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Sydney Royal Easter Show!

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well less than a month away the biggest event is coming to the olympic site at homebush bay and what an event it is. You can check out the new site but the good news is that there are unlimited ride passes called the tens Xsscream Tuesday to the easter show for $30 a person from 5pm-10pm. its pretty fair i went last year and i got sick of going on rides after that. there is 2 new rides this year one of them is the cliff hanger and the other is called the mega drop. can someone please tell me what the mega drop is. and the cliffhanger for that matter.

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Shift, You should be working for the RAS in the marketing department old son. You've bought me with that spiel. You're a superstar Shifty. A marketing genius! Don't quote me on it but, could Mega Drop be some form of freefall ride per chance? Just a poke in the dark from moi. Cliffhanger, might be like the Price is Right game. Get the price wrong and you're over the cliff. Many would love you on that ride old mate ;) Thanks for filling us in Shift Dog. I'll head out there at some stage after that.

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Shift,   Cliffhanger, might be like the Price is Right geme.  Get the price wrong and you're over the cliff.   .
LOL, good one Daniel, Yeah, I bet the mega drop will be a Huss Shot 'n' Drop, which would be pretty cool, If it is one hopefully it will make its way down south for the Melbourne Show. On the other hand, you may be unlucky and find it is just a shock dropper ride, which is like an S&S frog hopper.
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This is posted in the wrong forum, so I'll move it to somewhere more appropriate. If you're suggesting I go down and take photos or whatever for Total Thrills (or even Roller-Coaster.com.au) by posting it in this forum, then I'd say think again. I wouldn't step foot inside Brisbane's Royal Show (Ekka) again unless I'm not paying, and that's 25 minutes from me. I'm definitely not going to get in another plane and go down there just to visit the same basic thing. Truth is, they're a ripoff, overcrowded and just plain suck. Best of luck to anyone going though. Take some nice photos and send them to me and they'll have a new home on Roller-Coaster.com.au (sneaking in as many plugs as I can).

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Well I am all set and ready to go for my Sydney Royal Eastershow 2004!!! I have my ticket in my backpocket and my Showbag list in hand!!!! Thats right with less than a month away the Showgrounds will be packed with thousands of people per day, ramblin on gettin showbags and goin on rides (or looking at the animals, Yeah Right?). Lucky for me my mum works for a big corporate company and she got me my ticket for half price!! Good on Ya Mum! So far these are the ones that are a must have on my list.... 2day FM Showbag World of Wonka Showbag The Mega Showbag The Greatest Showbag On Earth But there are many, many more too choose from. OH yeah and I'm gettin the $30 Exxstream thingy.. Screammachine

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Nightshifter, the Mega Drop is a 35 meter drop ride with two seats per side and one on each corner. The Cliff Hanger is this really cool lie down ride were you lie in a flying position and get swung around really fast, it's like the flying chairs but, you fly around laying face down, and it has about 8 cars that have room for three. Check out google.com (Images) and type in: Ride - Mega Drop or Ride - Cliff Hanger or something like that. Happy Easter to each and everyone of you!

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Well Dan.. One of my mny friends to be exact... lol Volunteers just stand around and help out people who are lost, work with the showbags, animal shows etc... They tried to get us all in my Tafe class to volunteer. No way from me.... I'd rather prefer to have fun. I do enough work as it is.... Screammachine PS*: Lova ya humour Dan, keep it up mate!

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I can't wait for this years show. Hopefully I will be up there for a few days to check out the 2 new rides, and O'Neills Rainbow. Tpa bought the Cliffhanger, and it operated at a show last week here in Melbourne, didn't get to see it though. I honestly doubt that the Mega Drop will be a Huss Shot 'N' Drop. There is no way one of them would come here, plus I think its too big to be transportable anyway. It may possibly be that Fabbri model. Oh well only like 3 weeks to go, till we all find out. Hope to be in Syd for the best show in OZ. Chris

