no park truly with a 'world class disneyesque' flavour to it. I believe that all changed finally when MW came along. Unfortunately those glory days are behind us now that competing on the 'world stage' is no longer a crucial factor in it's survival. As the rest of the World continues to build multi billion dollar extravaganzas nearby, our expectations will lessen as the quality of our Parks decline by degrees -as dictated by the new target demographic. Fine for our international visitors - they don't come here for the Theme Parks anyway! Shit for some of us who would have to otherwise fly at least 8 hours for a decent experience that others would take for granted

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Now your taking your parks for granted, try living in perth only getting 4 weeks holiday a year means 1 holiday a year, and then its going to be upwards of 1500 to visit any park singapore or the gold coast. Its really annoying sometimes when you bitch about how the parks standards are declining, sure you might not have gotten a new attraction in a few years but how do you not know they are planning something huge that takes a few years profits to pay for, you dont. There would be tonnes of people, me included who would do anything to have a decent park 30 minutes from their front door.

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Seriously I'm not complaining but just how many Movie Theme Parks does one small country need?? Apparently three..
You know Asia's not a country right? I think 3 theme parks in a region which houses over one fifth of the world's total population is more than ok actually!
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The 3 movie parks I mentioned are all set for Korea (a country) -not Asia the continent where there are quite a few more parks (including more movie ones). My whole point of discussionis the impact they most likely will have on our Parks in Australia and how our Park's will deal with such a change Scott I think you will probably find you can get a holiday to Singapore for less than the cost of a gold coast equivelant and depending on the time of year you travel, probably even considerably less - and closer too.. So what Holiday would you choose? Having worked in the travel, tourism and leisure industry for almost 20 years I think I have a pretty good idea of what's going on. Of course you're entitled to your opinion. I also have a pretty good idea of what our Park's have up their sleeves down the track and don't hold your breath, for anything huge atleast not for the short term ianyway. Having been a part of the MW crew for almost decade, I guess you gain an understanding of the companies needs, objectives & philoophies - It's a VERY reactive business. I'm not bitching as you put it - specifically I only care for the success of these businesses and like so many others out there I only want for them to be in as good a shape as they possibly can be. If people out there are just happy to accept them becoming mediocre to reflect the apathy of the average paying visitor then so be it

Edited by MickeyD
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nah ive looked flights to singepore are about $500 flights to gc are $500 infact this year i got them for $400 and id rather the gc because i dont really like asian locations/culture and the crowds would be worse anyway, and even if you are an employee of the parks, higher ups are very good at keeping secrets that havent been confirmed, i didnt even know if i had a job past march because everyone thought we didnt have any work lined up that was until materials for the new contracts turned up the other day.

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I rather the Gold Coast. Even if you pay for cheap accommodation it will be decent. Stayed July- August last year for 2 people was $50 each per night 14th floor apartment (beach views)with kitchen and laundry facilities was definitely worth it. This year we have managed to book an apartment with river views for $900 each for 17nights, with the dreamworld $99 year pass. I also get a gold coast entertainment book so when I'm there we can save on meals and attractions. It is definitely worth it and I will enjoy the Gold Coast so much more then an Asian country where I'll probably be starving for the whole time. Gold coast is huge even though I have been there 2 years in a row I am yet to see half of what I want. Nothing can beat the theme parks but there is so much more then theme parks there. I hope to see tropical fruit world, the Ripley museum which I've heard has reopened, the aqua duck is a laugh even though I'm 18 I think its funny to go on and I will, I will love to take a whale watching tour. Gold Coast over Singapore for sure.

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I'm not really getting the whole "Asian Culture" argument....Any country is somewhat different to what you are used to. Besides, Singapore is English speaking and developed, so I'm unsure how anyone (Except drug smugglers :lol: ) could feel uncomfortable.

