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Dim view of Luna Park antics 30jan04 A $29 million high-rise office tower crucial to the redevelopment of Luna Park looks likely to reignite the long-running feud between local residents and the park's operators. The final stage of Luna Park's rejuvenation plans - a five-cinema arthouse complex and 14-storey commercial building - were unveiled by Metro Edgley yesterday.   Luna Park Sydney's managing director Peter Hearn said the office tower proposed for the top of the cliff behind the park was the last site the company would develop.   "Luna Park, this time, will be commercially viable for the long term and this and the (existing) strata office block were a means to assist in achieving that," he said.   But the tall, slender building has raised the ire of neighbours living in luxury apartments overlooking the site.   Pinnacle Apartments owners' corporation chairman Gus Kuiters said the proposal would "obliterate" the views of many residents.   "This will be an absolute shock to everyone here. I'm sure that people will lobby hard against it," he said.   Lavender Bay precinct committee chairman Andy Buttfield said it was understood any development on the site would be low rise.   "The residential buildings behind aren't going to be excited, they will be very upset," he said.   Architect Harry Seidler, who lives next door to the park and led the charge against the Big Dipper, would not comment last night.   Mr Hearn said the Denton Corker Marshall-designed building had been the product of a design competition.   "We felt that we wanted to put something that is really an architectural statement," he said.   "Something that is high quality."   Mr Hearn said the development would maximise public space and preserve the landmark Moreton Bay fig trees.   "We have gone to the trouble to make the building very thin, we have slightly rotated the axis on the ground to give the greatest view-sharing," he said.   "I'm sure some of the residents will have issues with their views but I would like to think that they will look at what we've done and see it as a genuine attempt to accommodate their concerns and their outlook."   The waterfront amusement park will reopen in April featuring rides from the past including the Wild Mouse, Rotor, Tango and ferris wheel along with Coney Island, Crystal Palace function centre and a 2000-seat Big Top venue.   A proposed five-screen arthouse cinema complex would be built above the Tango ride and food outlets.
Picture and more here "The Bus is now leaving for Looney Hill, NSW"
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Its not gonna put any rides in jeopardy if it doesnt get built so its no real issue for us visitors.It will still be popular without it. i can kinda see where the aparment owners are coming from, I mean they've paid $10 000 000 or whatever for a shoebox, they'd want good value, maybe if it(the office compelx)waw redsigned it would be ok.

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Yeah, I'm actually with the residents on this one. As Gazza said, you'd want to get value for your money. Having an eyesore infront of your multi-million apartment would decrease the value of the property dramatically. I'm actually against the construction of the new tower - unless the building is made smaller. Liam

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Yes I don't think that this office is exactly an attractive thing to be putting behind the park. Look at the photo, its bloody ugly! I can see the residents have a point here, you can't just go wacking up a building in front of someones apartment. However I don't really give a toss about the residents, they have never been reasonable before so why should anyone be reasonable with them now!

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i think it's a good idea, if it employees many people and they want to go on a lunch break the closest cafe' would be luna park, so its good in a way, it looks attractive and if anyone say channel 9 news for the full report, it showed the history of the park showing the big dipper when it was going to dreamworld and then they showwed like 30 years back when the wooden big dipper was there, it looked all interesting. does anyone have historical luna park photos witgh the wooden big dipper in it.

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From a legal standpoint, regardless of what these snobs paid for their pokey little apartments, they are not "entitled" to a view of the harbour or the water or whatever. They can appeal the design, but if there's no written legal reason (height limit, building design code etc.), then I see little reason for the building not to go ahead. You can't buy real estate with water views way back up on the cliffs, and expect that same harbour view to remain for all eternity. As for the design, I admit, originally I thought it was hideous, but I think since then it's grown on me. It's fresh and bright, but not too bold. I'd love to see some closer designs of it or a model, rather than a low resolution impact study like we've got in that article. It'd definitely look a lot better in real life than that with all the glass and whatnot in the design. For anyone that used to play, does it look a bit reminiscent of some of the buildings in Transport Tycoon?

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I think luna park (sydney) should just be closed for good, Over the last years it has gone no good, plus ppl complaining all the time, and allways will (dickheads) Its just costing money and going no where with it. Just my thoughts I'd give anything to live right next to a theme parks with coasters!!!!!