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Everyone! I just got back from the Eastershow. Wow what a hectic day this was. I'm tired and have a sunburned face :mad: ! Lol... I thought I might put it in point form but I might aswell post a trip report so here it goes.. Well got up at eight and was waiting for the bus by nine with my three mates. Took took about 40mins to get out there. When we got there around the 10-ish the grouds werent actually to bad. We walked around looking at all the animal exhibitions and what else the show had to offer. Oh yeah before I forget, the pig racing was soooooo cool. For those of you guys goin, you have to go and watch it. By the time we finished all of our animal and woodchopping shows it was lunch time. I got this really good beef burger for about $5.00.. It was really good. But to make things funny it was right next to the cow exhibition thingy. Just thought I'd throw that in. Well after that we went to the showbags. I was prepared to get my ancles scraped off by ladies with prams, but its wasnt like that at all. The crowds in the showbag halls wernt to bad at all. We got what we needed and hired a locker to stash all our goodies in.(the lockers do come in handy) We just walked and walked and walked till about 5:50 when we got in que to get our Xscream wristbands. The first ride we went on was the Haunted Manion Ride. I totally do not like Haunted Houses!!!!! They sorta freak me out a bit. I think its cause of the darkness and people grabing you in the face. After that I went on my first Spinning Wildmouse. It definately made it on the top five of Fav. coasters. Unlike its old uncle the wooden wildmouse. I think this one creates more of a "off the edge feeling, goin around corners". After that we went on the dodgems. Same as everywhere nothing exciting about that.

Yeah tonight was my first Rainbow Experience!! Its a pretty good ride. Great airtime and side to side falling on your friends lap motion :P . Just one bad thing about it.... Its way to short Afterwards we ventured on to the Megadrop. About the same as Space Prode. Nothing to geet excited about. The countdown down the bottom keeps you in suspence though. Its sorta the same as Space Probe''s except it starts over randomly but drops at Zero. Next was, The Claw. As allways this ride is my Fav. flat ride. Great speed and force as always ;) . Just hoping someone could help me.Who is the manufacturer of the Claw?? :confused: After that we went on this ride called Megamix. For those who dont know its a flat disk open top ride that spins round and round. After a while the whole thing flips and you spin upside down. The restraints are terrible and the disk doesnt go fast enough to keep you stuck in your seat. The bruises on my shoulder will clarify that. We then went on cliffhanger. This ride so soooo Lame (with a capital L) its slow and very boring. Its only good if you have a fat couple in the car infront of you, so you can laugh at their fat arse cheeks! :D:D Next up was the Taipan Roller Coaster. Its a fairly good coaster. Has some good speed and helixes in it. Next up was the WORST Ride I'v ever been on (and thats WORST in capitals!!). The ride was called The Ranger. You all should know the twin pirateship i'm talkin about. Coming downwards after being upside down is SOOOOOOOOOOOO PAINFull!!!! I'v never felt anything like that in my life! It was so bad! :eek: Why does that ride pull so many G's?? Well after that we just went on the same and walked around mostly. Yay its my first trip report!!! I'm off to bed i'm sooo tired Screammachine
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Sounds cool. I wish the spinning wild mouse came to Melbourne last year though. Im also hoping Megadrop heads down our way too. Was the cliffhanger the same ride as the one that was posted earlier? Was the tiapan coaster the one with the really long helix and the the first and second drops that go over each other?

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Gazze Wrote:

Was the tiapan coaster the one with the really long helix and the the first and second drops that go over each other?
Was the cliffhanger the same ride as the one that was posted earlier?
To answer your questions its a Yes answer to both. The helixus on the Taipan Coaster is really good. Its got some nice pull on it. And the cars are nicely themed. And VERY comfortable.! ;) Schwarz Wrote:
Nightshifter did'nt you see the bar at your feet that keeps you on your seat and whats bad about the g-force I think it's fun.
I think you might be refering to me not Shifty. Not sure which Ride your talking about with the bar??? :confused: . The Ranger is a good ride, I just think that the transition period goin from upside down to the bottom angle goes way to fast! You can really feel the preasure on your chest!.. OH well I think my late night thrill seeking last night is the reason I woke up with the Flu this morning!! :mad: Grrrr!!! I Hate being sick! OH well I miss out on two assesments tomorow! Which is fine by me! Then its holidays! Wooot Screammachine
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Arent you guys on holidays yet? we have been on since last week. I was wondering why things were so empty during the day despite it being holidays. The Tiapan was not at the Melbourne show last year either, despite it being there in the past, all we got last year was a bit of a dodgy Mad Mouse. BTW why did they take Splash Canyon off the show circut, that was a really fun ride and really wet. The Ranger was a bit uncomfortable when I rode it at the last Shepp Show, I prefer the Hangover, quite comfortable and you cant beat those floorless seats.

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