so much more then an Asian country where I'll probably be starving for the whole time.
Seems to be a bit of a misconception. People in other countries eat western foods just the same as we eat international foods. I mean when I was in Dubai the food courts didn't just have middle eastern food available, in fact it felt like any food court anywhere....Chinese, Mexican, Italian American fast food etc. You'd most likely find that to be the case in any developed country. On another note (And perhaps MickeyD would be well positioned to answer), but can you see places like Universal Singapore being activley marketed in Australia ? (Particularly WA) It could perhaps be the cheapest option to date for people here wanting to visit one of the "Famous" parks.
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Hey, I have to say that I tend to agree with MickeyD. I can't see the parks drawing much of an international crowd in the future with asia getting and having so many world class parks, parks that are CLEARLY a level above ours. There certainly seems to be a heavy strategic push for the local market, and even the national market by our parks and it will probably continue down that path - how that will influence the quality of our parks and attractions, will be interesting to see. The next 12 - 24 months will be telling. As for the dismissal of singapore or asian countries in comparison to the gold coast as a park destination...then perhaps a little more research is in order. From the research I've done, Singapore in particular is a very westernised country, also extremely clean and efficient and is supposed to be a fantastic place to visit. With the opening of Universal there...(which looks to be a fantastic park) I'm planing on making the journey from brisbane over there and its only logical to visit Hong Kong as the flight is less than $100 from singapore...in fact...I'm currently entertaining the idea of saving $500 on season passes to put towards a trip to singapore, up to hong kong, across to tokyo and home. The chance to visit some of the world's best along with experiencing different cultures of our world is far too appealing! Jay

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Seems to be a bit of a misconception. People in other countries eat western foods just the same as we eat international foods. I mean when I was in Dubai the food courts didn't just have middle eastern food available, in fact it felt like any food court anywhere....Chinese, Mexican, Italian American fast food etc. You'd most likely find that to be the case in any developed country.
Excuse me but some of us can't eat bloody everything, I said I will starve not everyone will starve. I will rather stay In my own country where I trust the food outlets, what they use and the Australian laws, then go somewhere in which you can't even drink the water.
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then go somewhere in which you can't even drink the water.
Fail. Water in Singapore is fine to drink, and they are world leaders in water purification and recycling technology. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_resources_of_Singapore The point you seem to be missing is that Singapore is a developed country. Not every Asian country is poor! Singapore is up there with the likes of Japan etc in terms of wealth. So it follows on that Singapore has similar laws to us with respect to food handling (See http://www.ras.org.sg/index.php?option=com...36&Itemid=9 ). You wouldn't get sick from the food
The cheapest and most popular places to eat in Singapore are hawker centres, essentially former pushcart vendors directed into giant complexes by government fiat. Prices are low ($2-5 for most dishes), hygiene standards are high (every stall is required to prominently display a health certificate grading it from A to D) and the food can be excellent.
International fast food chains like McDonald's, Carl's Jr., Burger King, KFC, MOS Burger, Dairy Queen, Orange Julius, Subway etc are commonly found in various shopping malls. Prices range from $2 for a basic burger and $5 upwards for a set meal
So you could always stick to the stuff you know. Edited by Gazza
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Um hello that's my opinion I never asked for yours. Woop di do I don't care if its developed or it has the same laws or its the same whatever as here. Not everyone will like all the same destinations, so what if I'm/others are against Africa, Asia, some parts of Europe and the middle east. I don't care what you think, I will never go somewhere I don't won't unless I get to go for free or have to transfer at the airport. Don't try to correct me as I don't care what you find (where you can drink water, food anything). My opinions of places will never change no matter what. Also don't tell me I can go and eat McDonald or HJs as I'll be surviving on Nuggets, mcflurrys for the whole time, subway is also a no-go for me and what the hell are the other places? I have never heard of them and don't say fail when I don't even drink water straight out of the tap here (actually I never drink plain water). So please don't ever correct me when it comes to what I eat or drink as that is up to me. I'm the worlds fussiest eater and a dumb blonde disguised as a natural brunette but I'm happy (not with this site but overall everything else).

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Whoa Whoa Whoa..... slow down there - you made a statement, and they raised a valid argument to that statement. Theres no need to go all ghetto. You're entitled to your opinion, and they're entitled to theirs - you can't shut them up anymore than we can shut you.... respect is encouraged on this site - and everyone's opinion is valid for what it is - their own opinion. And to add my two cents - you will find that singapore has better standards than we do across the board because they are so strict on those found to breach them.