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The way you’re talking, it's like your one of the stupid residence. How could you say that about any amusement park let alone one in N.S.W Yes I admit it’s a little crappy and has no more thrill in it but it still has fun. You shouldn’t say that the park because you don't know what it is like when it reopens.

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The way you’re talking, it's like your one of the stupid residence. How could you say that about any amusement park let alone one in N.S.W Yes I admit it’s a little crappy and has no more thrill in it but it still has fun. You shouldn’t say that the park because you don't know what it is like when it reopens.
I sound like one of the stupid residence???
plus ppl complaining all the time, and allways will (dickheads)
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OK lets not start another fued here. Reading the posts are like watching Passions (not like I watch it or anything! :eek: ). Back to Luna Park. I had a look at the Huss site. And I would say there are a few rides that could be placed in the park that wouldnt upset (well shouldnt) upset any residents whilst drinking their moey shampagne. Screammachine

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I think the only rides that would keep the people coming back for thrills would either be Spider, UFO or the Ranger. Apart from that there is nothing else. I found the UFO quite the interesting ride when I was there last time. They could put in a Huss Giant Ride to be a centre of attraction ride at LP. But we cant do much but wait and see what the park is gonna be like. Screammachine

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I'm actualy glad the park isn't going to have much of a ride emphasis... Although I did like the Big Dipper I don't think it was a major highlight. I enjoy Luna Park because it's something different. Things like Coney Island and the Rotor is what does it for me. I'd perhaps like to see something like the River Caves (but not a thrill ride version) added but that is about it. I think under this new design the park with have some great atmosphere that just further enhances its great position and historical value! If it was up to me all those carnival rides (like ranger, UFO, etc) would be on their way also!

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When BD was operating and the residents were complaning about the noise, I wonder why they didnt just put sound tubes around it , like on california screamin'. It could have given the ride a cool experience. Also, what was river caves? Im guessing an indoor boat ride but i may be wrong.
The garbage about the Big Dipper making noise really makes me angry. It's just a buch of real estate people wanting to have that area for themselves with no amusement park at all. I'm old enough to remember the old Wooden Big Dipper and trust me that made way more noise than the steel one, screams included. For about 35 years real estate people have been trying to gets their grubby hands on the land at Luna Park and I can tell you without revealing too much that that fire back in 79 was deliberatley lit by someone paid to do it. The recent residents are just continuing a tradition of wanting to change the Park away from being an amusement park to suit themselves. This latest incarnation of Luna park sounds very weak to me, sort of like a compromise between real estate interests and those who want it as an amusement park. Sydney HAD one of the most unique and classical amusement parks in the world and we let it go. But hey, that's Sydney for you, the town that rids itself of everything of value and replaces it with something cheaper that benefits that hip pockets of the few. For me? well I am thankful that I got to experience Luna Park when it was still great. The other incarnations since have not really gone close to how it was. It's Sydney's loss.
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For about 35 years real estate people have been trying to gets their grubby hands on the land at Luna Park and I can tell you without revealing too much that that fire back in 79 was deliberatley lit by someone paid to do it.
Was this already known? I'd suggest you give all the information you have about the deliberate fire to the police - or would it be too old of a story to investigate even further? Welcome to Total Thrills :) Liam
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Was this already known? I'd suggest you give all the information you have about the deliberate fire to the police - or would it be too old of a story to investigate even further? Welcome to Total Thrills :) Liam
Thanks for your welcome. No there's no point in taking anything to any authority cause the info I got was from someone I knew like 18 years ago. The best I could give you is that this person was a part of a ceratin sub culture that could be used to perform dirty deeds from time to time. You have to prove this stuff and there's no eveidence just words. I suppose we should be thankful that at least we get to have some of Luna Park for the people of Sydney. If real estate interests had had their way there would have been a block of units on the site probably before most of you were born.
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Very interesting spin on the fire - and I don't doubt it for one second. I'd be surprised if the land Luna Park is on is worth anything less than $200 million (I'd go for more even) - Melbourne's near water-front St. Kilda location I believe is worth upwards of $150m. That's some seriously sweet land, worth every penny if you could get your hands on it.

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