Edited by AlexB
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Um hello that's my opinion I never asked for yours.
Definitions of forum on the Web: * a public meeting or assembly for open discussion
Woop di do I don't care if its developed or it has the same laws or its the same whatever as here. Not everyone will like all the same destinations, so what if I'm/others are against Africa, Asia, some parts of Europe and the middle east.
There wasn't really a personal attack against you there, so what if others aren't against other countries? Everyone is just sharing their experience. I too would be hesitant about the food, but if it was from a 'fast food' shop that sold local food (eg maccas kind of sells "local" American food if you get what I mean)
I don't care what you think, I will never go somewhere I don't won't unless I get to go for free or have to transfer at the airport. Don't try to correct me as I don't care what you find (where you can drink water, food anything).
What's wrong with correcting a persons assumption with actual fact? What if other people read this and took your assumption of not being able to drink the water when in fact it's probably better for you than the water available here* (*not actual fact, just highlighting their sanitation efforts)
My opinions of places will never change no matter what. Also don't tell me I can go and eat McDonald or HJs as I'll be surviving on Nuggets, mcflurrys for the whole time, subway is also a no-go for me and what the hell are the other places? I have never heard of them
It was a perfectly acceptable suggestion. 99% of the time there is the same fast food stores that we have here as they are all multi-national companies and are a safe and easy alternative for people who don't want to try the local food/drink.
and don't say fail when I don't even drink water straight out of the tap here (actually I never drink plain water). So please don't ever correct me when it comes to what I eat or drink as that is up to me. I'm the worlds fussiest eater and a dumb blonde disguised as a natural brunette but I'm happy (not with this site but overall everything else).
Umm, that doesn't read as though it was directed at you failing for not drinking from the tap. It was more that the assumption you made about the water not being safe was "fail"
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Um hello that's my opinion I never asked for yours.
It's a forum, you don't have to ask for my opinion :P
And what the hell are the other places? I have never heard of them
Carls Jr is a major American fast food chain....I'm a bit of a fan of their beef teriyaki burger actually (But gah, I forgot to go back there when I was in the US, I guess the attraction of In 'n' Out and Panda Express proved too much) MOS Burger is a premium Japanese burger chain. Dairy Queen is American, and they are sort of like Wendys, and do ice cream etc, they are pretty good too. Orange Julius is a juice bar. Anyhow, calm down a bit. I was only trying to help, I just thought you might have had the wrong impression of Singapore, and I was just throwing it out there that you'd be fine.
My opinions of places will never change no matter what
Why? Imagine if I said that I'd refuse to go to France because I was afraid of being eaten by giant robotic dinosaurs....It would be stupid because I'd be worried about a problem that doesn't exist.
so what if I'm/others are against Africa, Asia, some parts of Europe and the middle east. I don't care what you think, I will never go somewhere I don't won't unless I get to go for free or have to transfer at the airport.
By all means, there a places I'm not interested in going because I'd be worried for my own personal saftey, country has nothing I'd like to see etc. In reality, I most likely won't go to Singapore specifically for Universal, but when I head to Europe I'll structure my trip to have a stop over in Singapore for a couple of days (Since many airlines use that as their stopover point anyway)
Woop di do I don't care if its developed or it has the same laws or its the same whatever as here. Not everyone will like all the same destinations
Hang on...so why do you dislike Singapore then?
And to add my two cents - you will find that singapore has better standards than we do across the board because they are so strict on those found to breach them.
I think this picture sums it up :P $1000 fine for smoking! Singapore_MRT_Fines-723441.jpg
It was a perfectly acceptable suggestion. 99% of the time there is the same fast food stores that we have here as they are all multi-national companies and are a safe and easy alternative for people who don't want to try the local food/drink
Indeed, In Dubai I just stuck to McDonalds, KFC, Taco Bell etc....Lol I was even lucky enough to find Big Ms for sale in the Supermarket: 5480_136927881104_607966104_2801076_5326847_n.jpg Edited by Gazza
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because كبيرة حليب بنكهة doesn't stand out as much as a giant M - ask the McDonalds people... Gazza you always surprise me at how many random, odd, out of the way and just plain weird photos you take when you're out and about - what posessed you to take a photo of chips and chocolate milk in a Dubai supermarket? And this is now the fourth edit in 3 minutes - but reanimated - only the pringles were translated - both the milk and what looks like a "chomp" but is actually a "tex" are both in english packaging with arabic avery labels on them.

Edited by AlexB
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Gazza you always surprise me at how many random, odd, out of the way and just plain weird photos you take when you're out and about - what posessed you to take a photo of chips and chocolate milk in a Dubai supermarket?
I find day to day stuff in other places kind of interesting....Hey, wanna see my time-lapse POV of the LA Subway :P
Anyhow, you've thrown down the gauntlet, I should go through my photos and find the other wierd stuff I've taken pictures of.
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